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Gather Queue

  • Acces to the gather queue is from the Main Menu and provides information about titles that are in the process of being gathered, titles that are waiting to be gathered (both single and scheduled gathers) and titles that have finished being gathered. It also provides functionality to pause, stop or delete gatherings.

  • The gather queue window when viewed will generally only contain the Completed list of titles gathered. The other two sections In Progess and Waiting will only appear in the window if there are gathers being currently run or due to a large number of gathers running a waiting queue is formed.
  • To the right side of the In Process gathers and below the Completed list are symbols, these indicate your options. Options available from In Process are :

    Remove gather - To delete a gather
    Pause gather - To pause so that a check may be made on a gather and a decision as to whether to delete or continue gathering can be made
    Stop gather - For gathers that you want to keep, but to cease gathering
    Resume paused gather - To resume a paused gather

    Options available from the Completed list are:

    Process gather - Takes you directly into Process Title without having to go through My Process List or a Title search
    Browse gather - Directs you to a link to view gathered files

  • Note that you will only see symbols and have options on the titles that you have ownership of. Therefore it is important that you take ownership of a particular title before settting it to gather.

  • To the far right an option is given to Refresh Queue. Clicking on this will ensure that the information being viewed is up-to-date.
  • The Completed list displays all the completed gathers, including the title and the date on which the gather ran. Titles remain in the list until a staff member finishes processsing the gathered instance or logs an error report with IT for assistance. As soon as one of these events occurs, the title will be removed from the completed gather list.
  • Exit the gather queue from the Close button. You will be returned to the main menu.


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Last updated 11 July 2002

[National Library of Australia]