Political Parties - National
- 21st Century Australia
- ALP Abroad (Australian Labor Party)
- AlboMP [Twitter page]
- Animal Justice Party
- Are you in? Support campaign 2013 (Australian Labor Party)
- Australian Christians
- Australian Cyclists Party
- Australian Democrats
- Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
- Australian Greens
- Australian Independents
- Australian Labor (YouTube)
- Australian Labor (australianlabor) [Twitter page]
- Australian Labor Party
- Australian Motoring Enthusiasts Party
- Australian Protectionists Party
- Australian Sex Party
- Australian Smokers' Rights Party
- Australian Sovereignty Party
- Australian Voice Party
- Australian Young Labor
- Bowenchris [Twitter page]
- Building Australia Party
- Bullet Train for Australia
- Carers Alliance
- Christian Democratic Party
- Christine Milne [twitter page]
- Citizens Electoral Council of Australia
- Country Alliance
- Democratic Labor Party (also DLP, Democratic Labour Party)
- Drug Law Reform Australia
- Election 2013 (Family First Party)
- Family First Party
- Federal Election 2013 : offical blog of the Democratic Labor Party (DLP)
- Future Party
- HEMP Party
- Headless chooks
- I want my NBN - help make it happen
- If Abbott wins you lose
- It's Time. Marriage Equality
- Joe Hockey [twitter page]
- Julie Bishop [Twitter page]
- Katter's Australian Party
- Kevin Rudd PM
- Labor : five long years
- Liberal Democrats
- Liberal Party (LiberalAus) [Twitter]
- Liberal Party of Australia
- Natural Medicine Party
- Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting)
- Not in my name, not with my vote
- One Nation : the voice of the people (Pauline Hanson's One Nation)
- Outdoor Recreation Party
- Pirate Party Australia
- Realitycheckaus [Twitter page]
- Republican Party of Australia
- Restore Australia
- Rise Up Australia Party
- Ruddy-made excuses
- Secular Party of Australia
- Selling Abbott's internet to the world
- Senator Online
- Shooters and Fishers Party
- Single Parents Party
- Socialist Alliance
- Socialist Equality Party
- Socialist Equality Party @SEP_Australia [Twitter page]
- Stable Population Party of Australia
- The Australian Greens You Tube central
- The Australian Party (ausparty) [on Twitter]
- The National Party of Australia (The Nationals for Regional Australia)
- The Nationals Channel (You Tube)
- The little big book of Labor waste
- The no carbon tax climate sceptics party : the world's first up-front political party representing climate sceptics
- TonyAbbottMHR [twitter page]
- Voluntary Euthanasia Party
- Welcome to Liberal.TV (You Tube)
- What will you lose if he wins?
- Wikileaks Party
- Will my kids have a better school?
- the 23 million
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