Feature Documentaries
- Ablaze - The Film | Imagine Australia today with no Indigenous cultures, languages and communities...
- Anonymous Club Film
- Aquarius
- Audrey Napanangka | Documentary
- BLUE the film
- Bastardy
- Bathing Franky
- Beautiful Souls
- Behrouz boochani | Behrouzthefilm | Australia
- Being In Heaven Movie
- Bower Bird Films
- Breaking The Cycle
- Bromley&Co | Light after Dark: A feature documenary
- Call Me Dad | Official Website | Can a violent man change?
- Carbon - The Unauthorised Biography | Australia and Canada
- Chase That Feeling
- Coral: Rekindling Venus
- Cry of the Forests – A documentary film about the plight of Western Australia's forests
- Dangerous Games Documentary | Managing head impacts and preventing CTE in community sports
- Disaster Capitalism
- Disconnect Me
- Documentary | The Southpaw Project
- Dominion
- Equal the Contest – When the rules exclude you, rewrite them
- Everybodysoma
- FRANKLIN - feature documentary
- Film | Love In Bright Landscapes
- Five Year Grandma
- For My People
- Frackman
- Genocide in the Wildflower State
- Happy sad man
- How to Thrive Film
- In Bob We Trust
- In my blood it runs
- In the Company of Actors
- Incarceration Nation. – It’s time for change.
- Ithaka - a father. a family. a fight for justice.
- JEZ the Movie
- Journey Beyond Fear
- Joy
- Ka-Ching! Pokie Nation
- Kangaroo: A Love-Hate Story
- Kings of Baxter
- Knowing the Score
- Left Write Hook
- Let's Get Skase
- Life After Coal – Exploring what life after coal could look like for Australia
- Make Hummus Not War
- Make It A Big Deal - Make It A Big Deal | Documentary film
- Man Up
- Matching Jack : A new film from Nadia Tass and David Parker.
- Metal Down Under
- Mountain
- Mrs Carey's Concert
- Murundak: songs of freedom
- Namatjira Project
- Native Title Rockets
- O-LYM-PIC | Football Dreams
- On The Fence
- Out of the Mud
- Paul Kelly : Stories of Me
- Persecution Blues
- Planet Fungi: Follow the Rain - Documentary by Stephen Axford & Catherine Marciniak
- Pure Dance Film
- Rachel's Farm • Regenerators
- Rampage
- Remember Belsen
- Sacred Ground
- Sherpa
- Something in the Water
- Splice Here: A Projected Odyssey
- Strange Birds in Paradise
- Strong Female Lead
- Surf the Wild Woman
- Surgery Ship
- Swindle: The Art of the Steal
- THE DEPARTMENT | Documentary
- That Sugar Film
- The Australian Dream
- The Bikes of Wrath
- The Boot Cake
- The Burning Season
- The Carnival Film
- The Endangered Generation Documentary
- The Eye Of The Storm The Movie
- The Face of Birth - a documentary
- The Final Quarter
- The Giants | Bob Brown Film
- The Healing
- The Lake of Scars documentary
- The Last Daughter
- The Magnitude of All Things
- The Miscreants of Taliwood
- The Museum Of Nasty Women
- The Oasis
- The Opposition | Official Website |
- The Pararoos
- The Run Film
- The Search For The Palace Letters
- The Staging Post
- This Story Australia - The Personal Stories of our War Veterans
- Trailblazers
- Trailer – Backtrack Boys
- UNDER COVER - Feature Documentary
- Undermined - Tales from the Kimberley
- Wade in the Water
- Wash My Soul Film – A love story. A legendary concert. A personal tale of trauma and transcendence.
- Watandar, My Countryman
- Waterstreet | Feature Documentary
- Westwind: Djalu's Legacy
- When the Camera Stopped Rolling
- Whiteley
- Who I Am
- Wild Things Documentary | Environmental Documentary Film
- Women He's Undressed
- blackcockatoocrisis.com.au – Documentary Film
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