Candidates - Victoria
- Tim Read (Twitter page)
- Adam Bandt MP : for Melbourne
- AdamBandt [twitter page]
- Alan Griffin MP
- Alan Lappin : independent candidate for Indi 2016
- Alan Lappin @bigal2canberra (Twitter page)
- Alan Tudge (Twitter page)
- Alan Tudge MP : federal member for Aston : real action for Knox
- Alex Bhathal
- Alex Bhathal (Twitter page)
- Alex Breskin @AlexBreskin [Twitter page]
- Andrew Bock @ABock4Murray [Twitter page]
- Andrew Giles : federal member for Scullin
- Andrew Giles @andrewjgiles [Twitter page]
- Anna Crabb @Crabb_Anna [Twitter page]
- Anthony Byrne @AnthonyByrne_MP [Twitter page]
- Anthony Byrne MP : Member for Holt
- Bayside Glen Eira Greens
- Ben Willis @BenjaminMWillis [Twitter page]
- Bill Shorten : Labor for Maribyrnong
- Brendan O'Connor
- Brendan O'Connor MP @BOConnorMP [Twitter page]
- Brian Heath
- Bruce Billson for Dunkley
- Carl Katter
- Carl Katter @CarlKatter [Twitter page]
- Cath Bowtell (Twitter pages)
- Catheine Cumming
- Catherine King : Federal Member for Ballarat
- Catherine King MP @CatherineKingMP (Twitter page)
- Cathy McGowan (Twitter page)
- Cathy McGowan MP for Indi
- Cathy McGowan for Indi
- Chris Buckingham : McMillan
- Chris Buckingham @Labor4McMillan [Twitter page]
- Chris Crewther @chriscrewther [Twitter page]
- Chris Jermyn : Liberal for McEwen
- Clare O'Neil @ClareONeilMP [Twitter page]
- Clare O'Neil MP : Federal Member for Hotham
- Damian Drum : the Nationals candidate for Murray
- Dan Tehan : Liberal for Wannon
- Dan Tehan @DanTehanWannon [Twitter page]
- Dan Tehan MP
- Darren Chester MP : Federal member for Gippsland
- Darren Chester MP @DarrenChesterMP [Twitter page]
- David Feeney MP : federal member for Batman
- David Mulholland : Liberal for Jagajaga
- David Mulholland @Dmulholland_ (Twitter page)
- Donna Lancaster @LancasterDonna5 [Twitter page]
- Donna Petrovich : Liberal for McEwen
- Dr. Joseph Toscano @toscano4dunkley [Twitter page]
- Dr. Michael McCluskey : independent candidate for Wannon
- Eleonora Gullone @EleonoraGullone [Twitter page]
- Eric Kerr @eric_kerr2 (Twitter page)
- Eric Kerr for Indi
- Fern Summer for Murray
- Garry Spencer : Liberal for Isaacs
- George Hua
- George Hua (2020 for Kingston Election)
- Graeme Weber conservative independent for Higgins 2013
- Greg Bickley : your local Liberal candidate
- Greg Hunt @GregHunt [Twitter page]
- Greg Hunt MP: federal member for Flinders
- Helen Kroger : Liberal for Bruce
- Hovig Melkonian
- It is wrong
- Jason Ball @greensjason (Twitter page)
- Jason Ball for Higgins
- Jason Wood MP : Federal Member for La Trobe
- Jenny O'Connor (Twitter page)
- Jim Reiher
- Joanne Ryan (Twitter page)
- Joanne Ryan MP : federal member for Lalor
- Joel Murray @joelamurray (Twitter page)
- Jonathon Marsden @jonathonmarsden [Twitter page]
- Josh Fergeus (Twitter page)
- Josh Frydenberg : Liberal for Kooyong
- Josh Frydenberg @JoshFrydenberg [Twitter page]
- Joshua Briers @Briers_Greens [Twitter page]
- Joshua Sinclair (Twitter page)
- Julia Banks @juliahbanks (Twitter page)
- Julia Banks: Liberal for Chisholm
- Julia Banks: independent for Flinders
- Julian Fidge @JulianFidge (Twitter page)
- Julian Fidge for Indi : Australian Country Party
- Julian Hill MP
- Julian Hill MP @JulianHillMP (Twitter page)
- Kelly O'Dwyer
- Kelly O'Dwyer @kellyodwyer [Twitter page]
- Kevin Andrews MP
- Kevin Ekendahl (Twitter page)
- Lewis Freeman-Harrison : Australian Sex Party candidate for Melbourne
- Libby Coker : Corangamite
- Lisa Chesters MP : federal member for Bendigo
- Lisa Chesters MP @LMChesters [Twitter page]
- Lydia Senior for Mallee
- Marg D'Arcy : Labor for Kooyong
- Marg D'Arcy @darcy4kooyong (Twitter page)
- Maria Vamvakinou : Federal Member for Calwell
- Mark Dreyfus : Labor Candidate for Isaacs
- Mark Dreyfus @markdreyfulQCMP (Twitter page)
- Marty 4 Indi : the Nationals for regional Australia
- Marty Corboy @martycorboynats (Twitter page)
- Matthew Coote @MatthewCoote [Twitter page]
- Megan Purcell : Liberal for Bendigo
- Michael Barling @Wannon_ALP [Twitter page]
- Michael Danby @MichaelDanbyMP (Twitter page)
- Michael Danby MHR
- Michael Sukkar : Liberal for Deakin
- Michael Sukkar MP @MichaelSukkarMP [Twitter page]
- Mike Symon : federal member for Deakin
- Nicholas Wallis (Twitter Page)
- Nigel Hicks Independent Candidate for Murray
- Owen Guest : Liberal for Melbourne Ports
- Peta Murphy
- Peter Gardner : global warming dwarfs all other political issues
- Peter Gardner @peterdgardner [Twitter page]
- Peter Holland for the Palais
- Peter Khalil : Federal Labor Member for Wills
- Peter Khalil MP @PeterKhalilMP [Twitter page]
- Peter Read : Liberal for Corio
- Rebecca O'Brien @rebeccaobrien__ [Twitter page]
- Richard Cranston (Twitter page)
- Richard Marles @RichardMarlesMP [Twitter page]
- Richard Marles: Federal Labor candidate for Corio
- Rob Mitchell @RobMitchellMP [Twitter page]
- Rob Mitchell Federal Member for McEwen
- Robert Danieli @robertdanieli [Twitter page]
- Rod Swift @RodSwiftGreens [Twitter page]
- Rod Swift @rod4gorton [Twitter page]
- Russell Broadbent @BroadbentMP [Twitter page]
- Russell Broadbent MP : federal member for McMillan
- Sally Baillieu @salleebee [Twitter page]
- Samantha Ratnam (Twitter page)
- Samantha Ratnam for Wills : leader of the Victorian Greens
- Sarah Henderson : Liberal senator for Victoria
- Sarah Henderson @SHendersonMP [Twitter page]
- Sarah Wade : Liberal for Ballarat
- Simon Curtis : Labor for La Trobe
- Simon Curtis @simonforlatrobe (Twitter page)
- Sophie Ismail
- Sophie Mirabella (Twitter Page)
- Sophie Mirabella MP
- Stefanie Perri : Chisholm
- Steph Hodgins-May (Twitter page)
- Steph Hodgins-May for Melbourne Ports
- Stephen Mayne @MayneReport [Twitter page]
- Steve Raymond @ste_ray (Twitter page)
- Thomas Campbell @Thomas0Campbell (Twitter page)
- Tim Watts : Federal Member for Gellibrand
- Tim Watts @TimWattsMP (Twitter page)
- Tim Wilson : Liberal MP for Goldstein
- Tim Wilson @timwilsoncomau [Twitter Page]
- Tom Cummings @cyenne40 (Twitter page)
- Tony Clark @clark05tony (Twitter page)
- Tony Clark: Deakin
- Tony Smith MP : federal member for Casey
- Vanessa Browne AJP @NessBrowneAJP [Twitter page]
- Vote 1 Daniel Huppert independent candidate for Aston 2016
- Vote Dr Angelina Zubac : Kooyong
- Vote for Deb Leonard : independent Monash electorate
- billshortenmp Twitter page
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