2019 Australian federal election campaign - political party websites
This collection includes political party campaign web sites.
Other archived collections related to the 2019 federal election can be found at the following links:
House of Representatives election candidate web sites
Senate election candidate web sites
Media, comment, social media and video web sites
Electoral study and research web sites
Interest and lobby group web sites
Tasmania maintains its own web archive which can be viewed at LINC
Political Parties - Australian Capital Territory
Political Parties - National
- Affordable Housing Party
- Animal Justice Party
- Animal Justice Party [Twitter Page]
- Arts Party
- Australian Christians
- Australian Conservatives
- Australian Conservatives @AuConservatives [Twitter page]
- Australian Country Party
- Australian Country Party [Twitter page]
- Australian Democrats
- Australian Democrats [Twitter page]
- Australian Greens
- Australian Labor (australianlabor) [Twitter page]
- Australian Labor Party
- Australian Labor Party [Facebook]
- Australian Liberty Alliance
- Australian People's Party
- Australian People's Party [Twitter page]
- Australian Progressives
- Australian Progressives [Twitter]
- Australian Workers Party
- Australian Workers Party [Twitter page]
- Better Families
- Better Families [Twitter page]
- Bill Shorten and Labor (Wechat)
- Centre Alliance
- Centre Alliance [Twitter page]
- Child Protection Party
- Christian Democratic Party
- Citizens Electoral Council of Australia
- Citizens Electoral Council of Australia [Twitter page]
- Clive Palmer (CliveFPalmer) [Twitter]
- Democratic Labor Party (also DLP, Democratic Labour Party)
- Democratic Labor Party [Twitter page]
- Democratic Reform Alliance
- Democratic Reform Alliance [Twitter page]
- Derryn Hinch's Justice Party
- Derryn Hinch's Justice Party [Twitter page]
- Flux
- Flux [Twitter page]
- Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party
- HEMP Party
- HEMP Party [Twitter page]
- Health Australia Party
- Independents for Climate Action Now (ICAN)
- Independents for Climate Action Now [Twitter page]
- Informed Medical Options Party
- Jim Chalmers MP (@JEChalmers) [on Twitter]
- Kristina Keneally @KKeneally [Twitter page]
- Labor's Tax Bill
- Labor's fair go budget plan
- Liberal Democrats
- Liberal Democrats [Twitter]
- Liberal Party (LiberalAus) [Twitter]
- Liberal Party of Australia
- Love Australia or Leave
- Make the Minimum Wage a Living Wage
- Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting)
- One Nation : the voice of the people (Pauline Hanson's One Nation)
- One Nation : the voice of the people (Pauline Hanson's One Nation) [Twitter page]
- Online Direct Democracy
- Pirate Party Australia
- Pirate Party Australia @pirateparty [Twitter page]
- REASON [Twitter page]
- Republican Party of Australia
- Rise Up Australia Party
- Science Party Australia
- Science Party Australia [Twitter page]
- Scott Morrison (WeChat)
- Secular Party of Australia
- Seniors United Party of Australia
- Seniors United Party of Australia [Twitter page]
- Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party
- Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party [Twitter page]
- Simon Birmingham @Birmo (Twitter)
- Socialist Alliance
- Socialist Alliance @SocialistAllnce [Twitter page]
- Socialist Equality Party
- Socialist Equality Party @SEP_Australia [Twitter page]
- Stop Morrison's Liberal Cuts
- Stop the Retirement Tax
- Sustainable Australia
- Sustainable Australia [Twitter page]
- The Australian Greens [Twitter page]
- The Australian Mental Health Party (AMHP)
- The Citizen's Dividend Party
- The Facts about Scott Morrison
- The Great Australian Party (GAP)
- The Great Australian Party [Twitter page]
- The National Party of Australia (The Nationals for Regional Australia)
- The Together Party
- The Together Party [Twitter page]
- The Women's Party
- United Australia Party
- United Australia Party [Twitter]
- Voluntary Euthanasia Party
Political Parties - New South Wales
- Arts Party @TheArtsParty [Twitter]
- Barrington Tops Greens
- Canada Bay Greens [New South Wales]
- Central Coast Greens [New South Wales]
- Greens New South Wales
- Hornsby [Ku-ring-gai] Greens
- Illawarra Greens
- Liberal Party NSW @LiberalNSW [Twitter Page]
- Lower North Shore Greens
- Maitland Greens [New South Wales]
- NSW Labor @NSWLabor [Twitter Page]
- NSW Liberals
- Nationals for Regional NSW
- Nationals for Regional NSW @NSWNationals (Twitter Page)
- Parramatta Greens
- Randwick-Botany Greens
- Ryde-Epping Greens
- Shoalhaven Greens @ShoalhavenGreen [Twitter page]
Political Parties - Northern Territory
Political Parties - Queensland
Political Parties - South Australia
Political Parties - Tasmania
Political Parties - Victoria
- AJP Victoria @AJP_Victoria [Twitter page]
- Animal Justice Party in Victoria
- Independents for Climate Action Now Victoria @ICAN_Vic [Twitter page]
- Liberal Victoria
- Save the Planet
- Secular Party of Australia (Twitter page)
- Shooters Fishers and Farmers Victoria @SffpVictoria [Twitter page]
- The Australian Greens Victoria
- Victorian Socialists
- Victorian Socialists @vic_socialists (Twitter page)
- Yellow Vest Party @YellowVest [Twitter page]
Political Parties - Western Australia
To cite this page use: https://nla.gov.au/nla.arc-c17349 |