2019 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites
This collection contains Senate candidate web sites.
Other archived collections related to the 2019 federal election can be found at the following links:
House of Representatives election candidate web sites
Media, comment, social media and video web sites
Electoral study and research web sites
Political party web sites
Interest and lobby group web sites
Tasmania maintains its own web archive which can be viewed at LINC
Candidates - Australian Capital Territory
- Anthony Pesec : Independent ACT Senate
- Cowton4Senator
- Dr Penny Kyburz for the Senate (ACT) [Twitter]
- Emma Davidson ACT [Twitter]
- Nancy Waites - ACT Labor for Senate [Facebook]
- Nicholas Houston (Democratic Reform Alliance)
- Nicholas Houston - Democratic Reform Alliance Independent / ACT Senate
- Robert Gunning - ACT Liberal Senate Candidate [Facebook]
- Scott Birkett
- Tim Bohm (Twitter)
- Zed Seselja : Liberal Senator for the ACT
- Zed Seselja [Twitter]
Candidates - New South Wales
- Andrea Leong @Andrea__Leong [Twitter page]
- Andrew Bragg
- Andrew Bragg - Liberal Senate Candidate in NSW [Twitter page]
- Angela Vithoulkas - Senate Candidate for the Small Business Party in NSW
- Annette Schneider - Senate Candidate for Independents for Climate Action Now in NSW [Twitter page]
- Belinda Kinkead - Senate Candidate for The Together Party in NSW [Twitter page]
- Brian Burston - Senator for the United Australia Party in NSW
- Brian Burston - Senator for the United Australia Party in NSW [Twitter page]
- Carolyn J Crossman - Independent Senate Candidate for NSW [Twitter page]
- Carolyn Thomson - Senate Candidate for Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party [Twitter page]
- David J O'Brien - Independent candidate for the Senate in NSW
- David J O'Brien - Independent candidate for the Senate in NSW [ Twitter page]
- Dr Barry Reed - Senate Candidate for One Nation in NSW [Twitter page]
- Duncan Spender - Senate Candidate for the Liberal Democrats in NSW
- Graeme Doyle - Independent Senate Candidate for NSW
- Hollie Hughes - Liberal Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Jason Fairbairn - Senate Candidate in NSW for the Health Australia Party [Twitter page]
- Jim Bower - Senate Candidate for Independent for Climate Action Now in NSW [Twitter page]
- Jim Molan - Liberal Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Jim Tait - Senate Candidate for Independents for Climate Action Now in NSW [Twitter page]
- John August - Pirate Party (Fusion Party) Candidate for Bennelong [Twitter page]
- Kate McDowell- Senate Candidate for The Together Party in NSW [Twitter page]
- Louise Steer - Greens Senate Candidate for NSW [Twitter page]
- Maree Nichols - Senate Candidate in NSW for the Rise Up Australia Party [Twitter page]
- Mark Ptolemy - Senate Candidate for Australian Workers Party in NSW [Twitter page]
- Mark Swivel - Senate Candidate for The Together Party in NSW [Twitter page]
- Mehreen Faruqi - Greens Senate Candidate for NSW
- Mehreen Faruqi - Greens Senate Candidate for NSW [Twitter page]
- Michael Dello-Iacovo - Animal Justice Party Candidate for Heffron [Twitter page]
- Molly Knight - Senate Candidate in NSW for the Health Australia Party [Twitter page]
- Pamela Johnstone - Independent Candidate for NSW in the Australian Senate
- Perin Davey - Nationals Senate Candidate for NSW
- Philippa Clark - Greens Senate Candidate for NSW [Twitter page]
- Roz Chia - Greens Senate Candidate for NSW [Twitter page]
- Sandra Lazarus - Independent Candidate for the Senate in NSW [Twitter page]
- Sara Joyce - Pirate Party Senate Candidate for NSW [Twitter page]
- Senator Arthur Sinodinos AO
- Sophie York - Senate Candidate for the Australian Conservatives in NSW [Twitter page]
- Steven Georgantis - Senate Candidate for the Australian People's Party in NSW [Twitter page]
- Tim Ayres - Labor Senate Candidate for NSW [Twitter page]
- Vote 1 Sandra Lazarus - Independent Candidate for the Senate in NSW
- Wayne Moore - Senate Candidate for the United Australia Party in NSW [Twitter page]
- Wes Fang - Nationals Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- William Bourke - Senate Candidate for Sustainable Australia in NSW
Candidates - Northern Territory
Candidates - Queensland
Candidates - South Australia
- Carl Teusner (@Toysy18) [Twitter page]
- Larissa Harrison (@HarrisonLarissa) [Twitter page]
- Louise Pfeiffer (@LVPC) [Twitter page]
- Marielle Smith (@MsMarielleSmith) [Twitter page]
- Mark M Aldridge (@MarkMAldreidge) [Twitter page]
- Mark M Aldridge - Independent Candidate and member of the Alliance Australia
- Rikki Lambert (@rikkilambert) [Twitter page]
- Sarah Hanson-Young : Senator for South Australia
- Sarah Hanson-Young @sarahinthesen8 [twitter page]
- Senator Lucy Gichuhi
- Senator Penny Wong [Twitter page]
- Senator Simon Birmingham: Liberal Senator for South Australia
- Skye Kakoschke-Moore (@SkyeKM) [Twitter page]
Candidates - Tasmania
Candidates - Victoria
- Allan Doensen [Twitter page]
- Catriona Thoolen PUP [Twitter page]
- Glenn Floyd @GlennFloyd [Twitter page]
- Harris Sultan @TheHarrisSultan [Twitter page]
- Helen Edwards @JoinHelen [Twitter page]
- Jane Hume : Liberal Senator for Victoria
- Janet Rice
- Judy Cameron @CameronJudy3 [Twitter page]
- Kammy Cordner Hunt @Pen2Paper43 [Twitter page]
- Karl Morris : keeping the bastards honest whilst protecting pensions and super
- Kyle Hoppitt : Liberal Senate candidate for Victoria
- Narelle Everard for Senate @NarelleEverard [Twitter page]
- Pastor Danny Nalliah @PastorNalliah (Twitter page)
- Paul Wittwer : 100% renewable is 100% do-able [video]
- Paul Wittwer : Scomo's talking horse sh#£ [video]
- Paul Wittwer : the great climate change hoax [video]
- Paul Wittwer @wittwer_paul (Twitter page)
- Paul Wittwer for Senate 2019
- Paul Wittwer for the Australian Senate [video]
- Raff Ciccone @SenRaffCiccone (Twitter page)
- Richard Di Natale
- Robert Whitehill - Independent candidate Victoria @RobWhitehillInd [Twitter page]
- Robert Whitehill : independent for Victoria
- Scott Ryan : Liberal senator for Victoria
- Senator Bridget McKenzie @senbmckenzie [Twitter page]
- Senator David Van
- Senator James Paterson
- Senator Jess Walsh @JessWalshVic [Twitter page]
- Senator Kim Carr
- Senator Mitch Fifield : Liberal senator for Victoria
Candidates - Western Australia
- Clive Myers@VoteCliveMyers Twitter
- Glenn Hutchinson
- Jonathan Crabtree Senate Candidate (@JonathanCrabt11) Twitter
- Linda Reynolds @lindareynoldswa (Twitter)
- Nicholas Fardell @BigNickCan (Twitter Page)
- Peter Castieau(@PeterCastieau Twitter
- Sen Peter Georgiou @SenatorGeorgiou Twitter
- Senator Jordon Steele-John@Jordonsteele Twitter
- Senator Louise Pratt
- Senator Patrick Dodson
- Slade Brockman
- Valentine Pegrum (Facebook)
- Valentine Pegrum YouTube Channel
- Western Australian Candidate for the Senate Murray Victor Jones
To cite this page use: https://nla.gov.au/nla.arc-c17436 |