House of Representatives election candidate websites
Candidates - Australian Capital Territory
- Andrew Leigh [Twitter]
- Catherine Smith (United Australia Party)
- David Smith (@DaveSmithMP) (Twitter)
- David Smith (ALP)
- Dr Jamie Christie : Independent for Bean Canberra & Norfolk
- James Savoulidis (United Australia Party)
- Our Federal Candidates (Australian Greens)
- Sean Conway (United Australia Party)
- Sean Conway -UAP (@seancondev) (Twitter)
- TIM BOHM Independent
- Timothy Elton (United Australia Party)
- Tracey Page (United Australia Party)
Candidates - New South Wales
- Alex Hawke @AlexHawkeMP [Twitter page]
- Alex Hawke MP - Federal member for Mitchell
- Alexandra Hafner - Australian Federation Party for Robertson
- Allan Wode - United Australia Party for Whitlam
- Allegra Spender - An Independent candidate for Wentworth
- Allegra Spender - Independent for Wentworth [Twitter page]
- Amanda Cook - United Australia Party for Newcastle
- Ammar Khan for Chifley
- Andrew Charlton - Federal Labor Candidate for Parramatta
- Andrew Charlton - Federal Labor Candidate for Parramatta [Twitter Page]
- Andrew Chuter - Socialist Alliance Candidate for Sydney
- Andrew Chuter 4 Sydney - Socialist Alliance [Twitter Page]
- Andrew Constance - Liberal Party [Twitter page]
- Andrew Constance LNP
- Andrew Thaler independent candidate for Eden-Monaro
- Angela Ketas - Informed Medical Options Party for Paterson
- Angus Taylor - Liberal Candidate for Hume
- Angus Taylor @AngusTaylorMP [Twitter page]
- Anne Stanley - Labor Candidate for Werriwa
- Anne Stanley - Labor candidate for Werriwa [Twitter page]
- Anthony Albanese - Federal member for Grayndler
- Anthony Albanese @AlboMP [Twitter page]
- Anthony Tawaf - United Australia Party for Kingsford Smith
- Avery Howard Greens Candidate for Fowler [Twitter Page]
- Avery Howard | Greens NSW candidate for Fowler
- Barbara-Jane Murray - United Australia Party for Robertson
- Barnaby Joyce - The Nationals Candidate for New England
- Barnaby Joyce [Twitter page]
- Barry Steele - TNL Candidate for Mackellar
- Barry Steele - TNL Candidate for Mackellar [Twitter Page]
- Basil Paynter - Independent for Shortland
- Basil Paynter - Independent for Shortland [Twitter Page]
- Ben Fox - Informed Medical Options Party for Parkes
- Billy O'Grady for Robertson - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Bradley Schott - Greens for Watson [Twitter Page]
- Brendan Clarke - Fusion Party Candidate for Berowra
- Brendan Clarke - Fusion Party [Twitter Page]
- Brooke Vitnell | Liberal Party of Australia candidate for Paterson
- Cameron Shamsabad - Liberal Democrat Candidate [Twitter Page]
- Cameron Shamsabad - Liberal Democrat Candidate for McMahon
- Carmel McCallum | Greens NSW candidate for Gilmore
- Cath Connor | Greens NSW candidate for Dobell
- Catherine Renshaw - Labor for North Sydney [Twitter Page]
- Cathy Townsend - Informed Medical Options Party for Hunter
- Caz Heise - Independent CAZ4COWPER
- Caz4Cowper (@CazHeise) [Twitter Page]
- Charles Jago - Greens for Reid Election Flyer
- Charles Jago | Greens NSW candidate for Reid
- Chetan Sahai - Greens Candidate for Sydney
- Chris Bowen - Labor for McMahon
- Chris Bowen @Bowenchris [Twitter page]
- Christopher Ball - United Australia Party for Mackellar
- Cindy Duncan - United Australia Party for New England
- Coffs Harbour Greens [New South Wales]
- Consider Steve Khouw for Banks
- Courtney Nguyen | Liberal Party of Australia candidate for Fowler
- Craig Kelly MP - Federal Member for Hughes
- Craig Kelly [Twitter page]
- Dai Le : Candidate for Fowler
- Dai Le Independent for Fowler [Twitter Page]
- Dale McNamara for Hunter - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Damien Atkins | Greens NSW candidate for Greenway
- Dan Repacholi | Candidate for Hunter | Australian Labor Party
- Daniel Lewkovitz - Liberal Democrat Candidate for Wentworth
- Daniel Lewkovitz - Liberal Democrat Candidate for Wentworth [Twitter Page]
- Daniel Martelozzo - United Australia Party for Riverina
- Darren Cameron - Labor Candidate for Farrer [Twitter Page]
- Darren Garnon - United Australia Party for Eden Monaro
- Darren Garnon - United Australia Party for Eden Monaro [Twitter Page]
- Dave Sharma - Liberal Candidate for Wentworth [Twitter Page]
- Dave Sharma - Liberal for Wentworth
- David Coleman @DavidColemanMP [Twitter page]
- David Gillespie - The Nationals Candidate for Lyne
- David Mickleburgh - Labor for Warringah
- David Smith - United Australia Party for Grayndler
- David Warth - Independent for Richmond
- Dean Fisher for Wentworth - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Dean Mackin - United Australia Party fo Dobell
- Dean McCrae- Liberal Democrats Candidate for Riverina [Twitter Page]
- Dominic WY Kanak - Greens Candidate for Wentworth
- Dr Bentley Logan - Liberal Democrats for Robertson [Twitter Page]
- Dr Fiona Martin MP - Liberal Candidate for Reid
- Dr Hanabeth Luke (@HanabethLuke) [Twitter Page]
- Dr Jerry Nockles Liberal candidate for Eden-Monaro
- Dr Mike Freelander - Labor Candidate for Macarthur
- Dr Sophie Scamps - Independent Mackellar
- Dr Sophie Scamps - Independent for Mackellar [Twitter Page]
- Ed Husic MP - Federal Labor fior Chifley
- Eli Davern - Greens for Farrer [Twitter Page]
- Emma Mcbride - Labor Candidate for Dobell
- Fiona Phillips @fiboydphillips [Twitter Page]
- Fiona Phillips - Labor Candidate for Gilmore
- Gareth McClure - Liberal Democrats Candidate for Lindsay
- Gary Biggs - Liberal Democrats Candidate for Richmond
- Gary Dollin - United Australia Party for Hume
- Gaye Cameron - One Nation Candidate for Miranda/Cook [Twitter page]
- Gaye Cameron - Pauline Hanson's One Nation for Cook
- Geoff Barnes - Fusion Party for Dobell
- Geoff Passfield - United Australia Party for Hunter
- Georgia Steele - Independent for Hughes
- Georgia Steele - Independent for Hughes [Twitter Page]
- Hanabeth Luke - Independent for Page
- Heather Armstrong | Greens NSW candidate for North Sydney
- Ian Williamson - United Australia Party for Page
- Immanuel Selvaraj – Labor for Mitchell NSW
- Informed Medical Options Party | Lesley Kinney candidate for North Sydney
- Informed Medical Options Party | Rebekah Ray candidate for Lindsay
- Informed Medical Options Party | Toni McLennan candidate for Eden-Monaro
- Jamal Daoud - United Australia Party for Reid
- Jamal Daoud - United Australia Party for Reid [Twitter Page]
- James Haggerty - Fusion Party for Grayndler
- James Haggerty - Fusion Party for Grayndler [Twitter Page]
- James Holgate - Eden-Monaro Candidate Sustainable Australia Party
- James Thomson - Nationals Candidate for Hunter
- Janet Murray | Greens NSW candidate for Hunter
- Janine Kitson - Bradfield Can Do Better
- Janine Kitson - Independent for Davidson [Twitter Page]
- Jason Clare - Member for Blaxland
- Jason Clare @JasonClareMP [Twitter page]
- Jason Falinski - Liberal Party Candidate for Mackellar
- Jason Falinski - Liberal Party Candidate for Mackellar [Twitter page]
- Jason Olbourne - United Australia Party for Paterson
- Jerome Laxale - Labor for Bennelong
- Jerremy Eid for Gilmore - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Jerry Nockles | Liberal Party of Australia candidate for Eden-Monaro
- John August - Pirate Party (Fusion Party) Candidate for Bennelong
- John August - Pirate Party (Fusion Party) Candidate for Bennelong [Twitter page]
- John Koukoulis - United Australia Party for Watson
- John Koukoulis - United Australia Party for Watson [Twitter Page]
- Jordan Maloney - United Australia Party for Gilmore
- Joseph O'Connor - United Australia Party for Lindsay
- Josephine Cashman - Pauline Hanson's One Nation Candidate for Lyne
- Julian Fayad - United Australia Party for Parramatta
- Julian Fayad - United Australia Party for Parramatta [Twitter Page]
- Julian Leeser - Liberal Candidate for Berowra
- Julie Ramos - United Australia Party for Farrer
- Justine Elliot - Labor Candidate for Richmond
- Justine Elliot @JElliotMP [Twitter page]
- Karen Stewart - Greens Candidate [Twitter page]
- Karen Stewart - Greens Candidate for Hume
- Kate Hook for Calare
- Kate Hook- Independent Candidate for Calare [Twitter Page]
- Kate Mason - Informed Medical Options Party for Robertson
- Katherine Deves - Liberal for Warringah
- Keith McMullen Labor for Cowper
- Kenneth Maxwell - United Australia Party for Shortland
- Kevin Hogan - Nationals Candidate for Page
- Kristina Keneally
- Kristina Keneally @KKeneally [Twitter page]
- Kristy McBain (@KristyMcBain) [Twitter page]
- Kristy McBain - Labor for Eden-Monaro
- Kristy McBain | Member for Eden-Monaro | Australian Labor Party
- Kristyn Glanville - Greens Candidate for Warringah & Manly [Twitter page]
- Kyinzom Dhongdue for Bennelong
- Kyinzom Dhongdue for Bennelong [Twitter Page]
- Kylea Tink #TeamTink - Independent for North Sydney
- Kylea Tink - North Sydney's independent for Canberra
- Laura Hughes - Labor for New England
- Lela Panich - United Australia Party for Fowler
- Lesley Kinney - Informed Medical Options Party
- Linda Burney - Labor Candidate for Barton
- Linda Burney MP @LindaBurneyMP [Twitter Page]
- Linda Daniel - UAP Candidate for Mitchell [Twitter Page]
- Linda Daniel - United Australia Party for Mitchell
- Linda Seymour - Independent for Hughes
- Linda Seymour independent for Hughes [Twitter Page]
- Liza Tazewell - Lib Dem candidate for Parramatta (@TazewellLiza) [Twitter Page]
- Louise Ihlein - Greens for Paterson [Twitter Page]
- Mandy Nolan - Greens Candidate for Richmond
- Mandy Nolan - Greens for Richmond [Twitter Page]
- Manly Greens
- Maria Kovacic | Liberal Party of Australia candidate for Parramatta
- Marie Saliba - United Australia Party for McMahon
- Marika Momircevski - United Australia Party Candidate for Banks
- Mark Coulton - Federal Member for Parkes
- Mark Jeffreson - Labor for Riverina
- Mark Rex - United Australia Party Candidate for Greenway [Twitter Page
- Mark Rex - United Australia Party candidate for Greenway
- Mark Rex - United Australia Party for Greenway
- Martin Stevenson for Dobell - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Matt Sharpham - Independent for New England
- Matt Sharpham - Independent for New England [Twitter Page]
- Matt Thistlethwaite @MThistlethwaite [Twitter page]
- Matt Thistlethwaite for Kingsford Smith
- Melissa McIntosh - Liberal Candidate for Lindsay
- Meryl Swanson - Labor Candidate for Paterson [Twitter page]
- Meryl Swanson _ Labor for Paterson
- Michael Feneley - Liberal for Dobell
- Michael McCormack @M_McCormack [Twitter page]
- Michael McCormack MP: Federal Member for Riverina
- Michael Wheeler - Liberal Democrats Candidate for Whitlam
- Michelle Palmer - Informed Medical Options Party for Macquarie
- Michelle Rowland - Labor Member for Greenway
- Michelle Rowland @MRowlandMP [Twitter page]
- Monica Shepherd - Informed Medical Options Party for Richmond
- Narelle Seymour for Hughes - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Natalie Baini - Independent for Reid
- Natalie Baini for Reid [Twitter Page]
- Natalie Dumer - United Australia Party for Wentworth
- Natalie Dumer - United Australia Party for Wentworth [Twitter Page]
- Natalie Hanna | Greens NSW for Banks
- Natasha Ledger Independent New England
- Neil Turner for Paterson - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Nicole Evans - United Australia Party for Macquarie
- Nicolette Boele - Community Independent for Bradfield
- Nicolette Boele - Independent for Bradfield [Twitter page]
- Nina Digiglio - Independent Gilmore Candidate
- North Sydney Candidate - 2022 Federal Election - Sustainable Australia Party
- Oz Guney - Liberal Candidate for Blaxland
- Pat Conroy - Labor Candidate for Shortland
- Pat Conroy @PatConroy1 [Twitter page]
- Patrick Conaghan - Nationals Candidate for Cowper
- Patrick Deegan - Labor Candidate for Page
- Patrick Deegan - Labor Candidate for Page [Twitter page]
- Paul Borthwick - Citizens Party Candidate for Robertson (NSW) | Australian Citizens Party
- Paul Borthwick for Robertson - how to vote
- Paula Goodman Labor Candidate for Mackellar [Twitter Page]
- Penny Ackery - Independent for Hume [Twitter Page]
- Penny Ackery – Independent for Hume
- Peter Runge - LibDems Candidate for Fowler [Twitter Page]
- Peter Runge - Liberal Democrats Candidate for Fowler
- Petrus Van Der Steen - United Australia Party for Parkes
- Phil Bradley | Greens NSW candidate for Parramatta
- Pradeep Pathi | Liberal Party of Australia candidate for Greenway
- Rachael Jacobs Greens for Grayndler
- Rhys Collyer - United Australia Party Candidate for Bennelong
- Riley Campbell - Labor Candidate for Hughes
- Robert Marks - United Australia Party for Richmond
- Robert Nalbandian - United Australia Party for North Sydney
- Roger Woodward - Independent Candidate For Berowra
- Rosetta Sicari - United Australia Party for Macarthur
- Ryan McAlister - United Australia Party for Sydney
- Sahar Khalili - FUSION for Reid [Twitter Page]
- Sahar Khalili - Fusion Party candidate for Reid
- Sahar Khalili - Fusion Party for Reid
- Sally Sitou - Labor candidate for Reid
- Sally Sitou - Labor for Reid [Twitter Page]
- Sarah Richards | Liberal Party of Australia for Macquarie
- Sarina Kilham - Independent [Twitter Page]
- Sarina Kilham - Independent. Your Vote Your Voice
- Scott Korman - Liberal Democrats Candidate for Macarthur
- Scott Morrison - Liberal Candidate for Cook
- Scott Morrison @ScottMorrisonMP [Twitter page]
- Serge Killingbeck (@skilbec) [Twitter Page]
- Sharon Claydon - Labor Candidate for Newcastle
- Sharon Claydon @SharonClaydon [Twitter page]
- Shelly McGrath | Greens NSW for Robertson
- Sheneli Dona - Independent for Hume
- Simon Earle - Labor candidate for Miranda [Twitter Page]
- Sonia Bailey - Liberal Democrats Candidate for Paterson
- Stephen Attkins - Independent for Lyne
- Stephen Jones - Labor Candidate for Whitlam
- Stephen Jones @StephenJonesMP [Twitter page]
- Steve Christou - Independent Candidate for Parramatta [Twitter Page]
- Steve Khouw Independent for Banks [Twitter Page]
- Stuart Bonds - Independent For Hunter
- Stuart Howe - Independent Candidate For Parkes
- Stuart Howe - Independent for Parkes (@Howe4ParkesNSW) [Twitter Page]
- Sujan Selventhiran - Greens Candidate for Chifley [Twitter Page]
- Susan Templeman - Labor candidate for Macquarie
- Sussan Ley - Liberal Candidate for Farrer
- Sussan Ley @sussanley [Twitter page]
- Tania Salitra Greens Candidate for Berowra [Twitter Page]
- Tanya Plibersek - Labor Candidate for Sydney
- Tanya Plibersek @tanya_plibersek [Twitter page]
- Tim Murray - Labor Candidate for Wentworth [Twitter Page]
- Toni McLennan - Informed Medical Options Party for Eden Monaro
- Tony Adams - Greens Candidate [Twitter page]
- Tony Burke (MP)
- Tony Burke @Tony_Burke [Twitter page]
- Tony Hickey | Greens NSW candidate for Macquarie
- Tony Margos for Fowler - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Tony Nikolic - United Australia Party for Werriwa
- Tony Pettitt for Macquarie - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Trent Zimmerman - Liberal Candidate for North Sydney
- Trent Zimmerman | Liberal Party of Australia candidate for North Sydney
- Trevor Ross | Candidate for Lindsay | Australian Labor Party
- Trish Frail - Greens Candidate for Parkes (@TrishFrail) [Twitter Page]
- Victor Kline - TNL Candidate for North Sydney
- Victor Tey - Liberal Democrat for Werriwa
- Victor Tey - Liberal Democrat for Werriwa [Twitter page]
- Vivian Harris | Greens NSW candidate for Eden-Monaro
- Wen Zhou - Citizens Party Candidate for Sydney
- William Hussey - Informed Medical Options Party for Newcastle
- Zali Steggall
- Zali Steggall [Twitter page]
- Zhi Soon | Candidate for Banks | Australian Labor Party
- Zvetanka Raskov - United Australia Party Chifley
Candidates - Northern Territory
Candidates - Queensland
- Andrew Wallace MP
- Andrew Willcox : LNP Member for Dawson
- Angela Egan : Independent Candidate for Herbert
- Angie Bell MP : Federal Member for Moncrieff
- Anika Wells
- Bert van Manen MP : Federal Member for Forde
- Bob Katter MP (Federal Member for Kennedy)
- Bryce MacDonald : LNP Candidate for Kennedy
- Chris Greaves 4 Forde
- Colin Boyce : LNP Candidate for Flynn
- David Littleproud MP (@D_LittleproudMP) [on Twitter]
- Dickson Representatives
- Elida Faith for Leichhardt (@ElidaFaith) | Twitter
- Elizabeth Watson-Brown : Member for Ryan
- Garth Hamilton MP : Federal Member for Groom
- Geoff Williams Candidate for Wide Bay
- Graham Perrett (Australian Labor Party, Moreton)
- Henry Pike : LNP Member for Bowman
- Hon Bob Katter MP (@RealBobKatter) [on Twitter]
- Hon David Littleproud MP : Federal Member for Maranoa
- Jack Dempsey for Hinkler
- Jim Chalmers : Member for Rankin
- Jim Chalmers MP (@JEChalmers) [on Twitter]
- John Ring for Herbert
- Judene Andrews : Labor for Fisher
- Julian Simmonds MP : Federal Member for Ryan
- Justin Knudson (United Australia Party)
- Karen Andrews MP : Federal Member for McPherson
- Keith Pitt MP : Federal Member for Hinkler
- Llew O'Brien MP : Federal Member for Wide Bay
- Luke Howarth MP : Federal Member for Petrie
- Madonna Jarrett (Queensland Labor)
- Max Chandler-Mather MP : Member for Griffith
- Michelle Landry MP : Federal Member for Capricornia
- Mick Denton : ALP Candidate for Petrie
- Milton Dick MP : Federal Member for Oxley
- Olivia Roberts : LNP Candidate for Griffith
- Otto for Groom
- Peter Cossar : Labor for Ryan
- Peter Dutton MP (Liberal National Party - Dickson)
- Peter Dutton MP (Twitter)
- Phillip Thompson OAM MP : Federal Member for Herbert
- Ross Vasta MP : Federal Member for Bonner
- Russell Robertson : Labor Candidate for Capricornia
- Sam Biggins : LNP Candidate for Blair
- Scott Buchholz MP : Federal Member for Wright
- Shayne Neumann (Australian Labor Party, Blair)
- Stephen Bates : MP for Brisbane
- Steven Huang : LNP Candidate for Moreton
- Stewart Brooker 4 Fadden
- Stuart Robert MP (Liberal National Party - Fadden)
- Tabatha Young
- Ted O'Brien MP : Federal Member for Fairfax
- Terri Butler MP
- Terry Young MP : Federal Member for Longman
- The Hon. Warren Entsch MP : Federal Member for Leichhardt
- Thor 4 Dickson
- Tim Jerome : Independent Candidate for Wide Bay
- Trevor Evans MP : Federal Member for Brisbane
- Vivian Lobo : LNP Candidate for Lilley
Candidates - South Australia
- Allison Bluck | Liberal Party of Australia candidate for Mayo
- Amanda Rishworth - Labor for Kingston
- Bob Couch for Boothby - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Chris Schmidt | TNL candidate for Sturt
- David Sherlock for Sturt - Animal Justice Party South Australia
- Frankie Bray for Boothby - Animal Justice Party South Australia
- Graeme Clark - United Australia Party candidate for Boothby
- Greg Elliott | SA Greens candidate for Mayo
- James Stevens | Liberal Party of Australia candidate for Sturt
- Jeremy Carter | SA Greens candidate for Boothby
- Jo Dyer – Independent for Boothby, Adelaide
- Julie Watson | Candidate for Grey | Australian Labor Party
- Kathy Scarborough - Australian Federation Party candidate for Sturt
- Katie McCusker | SA Greens candidate for Sturt
- Liz Habermann - independent candidate for Grey
- Louise Miller-Frost: Labor candidate for Boothby
- Louise Miller-Frost: Labor candidate for Boothby
- Marisa Bell | Candidate for Mayo | Australian Labor Party
- Mark Butler MP: Federal Member for Port Adelaide
- Mark Neugebauer - Australian Federation Party candidate for Mayo
- Padma Chaplin for Mayo - Animal Justice Party South Australia
- Peter Harris - Australian Federation Party candidate for Boothby
- Rachel Swift | Liberal Party of Australia candidate for Boothby
- Rebekha Sharkie MP - candidate for Mayo
- Rowan Ramsey | Liberal Party of Australia candidate for Grey
- Samantha McGrail - United Australia Party candidate for Mayo
- Sonja Baram | Candidate for Sturt | Australian Labor Party
- Stephen Grant - United Australia Party candidate for Sturt
- Steve Georganas MP (@stevegeorganas) | nitter
- Suzanne Waters - United Australia Party candidate for Grey
- Timothy White | SA Greens candidate for Grey
- Tony Zappia MP : Federal Member for Makin
- Tonya Scott - Pauline Hanson's One Nation candidate for Mayo
- Tracey Dempsey - Australian Federation Party candidate for Grey
Candidates - Tasmania
- Andrew Wilkie MP (@WilkieMP) [Twitter]
- Andrew Wilkie independent federal member for Denison
- Anna Bateman - Candidate for Franklin - The Local Party
- Anna Gralton for Lyons - Animal Justice Party Tasmania
- Bob Salt for Bass - Jacqui Lambie Network
- Brian Mitchell
- Brian Mitchell MP (@BrianMitchellMP) [Twitter]
- Brian Mitchell | Labor for Lyons | Australian Labor Party
- Bridget Archer MP - Federal Member for Bass
- Bridget Archer | Tasmanian Liberals candidate for Bass
- Casey Davies for Clark - Animal Justice Party Tasmania
- Chris Lynch | Candidate for Braddon | Australian Labor Party
- Darren Bobbermien - United Australia Party
- Darren Briggs | Tasmanian Greens candidate for Braddon
- Dr George Razay - independent candidate for Bass
- Emma Goyne for Lyons - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Gavin Pearce | Tasmanian Liberals candidate for Braddon
- Jade Darko | Tasmanian Greens candidate for Franklin
- Janet Shelley | Tasmanian Greens candidate for Clark
- Jason Evans - United Australia Party
- Julie Collins (@JulieCollinsMP) [Twitter]
- Katrina Love for Franklin - Animal Justice Party Tasmania
- Keone Martin for Lower House - Animal Justice Party Tasmania candidate for Braddon
- Kristy Johnson | Tasmanian Liberals candidate for Franklin
- Kyle Squibb - United Australia Party
- Lisa Matthews - United Australia Party
- Liz Johnstone | Tasmanian Greens candidate for Lyons
- Ludo Mineur for Braddon - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Michelle Cameron for Clark - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Ross Hart Australian Labor Party candidate for Bass
- RossHart (@RossHart4Bass) [Twitter]
- Sandra Galloway - United Australia Party
- Scott Rankin Federal Candidate for Braddon - The Local Party
- Simon Davis | Candidate for Clark | Australian Labor Party
- Sophie Lehmann for Braddon - Jacqui Lambie Network
- Steve Hindley for Franklin - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Susie Bower | Tasmanian Liberals for Lyons
- Troy Pfitzner for Lyons - Jacqui Lambie Network
- Vote One Garland, Braddon independent
- Will Coats | Tasmanian Liberals candidate for Clark
Candidates - Victoria
- Aaron Violi : Liberal for Casey
- Adam Bandt MP : for Melbourne
- Adrian Whitehead : Vote Adrian - save the planet
- Alan Tudge (Twitter page)
- Alan Tudge MP
- Alan Tudge MP : federal member for Aston : real action for Knox
- Alex Breskin @AlexBreskin [Twitter page]
- Alex Dyson : independent for Wannon
- Alex Dyson @AlexDyson [Twitter page]
- Alex Graham @alexgraham04 (Twitter page)
- Amanda Mead Wannon : Liberal Democrats
- Andrea Otto Independent @Andrea_4_MP (Twitter page)
- Andrew Cuthbertson - UAP Candidate Hawke @AndrewUap (Twitter account)
- Andrew Giles : federal member for Scullin
- Andrew Giles @andrewjgiles [Twitter page]
- Andrew Johnson - Reason for Higgins @AJohnsonAus [Twitter page]
- Andrew Johnson for Higgins
- Anne Webster MP : Federal Member for Mallee
- Announcing Carina Garland for Chisholm
- Anthony Bellve : united we save our future
- Anthony Bellve @AntBelleve013
- Anthony Byrne MP : Member for Holt
- Anthony Mitchell Liberal for Gellibrand
- Ben Green : Liberal for Ballarat
- Bill Brindle : Labor candidate for Casey
- Bill Lodwick @billlodwick4mp [Twitter page]
- Bill Pheasant for Menzies @billpheasant [Twitter page]
- Bill Shorten : Labor for Maribyrnong
- Brendan O'Connor
- Brendan O'Connor MP @BOConnorMP [Twitter page]
- Bruce Billson for Dunkley
- Bruce Poon @BrucePoon [Twitter page]
- Building a stronger Chisholm
- Cameron Smith @CameronLibDems (Twitter page)
- Catheine Cumming
- Celeste Liddle : Greens for Cooper
- Christopher Ride @CandidateRIDE [Twitter page]
- Claire Boardman : independent for Flinders
- Claire Ferres Miles
- Claire Ferres Miles @FerresMiles (Twitter page)
- Clare O'Neil @ClareONeilMP [Twitter page]
- Clare O'Neil MP
- Clare O'Neil MP : Federal Member for Hotham
- Colleen Harkin : Liberal for Macnamara
- Coming soon - Bill Lodwick
- Community feedback poll 2
- Craige Kensen UAP Wannon @CraigeKensen [Twitter page]
- Damian Drum : the Nationals candidate for Murray
- Dan Tehan @DanTehanWannon [Twitter page]
- Dan Tehan MP
- Daniel Abou-zeid - UAP Candidate for Corangamite @danielabouzeid (Twitter page)
- Daniel Mulino : federal MP for Fraser
- Darin Schade : Liberal for Bendigo East
- Darin Schade @SchadeDarin (Twitter page)
- Darren Bergwerf : tradie, father, freedom fighter, patriot, friend, businessman and sportsman
- Darren Chester MP : Federal member for Gippsland
- Darren Chester MP @DarrenChesterMP [Twitter page]
- David James Connolly
- David Segal Goldstein
- David Wood : Liberal for Fraser
- Deb Leonard : Independent Candidate for Monash @debleonard [Twitter page]
- Delivering for Chisholm : St Benedicts Community Hub
- Delivering for Chisholm : lighting up Caloola Reserve
- Delivering for Chisholm : upgrading Blackburn cycling club
- Delivering for Chisholm : upgrading Mirrabooka Reserve
- Despi O'Connor @despioconnor (Twitter page)
- Despi O'Connor campaign launch
- Dominique Murphy - independent candidate for Oakleigh
- Dr Enamul Haque : Liberal for Hawke
- Dr Mark Hobart @realMarkHobart [Twitter page]
- Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah : Labor candidate for Higgins
- Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah @rajah_mich (Twitter page)
- Dr Monique Ryan : Kooyong's independent
- Dr Monique Ryan @Mon4Kooyong (Twitter page)
- Dr Peter Lynch - Labor for Kooyong @PLynch4Kooyong (Twitter page)
- Dr Sarah Russell : independent for Flinders @AgedMatters (Twitter page)
- Dr. Peter Lynch - Labor for Kooyong
- Elijah Suares @Elijah_Suares (Twitter page)
- Greg Cheesman : candidate for Menzies
- Haenel Claudia Vote 1 Mallee @HaenelClaudia (Twitter page)
- Helen Haines MP @HelenHaines1 (Twitter page)
- Helen Haines for Indi
- Ian Christoe @IanChristoeGrns (Twitter page)
- Ingram Spencer @AUfreeforever (Twitter page)
- Introducing Daniel Nair Dadich, Victorian Socialists candidate for Maribyrnong [video]
- Jadon Atkinson : Liberal for Cooper
- James Damches : Liberal for Melbourne
- James Moody : Liberal for Bruce
- James Williams : Greens @JamesWGreens [Twitter page]
- Jason Ball @jasonballau (Twitter page)
- Jason Wood @JasonWood_MP (Twitter page)
- Jason Wood MP : Federal Member for La Trobe
- Jefferson Earl @JeffersonEarl1 [Twitter page]
- JeromeSmall @JeromeSmallVS (Twitter page)
- Jessica O'Donnell : Labor for Monash @o_labor [Twitter page]
- Joanne Ryan MP : federal member for Lalor
- John Fletcher : Working for Gorton
- John Herron @johnher49389874 [Twitter page]
- Jonathon Momsen @JonathonMomsen (Twitter page)
- Josh Burns MP : Federal Member for Macnamara
- Josh Burns MP @joshburnsmp (Twitter page)
- Josh Frydenberg @JoshFrydenberg [Twitter page]
- Josh Frydenberg MP
- Julian Hill MP
- Julian Hill MP @JulianHillMP (Twitter page)
- Justin Borg - UAP candidate Melbourne @JustinBorg_UAP [Twitter page]
- Kate Thwaites @ThwaitesKate (Twitter page)
- Kate Thwaites for all Jagajaga
- Kath Larkin speech at rally against Religious Discrimination bill
- Katie Allen MP
- Katie Allen MP @KatieAllenMP (Twitter page)
- Katrina Rainsford for Southern Grampians Shire Councillor
- Keir Paterson : Federal Labor Candidate for Melbourne
- Keir Paterson @Keir4Melbourne [Twitter page]
- Keith Wolahan @keithwolahan [Twitter page]
- Keith Wolahan MP : Member for Menzies
- Let's fight for our future [Sonya Semmens]
- Libby Coker : Corangamite
- Lisa Chesters MP : federal member for Bendigo
- Liz Fisher for Indi
- Louise Staley MP : member for Ripon
- Manish Patel : Liberal for Corangamite
- Maria Vamvakinou : Federal Member for Calwell
- Mark Dreyfus : Labor Candidate for Isaacs
- Mark Dreyfus @markdreyfulQCMP (Twitter page)
- Martyn Abbott for Goldstein : fighting for a fairer future @Goldstein_Labor (Twitter)
- Mary Doyle : your representative for Aston
- Mary Doyle @MaryDoyle4Aston : (Twitter page)
- Mat Morgan @MatMorganGreens [Twitter page]
- Matt Gregg @MattGreggDeakin (Twitter page)
- Maurice Billi : armitage*shanks @mauricebilli [Twitter page]
- Max Martucci : TNL Candidate for Hawke @max_martucci (Twitter)
- Maya Tesa : Jagajaga
- Meet Sarah Russell : independent candidate for Flinders
- Michael Danby @MichaelDanbyMP (Twitter page)
- Michael Sukkar : Liberal for Deakin
- Michael Sukkar MP @MichaelSukkarMP [Twitter page]
- Mike Symon : federal member for Deakin
- Mira D'Silva : Liberal for Lalor
- Monica Clark : Liberal for Gellibrand
- Morgan C. Jonas @morgancjonas (Twitter page)
- Myers John B. independent candidate Macnamara
- Nadia David : Labor for Indi
- Nadia for Indi @nadiaforindi [Twitter page]
- Naomi Oakley for Menzies
- Nathan Di Noia Liberal for Gorton
- Nathan Scaglione - UAP Candidate for Menzies @menziesuap [Twitter page]
- Newsletter 26 January 2022
- Nick Shady
- Paul Barker : High flying candidate for Surf Coast Shire, Ward of Torquay
- Paul Barker @Paul_Barker (Twitter page)
- Peta Murphy
- Peta Murphy @petajan [Twitter page]
- Peter Gardner : global warming dwarfs all other political issues
- Peter Khalil : Federal Labor Member for Wills
- Peter Khalil MP @PeterKhalilMP [Twitter page]
- Piers Mitchem : for Kooyong
- Piers Mitchem @piersmitchem (Twitter page)
- Rachel Payne @ReasonRachel [Twitter page]
- Ranj Perera : Liberal for Holt
- Ray Kingston : Mallee Agitator @MalleeRay [Twitter page]
- Rebekah Spelman : reunite the nation
- Rebekah Spelman @AstonSpelmanUAP (Twitter page)
- Rebekah Spelman @SpelmanRJ (Twitter page)
- Rhonda Maie Pryor @rhondamaie [Twitter page]
- Richard Marles @RichardMarlesMP [Twitter page]
- Richard Marles: Federal Labor candidate for Corio
- Richard Welch : Liberal for Yan Yean
- Rob McCathie @RobMcCathie [Twitter page]
- Rob Mitchell @RobMitchellMP [Twitter page]
- Rob Mitchell Federal Member for McEwen
- Robbie Beaton : Liberal for Isaacs
- Ross Lyman : Liberal for Indi
- Russell Broadbent : International Women's Day 2022
- Russell Broadbent : My health, my choice, my responsibility
- Russell Broadbent : Trust must win out
- Russell Broadbent @BroadbentMP [Twitter page]
- Russell Broadbent MP : federal member for McMillan
- Russell Broadbent with Member for Gippsland, Darren Chester
- Ryan Bruce @Ryan_TNL (Twitter page)
- Ryan Bruce for Aston : campaign costs
- Sahil Tomar : Liberal for Jagajaga
- Sam Birrell MP Federal Member for Nicholls
- Sam McColl @mccoll_sam [Twitter page]
- Sam Sergi Candidate for Wills @AUSTRALIANFEDE9 [Twitter page]
- Sanjeev Sabhlok @Sanjeev_Sabhlok (Twitter page)
- Sanjeev Sabhlok's blog : thoughts on economics and liberty
- Sarah Jefford @Sarah_Jefford_ [Twitter page]
- Sarah Jefford, Greens for Wills
- Sarah Russell : independent for Flinders
- Savitri Bevinakoppa : Liberal for Hotham
- Scott McCamish - United Australia Party for Isaacs @McCamish_UAP
- Sharn Coombes : Liberal for Eastern Victoria Region
- Sonya Semmens @SonyaSemmens [Twitter page]
- Sophie Baldwin
- Sophie Baldwin Mallee Independent @SophieB4Mallee [Twitter page]
- Stella Yee @stella4menzies [Twitter page]
- Stephanie Asher : Liberal for Corangamite
- Steve Brooks : Liberal for Nicholls
- Stuart King @StuKing_Mallee [Twitter page]
- Sue Bolton @sueabolton (Twitter page)
- Sue Bull For Corio @suebullforcorio (Twitter page)
- SujitMathew.greens @sujitmathewholt (Twitter page)
- Surbhi Snowball Labor for Flinders @SurbhiLabor (Twitter page)
- Suzette Rodoreda
- Terri Pryse-Smith @PryseTerri (Twitter page)
- The Australian Greens Victoria
- The Morrison Government is failing our community on the NDIS
- The Morrison Government's Summer
- Tim Watts : Federal Member for Gellibrand
- Tim Watts @TimWattsMP (Twitter page)
- Tim Wilson : Liberal MP for Goldstein
- Tim Wilson @Tim4Goldstein [Twitter Page]
- Tim Wilson @TimWilsonMP (Twitter page)
- Time Staker-Gunn : Liberal for Calwell
- Tom Cummings @cyenne40 (Twitter page)
- Tom Wright : Liberal for Pascoe Vale
- Tony Smith MP : federal member for Casey
- Virosh Perera : Liberal for Scullin
- Vote 1 Despi O'Connor for Flinders 2022
- Vote 1 Rob Priestly : leadership, integrity, progress
- Vote4MidraD'Silva [Mira D'Silva] @MiraDsilva_LIB [Twitter page]
- Walter Stragan @WalterStragan [Twitter page]
- Wannon deserves better : meet Gilbert Wilson
- Wayne Tseng : independent for Chisholm
- What's on in Frankston City : Dunkley candidates forum
- WilsonForWannon [Gilbert Wilson] @WilsonforWannon [Twitter page]
- Zahra Mustaf : independent candidate for JagaJaga
- Zoe Daniel : Goldstein's Independent MP
- Zoe Daniel @zdaniel (Twitter page)
- Zoe McKenzie : Liberal for Flinders
- [Sarah Russell videos] 001 Sarah Russell : who I am
- [Sarah Russell videos] 002 Learning to disagree 1
- [Sarah Russell videos] 004 Courage + persistence
- [Sarah Russell videos] 005 Engage with different views
- [Sarah Russell videos] 006 Disenfranchised people
- [Sarah Russell videos] 007 Why I'm standing
- [Sarah Russell videos] 008 Values : integrity
- [Sarah Russell videos] 009 Aged care (1)
- [Sarah Russell videos] 009 Aged care (2)
- [Sarah Russell videos] 00Young girls seen and heard
- [Sarah Russell videos] 010 Aged care : powerful conversations (3)
- [Sarah Russell videos] 011 Strong voice for vulnerable communities
- [Sarah Russell videos] 012 Need a vision
- [Sarah Russell videos] 013 Why independent?
- [Sarah Russell videos] 014 Hung parliament (1)
- [Sarah Russell videos] 015 Hung parliament (2)
- [Sarah Russell videos] 016 Representing Flinders
- [Sarah Russell videos] 017 Gender equality
- [Sarah Russell videos] 018 Gender equality (2) : women have had enough + Jenkins review
- [Sarah Russell videos] 019 Reviews but a gov that hasn't done very much
- [Sarah Russell videos] 020 People not politics
- [Sarah Russell videos] 021 The issues that matter most : Peninsula
- [Sarah Russell videos] 022 People are not being heard
- [Sarah Russell videos] 023 Parliamentarian vs politician : put Liberals last
- [Sarah Russell videos] Sarah Russell : values, politics & Mornington Peninsula
- hilarymcallister_greens [Hilary McAllister] @hilary_greens [Twitter page]
Candidates - Western Australia
- Alison Marshal LDP [Twitter]
- Andrew Hastie Federal Member for Canning
- Andrew Middleton Candidate for Durack United Australia Party
- Anne Aly Federal Member for Cowan
- Ben Morton MP Federal Liberal Member for Tangney
- Bill Koul Liberal for Fremantle
- Caroline Perks@Caroline4Perth Twitter
- Celia Hammond
- Claire Hand Candidate for Cowan United Australia Party
- David Dywer Liberal for Perth
- David Goode Liberal for Burt
- David Pike for Brand
- David Pike@DavidPi555503570
- Freo Candidates
- Helen Allan Candidate for Forest United Australia Party
- Helen Watkinson Candidate for Moore United Australia Party
- Hon Nola Marino MP [Twitter}
- Ian Blayney National Candidate for Durack
- Ian Goodenough MP Federal Member for Moore
- Jacqueline Holyroyd@jacque_holroyd Twitter
- James McDonald [Twitter]
- James Waldeck Candidate for Canning United Australia Party
- Jeanene for Hasluck
- Josh Wilson (@Josh4Freo) Twitter
- Josh Wilson MP for Fremantle
- Joshua McCurry Candidate for Burt United Australia Party
- Kate Chaney
- Kate Chaney, Independent Candidate for the Federal Electorate of Curtin YouTube
- Kate Chaney@ChaneyforCurtin [Twitter]
- Ken Wyatt MP
- Ken Wyatt MP @ KenWyattMP (Twitter Page)
- Kirsty McSweeney Liberal for Pearce
- Ladeisha Verhoeff candidate for Curtin United Australia Party
- Linda Aitken Liberal for Pearce
- Madeleine King Federal Member for Brand
- Madeleine King@Madeleine MhKing Twitter
- Matt Keogh MP, Federal member for Burt
- Matt Keogh MP@mattkeogh [Twitter]
- Melissa Price MP Federal Member for Durack
- Melissa Price MP [Twitter]
- Nola Marino focused on Forrest
- Patrick Gorman@PatrickGormanMP [Twitter]
- Paul Hilton Candidate for Swan United Australia
- Peter Hudson Candidate for Rockingham
- Rick Wilson MP Federal Member for O'Connor
- Sam Lim Labor Candidate for Tangney
- Sonya Eberhart Candidate for Perth United Australian Party
- Stella Jinman Candidate for Fremantle United Australia Party
- Steve Irons Liberal for Swan
- Steven McCreanor LibDem Candidate for Hasluck Twitter
- Tania Lawrence for Hasluck
- Tracey Roberts
- Tracy Tirronen Candidate for O'Connor United Australia Party
- Travis Mark Candidate for Tangney United Auastralia Party
- Trevor Dalby Candidate for Pearce United Australian Party
- Vince Connelly MP Liberal for Cowan
- Will Scott Candidate for Hasluck United Australia Party
- Zaneta Mascarenhas Labor candidate for Swan
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