Senate election candidate websites
Candidates - Australian Capital Territory
Candidates - New South Wales
- Alison Penfold - The Nationals Senate Candidate for NSW
- Amanda Cohn - Greens [Twitter page]
- Andrea Leong @Andrea__Leong [Twitter page]
- Ann Lawler - Australian Citizens Party New South Wales Senate Candidate
- Colin Grigg for NSW Senate - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- David J O'Brien - Independent candidate for the Senate in NSW
- David J O'Brien - Independent candidate for the Senate in NSW [ Twitter page]
- David Shoebridge - Greens
- David Shoebridge - Greens [Twitter Page]
- Deborah O'Neill - Labor Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Deborah O'Neill - Senator for New South Wales
- Desiree Gregory - Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party Candidate for the NSW Senate
- Domenic Martino - United Australia Party Senate Candidate
- Hannah Maher - Reason Australia Senate Candidate for NSW
- Jane Caro for Reason [Twitter page]
- Jenny McAllister - Labor Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Jenny McAllister Senator for New South Wales
- Jim Molan - Liberal Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Jim Molan - Liberal Senator for NSW
- John Larter - Liberal Democrats Senate Candidate for New South Wales
- John Ruddick - Liberal Democrats Senate Candidate for New South Wales
- John Ruddick - Liberal Democrats Senate Candidate for New South Wales [Twitter page]
- Johnny Yap - United Australia Party Senate Candidate NSW
- Julie Collins - Independent Senate Candidate NSW
- Kate McCulloch for NSW Senate - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Kevin Loughrey - United Australia Party Candidate for Senate NSW
- Kevin Loughrey - United Australia Party Candidate for Senate NSW [Twitter page]
- Kingsley Liu - Citizens Party Senate Candidate for New South Wales
- Kingsley Liu for Senate [Twitter page]
- Marelle Burnum Burnum - Informed Medical Options Party Candidate NSW Senate
- Marise Payne Senator for New South Wales
- Marise Payne [Twitter page]
- Michael O'Neill - Informed Medical Options Party Candidate for the NSW Senate
- Michelle Lee Martin - United Australia Party Senate Candidate NSW
- Niko Leka - Socialist Alliance Candidate NSW Senate
- Paula Sanchez - Socialist Aliiance Candidate for the NSW Senate
- Rachel Evans - Socialist Alliance NSW Senate
- Roger Smith for NSW Senate - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Selena Clancy - Australian Values Party Candidate NSW Senate
- Shireen Morris - Labor Candidate for NSW Senate [Twitter page]
- Steve Baty - Senate Candidate for NSW, Australian Democrats [Twitter page]
- Steve Keen - TNL Candidate for the Senate
- Steven Georgantis - Senate Candidate for the Australian People's Party in NSW [Twitter page]
- Suellen Wrightson - United Party Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Vote for the Voice of Reason. Jane Caro for the Senate
- Wayne Moore - Senate Candidate for the United Australia Party in NSW [Twitter page]
- William Laing Independent for he Senate NSW
Candidates - Northern Territory
Candidates - Queensland
- Anthony Chisholm : Senator for Queensland
- Campbell Newman : Chairman, Political Commentator, Former Politician
- George Christensen
- Murray Watt : Senator for Queensland
- Peter Rogers : Senate Candidate
- Proud Aussie Matt Canavan (@mattjcan) [on Twitter]
- Qld Candidates - Federal Election Queensland (Sustainable Australia Party)
- Senator Amanda Stoker
- Senator James McGrath : LNP Senator for Queensland
- Senator Matt Canavan
- Senator Pauline Hanson
- Senator Pauline Hanson (@PaulineHansonOz) [on Twitter]
- The Silent Majority
Candidates - South Australia
- Caelum Schild - United Australia Party candidate for the Senate
- Cathy Byrne - Australian Federation Party candidate for the Senate
- Dr Roger Yazbek – no. 1 Senate candidate SA – Australian Democrats
- Drew Wolfendale - Fusion Party candidate for the Senate
- Informed Medical Options Party | Heather Harley candidate for the Senate
- Informed Medical Options Party | Raina Cruise candidate for the Senate
- Julie-Ann Finney: Lead Candidate for the Local Party for the Senate
- Michael Arbon - United Australia Party candidate for the Senate
- Michael Hopper Independent Senator Candidate
- Nick Xenophon
- Rex Patrick Party
- Russell Francis - Citizens Party Senate Candidate for South Australia | Australian Citizens Party
- Senator Penny Wong
- Senator Penny Wong [Twitter page]
- Senator Simon Birmingham: Liberal Senator for South Australia
- Senator Stirling Griff - Xenophon Group candidate for the Senate
- Simon Birmingham @Birmo (Twitter)
Candidates - Tasmania
- Anne Urquhart | Senator for Tasmania | Australian Labor Party
- Daniel Hulme | Candidate for Senate (TAS) | Australian Labor Party
- Eric Abetz | Tasmanian Liberals
- Helen Polley (@polley_helen) [Twitter]
- Helen Polley | Senator for Tasmania | Australian Labor Party
- Jonathon Duniam | Tasmanian Liberals
- Leanne Minshull - Senate Candidate, Tasmania
- Peter Whish-Wilson - Senator for lutruwita / Tasmania (Australian Greens)
- Senator Eric Abetz
- Senator Jonathon Duniam | Liberal Senator for Tasmania
- Steve Mav - Senate Candidate for Tasmania
- Steve Mav for TAS Senate - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Tammy Tyrrell for Senate - Jacqui Lambie Network
- Wendy Askew | Tasmanian Liberals
Candidates - Victoria
- All James Bonds are a hive mind
- Aran Mylvaganam @aranmylvaganam (Twitter page)
- Caroline White : It's time Australia
- Caroline White : Vote 1 Liberal Democrats Australia
- Caroline White : What will your vote stand for in 2022?
- Caroline White : senate candidate
- Caroline White @CarolineLibDems [Twitter page]
- Caroline White senate candidate : Liberal Democrats
- Catherine King MP @CatherineKingMP (Twitter page)
- Cleaning up after dicks
- Damien Richardson : Independent for the Senate : forward to freedom
- David Dillon : independent Victorian candidate for the Senate
- David Limbrick @_davidlimbrick (Twitter page)
- David Limbrick @_davidlimbrick (Twitter page)
- Geraldine Gonsalvez
- Getting your dick between the lines
- Harry Millward Reason for Victoria @hazitgood (Twitter page)
- Help send ethics & equality to the Senate [Antoinette Pitt]
- James Bond for the Senate : part 7 of 7
- James Bond vs the Senate (candidates go head to head)
- James Bond's mission to destroy the senate
- Karen K. Kim : Senate candidate for Victoria
- Karen Kim : Senate Candidate for Victoria
- Krystle Michell @Krystle_LibDems [Twitter page]
- Leonie Green Senate Candidate for VIC AustDems @leonieTgreen (Twitter page)
- Lisa Chesters MP @LMChesters [Twitter page]
- Max Dicks @MaxDicks3 (Twitter page)
- Meet Max Dicks
- Neal Smith for Senate, Victoria #auspol 2022 @ns4s_auspol (Twitter page)
- PIBCI Australia @PIBCI_AU [Joseph Toscano] (Twitter page)
- Paul Ross @paulross2 (Twitter)
- Paul Wittwer @wittwer_paul (Twitter page)
- Ruth Stanfield @ruth_stanfield (Twitter page)
- Sarah Henderson : Liberal senator for Victoria
- Senator Bridget McKenzie @senbmckenzie [Twitter page]
- Senator James Bond
- Senator Kim Carr
- Senator Lidia Thorpe @SenatorThorpe (Twitter page)
- Should James Bond infiltrate the Senate?
- Slush funds and kissing 007
- Susan Benedyka : Independent Senate candidate for Victoria
- Susan Benedyka @SusanBenedyka (Twitter page)
- To my beloved nation - Australia
- Vote 1 Group R : Independent Senate Team [Morgan C Jonas, Monica Smit]
- Vote 1 Max Dicks
- Vote 1 Max Dicks (video)
- Wanna get some politics
- Why did the dick cross the road
- Yolanda K Vega @YolandaKVega (Twitter page)
- Yolanda Vega
- Yolanda Vega is running for a federal senate seat for all Victorians
- [James Bond video] Baby boomers are a state of mind
- [James Bond video] Baby boomers are trying to steal your super!!!
- [James Bond video] Bridget McKenzie : hopeless Senate Candidate (1 of 7)
- [James Bond video] Do we need a boomer tax???
- [James Bond video] Greg Mirabella : hopeless Senate Candidate (5 of 7)
- [James Bond video] Jana Stewart : hopeless Senate Candidate (3 of 7)
- [James Bond video] Lidia Thorpe : hopeless Senate Candidate (2 of 7)
- [James Bond video] Linda White : hopeless Senate Candidate (4 of 7)
- [James Bond video] Sarah Henderson : hopeless Senate Candidate (6 of 7)
- [James Bond video] Vote out the boomers
Candidates - Western Australia
- Denise Brailey WA Senate Citizens Party 2022 Twitter
- Dorinda Cox Senator for Western Australia
- Gerry Georgatos@GerryGeorgatos Twitter
- Kate Fantinel
- Kate Fantinel@ladylibertyWAus Twitter
- Megan Krakouer [Twitter]
- Michelle Kinsella - IMOP WA Senate Candidate Twitter
- One Continent One Country
- Peter Robert McDonald Independent WA Senate Candidate [Twitter]
- Rod Culleton Former Senator Twitter
- Senator Dean Smith
- Senator Glenn Sterle Twitter
- Senator Sue Lines@linesue [Twitter]
- Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash
- Sue Lines Labor Senator for Western Australia
- Valentine Pegrum YouTube Channel
To cite this page use: https://nla.gov.au/nla.arc-c19312 |