House of Assembly
- Adrian Pederick MP - Member for Hammond
- Adrian Pederick, MP (@AdrianPederick) | nitter
- Airlie Keen – Independent Candidate for Hammond
- Alex Banks – Candidate for King – Official Page of Alex Banks – Candidate for the Seat of King in South Australia
- Andrea Michaels MP (@michaels_andrea) | nitter
- Animal Justice Party - South Australia (@ajp_sa) | nitter
- Animal Justice Party in South Australia
- Australian Labor Party South Australia
- Ben Hood (@benjaminrhood) | nitter
- Blair Boyer MP
- Blair Boyer MP (@BBoyerMP) | nitter
- Cate Hunter - Independent for Frome, South Australia
- Chris Picton
- Chris Picton MP (@PictonChris) | nitter
- Corey Wingard (@Corey_Wingard) | nitter
- Corey Wingard - Member for Gibson
- Cr Jordan Dodd (@CrJordanDodd) | nitter
- Damien Buijs - Nationals for Chaffey (@DamienBuijs) | nitter
- Dan Golding (@dangolding) | nitter
- Dan van Holst Pellekaan MP
- Daryl McCann (@dosakamccann) | nitter
- David Basham MP (@David_Basham_MP) | nitter
- David Pisoni MP
- David Speirs [MP for Black SA]
- Dianah Walter - Independent Candidate for Narungga (@4Narungga) | nitter
- Dr. KathrynHardwickFranco (@KHardwickFranco) | nitter
- Eddie Hughes MP
- Eldert Hoebee (@eldert51) | nitter
- Family First Party (South Australia)
- Frances Bedford MP (@FrancesMPFlorey) | nitter
- Francis Bedford, Independent State MP for Florey
- Fraser Ellis MP (@FraserNarungga) | nitter
- Fraser Ellis MP - Member for Narungga
- Geoff Brock MP: serving the community of Frome [SA]
- Heather Holmes-Ross
- Home Page - Our Place Narungga
- Hon Josh Teague MP
- Hon Tom Koutsantonis MP
- Hon Zoe Bettison MP
- Hon. David Pisoni MP (@DavidPisoniMP) | nitter
- Jaison Midzi (@JaisonMidzi) | nitter
- Jake Fedczyszyn (@JakeFedczyszyn) | nitter
- Jake Hall-Evans (@hallevansjake) | nitter
- Jennifer Game (@JenniferGame6) | nitter
- Joe Szakacs MP (@joe_szakacs) | nitter
- John Gardner MP (@JohnGardnerMP) | nitter
- Joshua Smith - Lib Dems Candidate - Elder SA (@joshua_dems) | nitter
- Katrine Hildyard MP (@KatrineHildyard) | nitter
- Lea Rebane (@LeaRebane) | nitter
- Lee Odenwalder MP (@LeeOdenwalder) | nitter
- Liberal Party - South Australia
- Lionel Zschech (@LZschech) | nitter
- Liz 4 Flinders
- Liz Habermann (@liz_habermann) | nitter
- Lou Nicholson | Independent candidate | South Australia
- Lucy Hood - Labor for Adelaide (@LucyHood) | Nitter
- Lucy Hood: South Australian Labour
- Matt Cowdrey - Colton
- Matt Cowdrey OAM (@matt_cowdrey) | nitter
- Matt Pastro (@PastroMatt) | nitter
- Melanie Selwood (@memselwood) | nitter
- Michael Brown MP (@mbrownalp) | nitter
- Nat Cook MP (@NatCookMP) | nitter
- Nick McBride MP - Member for MacKillop
- One Nation : the voice of the people (Pauline Hanson's One Nation)
- Padma Chaplin (@PadmaChaplin) | nitter
- Paula Luethen
- PaulaLuethenMember4King (@Member4King) | nitter
- Penny Pratt (@penny_pratt1) | nitter
- Rachel Sanderson MP
- Rachel Sanderson MP (@AdelaideMP) | nitter
- Rajan Vaid (@rajan_vaid) | nitter
- Rhiannon Pearce
- Richard Harvey MP
- Richard Harvey MP (@RichardMHarvey) | nitter
- Rick Sarre (@stickwithricksa) | nitter
- SA Best
- SA Greens
- Sam Telfer (@SamTelferEP) | nitter
- Saru Rana (@SaruForEnfield) | nitter
- Shane Quinn Independent MP (@ShaneQuinnInde1) | nitter
- Stephen Mullighan MP
- Stephen Mullighan MP (@SMullighan) | nitter
- Stephen Pallaras | Real Change SA
- The Electorate of Waite - Sam Duluk - MP
- The Nationals South Australia
- Tom Koutsantonis MP (@TKoutsantonisMP) | nitter
- Tony Piccolo MP (@tonypiccolomp) | nitter
- Tony Piccolo MP, Member for Light
- Tracey Smallwood#80aDay (@TraceySmallwoo5) | nitter
- Troy Bell Member for Mount Gambier
- Vickie Chapman (@VickieChapmanMP) | nitter
- Vickie Chapman: Member for Bragg
- Vincent Tarzia - Member for Hartley
- Vincent Tarzia, MP (@VincentTarzia) | nitter
- Zoe Bettison MP (@ZoeBettisonMP) | nitter
- alex dinovitser (@alex_dinovitser) | nitter
To cite this page use: https://nla.gov.au/nla.arc-c19485 |