Legislative Council
- @LegCouncilSA (@legcouncilsa) | nitter
- Animal Justice Party - South Australia (@ajp_sa) | nitter
- Animal Justice Party in South Australia
- Australian Family Party
- Defend Local Business - we need a strong voice in Parliament for SA’s small business community
- DefendLocalBusiness (@DefendLocalSA) | nitter
- Dennis Hood (@dennishood) | nitter
- Elise Michie (@EliseMichieAu) | nitter
- Family First Party (South Australia)
- GRAHAM PHILP | Independent Candidate for the Legislative Council South Australia
- Independent Belinda Valentine – Above The Line For Valentine
- Independent candidate for SA - Amrik Singh Thandi - Independent Candidate of Enfield
- James Hol, Lib Dems Candidate for SA Upper House (@James_Hol) | nitter
- John Darley (@JohnDarleyMLC) | nitter
- John Darley MLC | Advance SA | South Australian Upper House
- Kyam Maher (@kymaher) | nitter
- Legalise Cannabis South Australia
- Louise Pfeiffer - Animal Justice Party (@LVPC) | nitter
- Michelle Lensink
- Michelle Lensink (@miclensink) | nitter
- Nicola Centofanti (@N_Centofanti) | nitter
- Peter McMAHON ¿ Lib Dem SA Upper House Candidate (@SkeetaMac) | nitter
- Russell Wortley MLC (@RussellWortley) | nitter
- SA Best
- SA Greens
- SA-BEST_Party (@SABESTParty1) | nitter
- Stephen Pallaras (@StephenPallaras) | nitter
- Stephen Pallaras | Real Change SA
- Sustainable Australia
- The Hon. Nicola Centofanti MLC
- Tung Ngo (@tungMLC) | nitter
- Tyler Green (@TGreen927) | nitter
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