Homelessness in Australia
Online publishing documenting homelessness, services and resources for the homeless in Australia
Government policy, information and resources
- All Paths Lead to a Home: Western Australia’s 10-Year Strategy on Homelessness 2020–2030
- Australian Federal Minister for Housing and Homelessness
- Australian Federal Minister for Housing and Homelessness and Australian Federal Minister for the Status of Women and Australian Federal Minister for Community Services
- Australian Federal Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness
- Birth certificates for people experiencing homelessness : Births Deaths and Marriages Victoria
- Breaking the cycle : the ACT homelessness strategy annual progress report
- Finding their way home : children's experiences of homelessness
- HAPPI evaluation report : an evaluation of the Centacare Homeless and Parenting Program Initiative, South Australia
- Homelessness : DFFH Service Providers
- Homelessness Action Plan 2022 - 2024
- Homelessness and employment assistance
- Homelessness in our community : City of Greater Bendigo
- Homelessness in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander context and its possible implications for the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program
- Homelessness protocol and local laws : City of Melbourne
- Homes for Queenslanders
- Independent Review of Homelessness Responses in Queensland
- Inquiry into homelessness in Victoria
- Like a mouse in a wheel : a study of homelessness for women, the challenges and the successes
- National family homelessness project : a longitudinal research project on Aboriginal homelessness in Perth Western Australia
- Queensland Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2021-2025
- Reconnect Program : an early intervention program for young people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, and their families
- Response to Prime Ministerial Youth Homeless Taskforce report - Putting families in the picture
- Shelter and support for homeless in Melbourne : Premier of Victoria
- The Road Home : Homelessness White Paper
- Victoria can solve homelessness
- Victoria's Homelessness Response : Victorian Auditor-General's Office
- Western Australia's State Homelessness Strategy, putting people first
- Working out of homelessness
- Working towards a national homelessness strategy: response to consultations
Media and social media
- H_P_U_V @H_P_U_V Homeless Persons Union Victoria (Twitter page)
- Heat map reveals Shepparton has highest number of homeless in regional Victoria : The Shepparton Adviser
- Homeless stories
- Homeless writers : making the invisible visible
- LaunchHousing @LaunchHousing (Twitter page)
- MelbourneZero @MelbourneZero (Twitter page)
- Need to know : homeless zine created by local homeless
- SMHOW @StMarysHOW St Mary's House of Welcome (Twitter page)
- We Are Here: Writing Place
Non-Government organisations
- 2024 Queensland State Election Platform : Housing and Homelessness Key Priorities | Q Shelter
- 500 Lives 500 Homes : ending homelessness in Brisbane one person, one family at a time
- 55 Central
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Queensland
- Albany Youth Support Association Incorporated
- Anglicare : housing + homelessness support
- BSWHN Barwon South West Homelessness Network
- Backpack Bed for Homeless
- Base Services
- Bendigo Winter Night Shelter
- Beyond Housing
- Brisbane Zero
- COVID-19 (Shelter WA)
- Calvary Youth Services
- Categories of indigenous 'homeless' people and good practice response to their needs : final report
- Centacare Kimberley Association Inc | Working together to create life choices
- Common Ground Queensland
- Coolabaroo Housing Service (CHS) - Coolabaroo
- Council to Homeless Persons
- Council to Homeless Persons pre-budget submission 2015-2016
- Dig In : Brisbane Meal Service for the Homeless & Disadvantaged
- Ebenezer Aboriginal Corporation
- Educational aspirations of homeless young people
- End Homelessness WA (@Homelessness_WA) | nitter
- End Street Sleeping Collaboration
- End homelessness WA
- Entrypoint Perth
- Foundation Housing
- Galen hosts Sandhurst winter sleepout for homeless : Galen Catholic College
- Gippsland Homelessness Network
- Gold Coast Project for Homeless Youth
- Goodna Street Life
- Hangout for the Homeless
- Haven; Home, Safe
- Home For Good
- Homeless Connect SA
- Homeless Health Care
- Homeless Persons Union of Victoria
- Homeless Support : Anglicare Victoria
- Homeless Training
- Homeless careers : pathways in and out of homelessness
- Homelessness Queensland
- Homelessness and same sex domestic violence in the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program
- Homelessness in Western Australia Key Facts
- Housing Older Women Movement
- Housing and homelessness resources : VincentCare
- How integrated are homelessness, mental health and drug and alcohol services in Australia?
- Indigo Junction | Open doors - create change
- Jenny's Place
- Lady Musgrave Trust
- Launch Housing : it's time to end homelessness
- Loddon Mallee Homelessness Network : Resources, Information and Support
- MADCOW : make a difference
- Meeting the challenge? Transitions out of long-term homelessness
- Melbourne Zero
- Micah Projects, Tropical Cyclone and Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred Updates | Micah Projects
- North West Youth Accommodation Service Inc.
- Northwest Community Group : Empowering the Homeless
- Opening Doors
- Parkerville | Young Women's Program
- Passages
- Perth Homeless Support Group Inc
- Perth Inner City Youth Services
- Pets of the Homeless
- Quantum Support Services
- Queensland Shelter
- Queensland Youth Housing Coalition Inc.
- Rockin' 4 the Homeless
- Rosies : Friends on the Street
- Ruah Community Services
- Samaritan House Geelong
- Shelter Housing Action Cairns (SHAC)
- Shelter WA
- Sheltered by Grace
- Shepparton Interfaith Network : serving the faith communities of the Goulburn Valley
- Sleep Bus
- St Bart's - We're by your side
- St Mary's House of Welcome : Melbourne Homeless Charity
- St Patrick's Community Support Centre
- Street Chaplains WA
- Street Law Centre WA
- StreetSmart : action against homelessness
- Strike It Out
- Sydney Homeless Connect
- The Homeless Project
- The cost of youth homelessness in Australia study
- The experiences and effects of family homelessness for children : a literature review
- The possibilities are endless | Youth Futures WA
- Toward Home Alliance
- Victorian Homeless Fund
- We Are Mobilise
- Welcome to Foyer Oxford
- WestAus Crisis & Welfare Services
- Wintringham
- Youth Homelessness : Youth Affairs Council Victoria
- Youth Housing and Homelessness Alliance: Joint Statement to government response to Homelessness Inquiry
- Youth homelessness 2001 : a research program funded by all state and territory governments and the Salvation Army
- Zero Project WA
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