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Processing Titles

Processing a title involves doing a quality control comparison of the gathered site with the publisher's original site and then either fixing problems (such as missing files) or identifying and noting problems and handing the title over to the PANDORA technical support for fixing.

When a title has been gathered it will appear in the Completed Gathers box on the Gather Queue screen.

Procedures covered in this section include:

Beginning Processing an Archived Title

  1. Search for the title
  2. Click on the title you want from the search results
  3. On the Title - Management screen click on the Process link on the Menu Bar
  4. On the Title - Process screen (see screen below) open up the Select Instance drop-down box and select the archived instance you want to work on
  5. The Title - Process screen will now be populated with links to the archived versions, gather reports, analysis tools and radio buttons used to indicate the current archiving and analysis status (see screen below)
  6. Before you start processing the site you should click on the Processing radio button found in the Analysis Status section of the screen
  7. You can now begin processing by checking the archived instance directly, checking gather reports and checking site analysis reports using the automated analysis tool

Title - Process Screen

Title - Process Screen after selecting an archived instance

Viewing the Archived Instance

To view the archived instance click on the the URL that appears as a hypertext link. This will open a new window in the browser in which you can check that the site is complete and functioning correctly.

Checking Gather Reports

When a title is gathered in PANDAS a number of gather reports are produced. The reports that you will most commonly use while processing a title are:

  • Gather - Info which lists the files that have been recorded and downloaded during the gather
  • Gather - Errors which lists errors encountered during the download, e.g. you will see all the 404 file not found messages encountered
  • Gather - General which includes summary information such as the time taken to download, the number of files recorded and the number of errors

Automated Site Analysis Reports

PANDAS incorporates the use of a site analysis tool called Linkbot. You need the Linkbot software loaded on you PC in order to use this function.

When you click on the Site Analysis link this will activate Linkbot which will perform an analysis of the archived instance. This analysis will provide a number of reports that will allow you to locate errors, specific file types, file properties, view summary reports of the site, and make use of many other functions such as a graphical site map. You can also use Linkbot to browse the site file by file and see file hierarchies ("parents" and "children").

The Linkbot software includes its own tutorial and help functions.

Identifying and Fixing Problems

When processing an archived instance it is likely that you will find problems such as missing files or parts of the site not functioning properly. Some of these problems you will be able to fix while others you will need to hand over to the PANDORA IT technical support staff.

Fixing and reporting problems is done through the Modify screen which is opened by clicking on the Modify tab on the Title - Process screen.

Problems - Adding Files

You can add missing files, one at a time, to the archived instance. You can do this by firstly saving the file to your PC then adding it to the archived instance using the Add Files option on the Modify screen. You should also use the Add Files option to add a file back into an archived instance when you have removed the file it to edit it (see Editing a File below).

  1. Download (save) the file from the publisher's site to your PC
  2. Go to the Title - Process screen and select the archived instance you wish to add the file to
  3. Click on the Modify tab to go to the Modify screen
  4. Click on the Add Files link and a pop-up widow will appear (see screen below)
  5. Specify where you want to place the file in the Destination directory box. That is, the URL location in the archived instance where you want to put the file, e.g. www.thesite.org.au/firstdirectory/gettheidea/.
    NB: You only need to specify the directories after the PI and instance directories. If new directories need to be added in order to place the file you are adding in the correct location, just specify the location where you want to place in the Destination directory box; the system will create the directories if they do not already exist.
  6. Specify the file you want to add in the Source file box by clicking on the Browse button and locating the file you have already saved to your PC
  7. Click the Set file button
  8. Make sure the correct mime type is displaying in the Mime box. Change it if necessary by selecting the correct mime type from the drop-down box
  9. Click the Finish button and you will get a message to say the file has been added
  10. Click the Finish button again

Add Files Pop-up Box

Problems - Editing a File

You may need to edit the HTML markup for a particular file if, for example, you need to change a link reference to fix a broken link. You can do this by extracting the file from the archived instance using the Manipulate Files facility, editing the file using your HTML editor, and then using the Add Files facility to place the edited file back in the archived instance.

  1. Go to the Title - Process screen and select the archived instance you wish to add the file to
  2. Click on the Modify tab to go to the Modify screen
  3. Click on the Manipulate files link and a pop-up widow will appear (see screen below)
  4. Enter the URL for the file you want to extract from the archived instance in the Source URL box. NB: It is a good idea to keep open the browser window in which you were viewing the archived instance as you can then copy and paste the URL into the Source URL box
  5. Click on the Download file radio button
  6. Click the Finish button. A message will appear saying the file is available for download and asking you to click on the link using the right mouse button
  7. Click with the right mouse button on the link marked "here" and select Save Target As from the Windows pop-up box
  8. Use the Windows Save As box to save the file where you want. (You may want to create a directory on the c: drive of your PC dedicated to PANDORA files)

Manipulate Files Pop-up Box

Problems - Other Manipulate Files Action Options

The Manipulate files facility also allows you to delete files in the archived instance. Locate the URL for the file you wish to delete and click on the Delete file radio button and click Finish

The other Action options are to allow you to undo the last change you made to a file or to revert back to the original file which will undo all changes made to the file since it was archived.

Logging Problems to Hand Over to PANDORA IT Support Staff

If you encounter problems you are unable to fix you can log the problem in the Problem Log box on the Modify screen. This box allows you to enter details of the problems in free text.

There is another log box on the Modify screen called Process Log. This is to allow you to record notes during the process operation.

When you are ready to hand over the title to the PANDORA IT support staff click on the Basic tab, click on the Handover to IT radio button to change the Analysis Status, then click the Finish button.

Completing Processing

When you have completed processing an archived instance and you decide that the title has been successfully archived you need to change the processing status. Click on the Basic tab, then click on the Archived radio button under Current Status and Completed radio button under Analysis Status. Click the Finish button.

Viewing Completed Archived Instances

To view all archived instances through the Title - Process screen click on the Show completed archived instances tick box, open the Select Instance drop-down box and select the instance you want.


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Last updated 30 May 2001

[National Library of Australia]