[Pandora Archive logo] National Library of Australia and Partners
Preserving and Accessing Networked DOcumentary Resources of Australia


Adding Restrictions to Titles

  • Restrictions on access to titles in the archive may be either for commercial reasons, for privacy or cultural reasons, or as part of a policy decision for certain categories of material.
  • Items can be restricted for a specified time period to onsite use only in one or more of the partner agencies, or can be password protected so that only designated researchers can obtain access.
  • See Restrictions in the Creating and Editing Title Records section of the manual for details on how to apply restrictions to a title.

Commercial Restrictions

  • When a title that is only available via purchase/subscription is selected, special negotiations with the publisher will be required to obtain permission for archiving.
  • The preferred model is for the publisher to allow onsite use only in all of the partner agencies for an agreed time, preferably a maximum of 5 years. After this period has elapsed, the title will become freely available to external users.
  • If the publisher is unwilling to allow this, then it is possible to offer other options, such as onsite use in only a single agency and/or for a longer time period.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that the publisher does not supply an encrypted version of the title, i.e. one that requires use of a password for access. Preservation actions cannot be undertaken on encrypted files.

Privacy or Cultural Restrictions

  • Some material of a sensitive nature may also require restricted access. For example, indigeneous material, personal accounts, opinions expressed in closed discussion lists.
  • For these categories of material it may be necessary to either provide a longer time period restriction, or to use the Restriction Type of Authenticated to allow only password controlled access to the title by designated users.
  • In rare cases, no public access to a title may be allowed. For example, where permission has not been obtained for archiving, but the title is considered so significant that it has been captured in the hope that it can eventually be made available. Or, the item may include libelous or other legally questionable material. For these types of mateial, access may be restricted to staff only by using the Restriction Type of Internal for one or more partner agencies.

Policy Restrictions

  • Some adult material has been selected for inclusion in PANDORA to reflect the widespread availability of such material on the Internet. While this material is publicly accessible on the Internet, a decision has been made to allow only password controlled access to the archived versions in PANDORA. Use the Restriction Type of Authenticated for this material.


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Last updated 1 June 2001

[National Library of Australia]