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Creating and Editing Title Records

  • Please note that Publisher, Indexing Agent and INSECT cannot be created during title registration. These must each be searched prior to creating a record (unless you are certain that they already exist). If a search reveals they don't, they must be registered through the Archive Management area of PANDAS first.

Creating a New Title Record

  1. From Archive Management, select Title. In the Title - Select screen select Register from the Register Title area at far right of screen.

  2. The Title - Register screen displays.

    There are four kinds of data contained in a title record under the tabs Basic, Restrictions, Publisher, and Notes.

  3. Basic Tab
    Title - enter the publication's title following AACR2 rules for constructing titles:
    • Capitalise the first word of the title and other words as appropriate according to cataloguing rules. If the title requires a uniform title for cataloguing, i.e. Discussion paper (Australia. Dept. of Veterans' Affairs), input the title in this format.
    • If the title is generic and would be catalogued with a main entry for the organisation responsible, e.g. an annual report, use either the statement of responsibility or the main entry heading for qualification and separate with a space-dash-space from the title i.e. Annual report - Australia. Dept. of Veterans' Affairs.
    • Generally omit an initial article from a title if possible and if the title makes sense without it.

    URL - copy the URL directly from the starting page of the title and paste it in. If the item is received via email, enter email:// followed by the email address, e.g. email://jsmith@nla.gov.au

    Format - select the appropriate format from the dropdown menu:
    • Integrating - used for sites that may undergo changes (whether or not they will be regathered in PANDORA). This format should be used for most web sites.
    • Mono - items that are complete and will not be changed. For example, ebooks, reports, completed projects.
    • Serial - used for all ejournals and sites for regular events such as annual festivals that are being captured regularly.

    Subjects - choose up to three appropriate subject headings for the title using the dropdown lists.

    Registration - the date will default to today's date. The date may be changed if necessary.

    Title Status - select the appropriate status of National Preservation, Reject, Monitor, Transfer from the dropdown list. The status of the title will determine the level of data input into the rest of the record. National Preservation will require a complete set of data to be input into the title record while a reject, monitor or transfer status will require less data, (which will require later upgrading if the status is upgraded to National Preservation). The status of a title is linked to a title's standing (see the next field) and it is vital that these are correct and updated if the status subsequently changes.

    Standing - is related to the status of the title. The standing of a title is vital for accurate reporting capabilities in PANDAS and is used for gathering, generating statistics, title management and particularly for creating the correct information about archiving on title entry pages. Select the appropriate standing from the dropdown list. For National Preservation titles the following choices are available:
    • Selected - the item has been selected for archiving, but no work has yet been carried out. This is usually the standing that will be used at the point of registration
    • Current - the item is being worked on. This will include items that are in the initial stage of publisher contact, gathered items being processed, and all items with regular gathering schedules.
    • Ceased - the item is no longer being updated on the publisher's site, but is still available
    • Ceased gathering - a decision has been made to stop archiving the item
    • Complete - one-off gathers that have been completed
    • Disappeared - either the publisher's site has disappeared, or the item is no longer available on the publisher's site
    • Unable to archive - technical problems have prevented gathering
    • Permission denied - publisher has refused our request to archive
    • Site disappeared before archiving - site selected, but disappeared before we were able to archive it
    • Unable to gain permission - publisher has not responded to requests for permission to archive.
    • Other - explain in the Notes area

    Agency - will default to your agency

    Staff - select the appropriate name from the dropdown list. Within the National Library this should be set to blank for selected titles not yet being worked on. For titles not actively being archived by a staff member, i.e. with standings such as complete, ceased, disappeared, etc., the staff field should be set to the agency name.

    Indexing Agent - if the title is being archived at the request of an indexing agency select an appropriate name from the dropdown list.

    Attach Insect - if the title forms part of a collective entry, select the appropriate INSECT title from the dropdown list.

    Attach Sub-group - if the title belongs to a sub-group within a collective entry, select the INSECT subgroup from the dropdown list. If no subgroups have been established no options will appear in the dropdown menu.

  4. Restrictions Tab
    If the publisher has requested a restriction on access to the item, this can be specified using the restriction options.

    NB: Restrictions are enforced by PANDAS nightly which means that when you apply a restriction to a title it will not be enforced until the next day. For this reason you should wait until the following day to create a link to the archived instance on the title entry page.

    Restriction Type - select the location where the item may be viewed from the drop down list. If the item requires a special password for access, e.g. for pornographic sites, then select Authenticated

    Start Date and End Date - enter the start and end dates of the restriction period in dd mm yyyy format. Finish by clicking on the Add button. OR you can use the Period field described below.

    Period - may be used instead of start date/end date. Enter a number in the leading box and then select an appropriate chronological unit from the dropdown list. Finish by clicking on the Add button.

    Restriction List - after clicking on the Add button the system will automatically insert a description of the restrictions selected into this field.

    Display Note - information from the restriction list will automatically be displayed on the TEP. If you wish to include any additional notes, enter them here.

  5. Publisher Tab
    Publisher's Name - type in the first letter of the publisher's name to move to the start of that letter in the alphabetic publisher list. Scroll down the list and select the correct publisher.

    File Number - enter the file no. if this has been established for the title. For the NLA, this field will contain the prefix NLA/, while for PANDORA partners this field will be blank to cater for local practice.

    Contact Name - if there is a single contact person for all titles produced by the publisher, this information should be entered onto the publisher record and will default into the title record. Otherwise add the contact name here.

    Contact's Email - add the email address for the contact.

    Contact's Phone - add the phone number if known.

    Contact's Fax - add the fax number if known.

    Last Contact - enter the date of last contact in dd mm yyyy format. This will usually be the date of first contact when seeking permission to archive.

    Permission - click on the radio button to set the permission status to either granted, denied or unknown. If the publisher has granted blanket permission to archive any items they produce and this is recorded in the Publisher record, this will default to granted; likewise if permission has been denied for all their publications this will default to denied. Set the radio button to Unknown if this information has not yet been received, otherwise set to Granted or Denied as appropriate and add the date to the Permission Given field in dd mm yyyy format.

    Notes - add any notes relevant to the publisher for this particular title.

  6. Notes Tab
    Enter any additional information that needs to be recorded for this title in the text box.

  7. Once all data has been recorded click on the Finish button to save the input data, Clear All to reset the form (all input data will be lost), or Cancel to go back to the Title - Select screen (all input data will be lost).

Cloning an Existing Title

  • Cloning an existing record will save time and reduce data entry inaccuracies. This method of title creation is most suitable when there are a number of similar titles from one publisher to be created. Data from all fields except Title and AMICUS No. will be transferred to the new record. Title-specific or unique data will need to be added for the title being created.
  1. In Archive Management select Title. If you already know the PI of the title, this can be entered immediately into the Clone PI field in the Title - Select screen without conducting a search. If the PI is not known, search for the record that you wish to clone and obtain its PI. Click Finish to return to the Title - Select screen. In the Clone PI field add the PI and click on the Clone button.

  2. A Title - Clone screen will appear. Unique data that will not transfer over to the new record are the Title and AMICUS No. Edit the record as required.

Editing a Title Record

  1. Search for the title that requires updating. Click on the link to the correct title.

  2. At the Title - Management screen click on the Edit link at the top of the screen. A Title - Edit screen, which is identical to the Title - Register screen, will now appear. The tabs Basic, Restrictions, Publisher and Note contain the same fields as they do on the Title - Register screen. An additional tab, History , exists in Title - Edit. This will only allow the addition or modification of text if the title is an integrating or serial title.

  3. Under the Basic tab, editing may include:
    • the addition of the Amicus No. once the title has been catalogued
    • editing the URL if this changes or is incorrect - it is important to maintain the correct URL because PANDAS uses this address for scheduled gatherings
    • changing the status or standing of a title
    • changing the agency or owner of a title
    • allocating the title to a newly-created INSECT or sub-group

  4. Under the Restrictions tab, editing may include:
    • addition of a restriction which previously didn't exist
    • increasing or decreasing a restriction period
    • adding issues to the restriction list
    • altering text in the display note field

  5. Under the Publisher tab, editing may include:
    • changing the contact name and/or the contact details
    • updating the date of last contact
    • updating the permission status
    • updating the notes field

  6. Under the Notes tab, editing may include:
    • addition of previous URLs
    • explanatory notes for history changes
    • any other pertinent information about the title

  7. Under the History tab, editing may include:
    • changing a title for integrating and serial titles
    • updating the accompanying date details


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Last updated 18 September 2001

[National Library of Australia]