[Pandora Archive logo] National Library of Australia and Partners
Preserving and Accessing Networked DOcumentary Resources of Australia


Transferring Titles

  • PANDAS allows staff from any agency to transfer a prospective title to another agency. This facility provides important functionality when staff from one agency locate titles that better fit the selection criteria of another agency. It is also useful if an agency is suffering staff shortages when there may be important sites to capture. In this case titles could be transferred to another agency for archiving and/or processing on a temporary basis.
  • To transfer a title to another agency:
  1. Search for the title or create a new record, as necessary
  2. Change the Title Status and Standing to Transfer
  3. After editing or creating the record, return to the view screen (see image below)
  4. Select Transfer displayed on the top menu
  5. This opens up a new window with details of the person transferring the title already in the Transfer Message box
  6. Select the recipient using the drop down list
  7. Click Finish
  8. This produces a message to say that the title was successfully transferred
  9. Click Finish again to return to the view screen for the transferred title
  10. NOTE: You cannot send a message to the agency that already 'owns' the title
  • This sends an email message to the generic mailbox for the recipient agency and changes ownership of the title. It is then up to the new owner to make any decisions regarding the selection or archiving of the title.
Title View Screen
Title view


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Last updated 21 May 2001

[National Library of Australia]