2008 Western Australia state election campaign
This collection includes sites archived during the campaign for the 2008 Western Australia State Election held on Saturday 6th September. The publishers'sites may provide more current information.
- 2008 State Elections Policy Costing - Impact of Liberal Party Commitments on State Finance
- 2008 State Elections Policy Costings - ALP Commitments to 1 September 2008
- 2008 State General Election Details
- 2008 State General Elections : Legislative Assembly District Results 6th September 2008
- 2008 State General Elections : Legislative Council Elected Members
- 2008 State General election - Saturday 6th September
- Caretaker Conventions Guidelines Applying in Western Australia State General Election Period (2008 Western Australia)
- Christian Democratic Party (Western Australia)
- Christian Porter MLA, Member for Murdoch Shadow Attorney General
- Emily's List Australia : WA candidates
- Giz Watson MLC member for the North Metroplitan region (2008 Western Australia election campaign)
- Government of Western Australia Premier Colin Barnett & Cabinet Ministers
- Greens (WA)
- Heart, stroke and blood vessel disease : a time for action in Western Australia (2008 Western Australia election campaign)
- John Hyde MLA member for Perth (2008 Western Australia Election campaign)
- Liberal Party of Western Australia
- One Nation Western Australia
- Paul Papalia MLA member for Peel (2008 Western Australia election campaign)
- Pre election financial projection statement 2008-09
- Realising a Better Energy Future Now' for WA State election (2008 Western Australian election campaign)
- Rod Henderson Liberal for West Swan
- Socialist Alliance (Western Australian elections)
- Speech Pathology Australia State Lobbying Campaign (Western Australia election campaign 2008)
- Statement by Alan Carpenter
- Steve Irons Liberal for Swan
- Strategies for growth:policy priorities for the next WA government
- The Daylight Saving Party (2008 Western Australia election campaign)
- The Hon Alan J Carpenter MLA
- The Hon Alannah MacTiernan BA LLB BJuris JP MLA
- The Hon David A Templeman MLA
- The Hon Eric S Ripper BA DipEd MLA
- The Hon Francis M Logan BA(Hons) MLA
- The Hon Jim A McGinty BA BJuris(Hons) LLB JP MLA
- The Hon John C Kobelke BSc DipEd JP MLA
- The Hon Jon R Ford JP MLC
- The Hon Kim M Chance MLC
- The Hon Ljiljanna Ravlich BA(SocSc) DipEd DipEd(Admin) MLC
- The Hon Margaret M Quirk LLB(Hons) MA MLA
- The Hon Mark McGowan BA LLB MLA
- The Hon Michelle H Roberts BA DipEd MLA
- The Hon Sheila M McHale MLA
- The Hon Sue M Ellery MLC
- The Nationals Western Australia
- The Poll Bludger 2008 : Reflections on the miracle of democracy at work in the greatest nation on earth (Western Australian Election 2008)
- Toni Warden : its easy being green
- Tony Simpson MLA member for Darling Range (2008 Western Australia election campaign)
- Troy Buswell MLA member for Vasse (2008 Western Australia State election campaign)
- Vote for a Fairer WA
- W A Votes (Western Australia state election campaign 2008)
- WA Family First
- WA Labor Vision Stability Leadership (2008 Western Australia election campaign 2008)
- Western Australia state election 2008 election update
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