- A. R. Levett
- Adam Aitken
- Alexandria Blaelock
- Alison Thompson
- Andy Jackson: Poetry from a body shaped like a question mark.
- Anne Kellas
- Anne-Marie Te Whiu
- Aussie Bush Poet : Bush poetry of Dennis N. O'Brien
- Ben Walter
- Brittany Riley : Author | Poet | Screenwriter
- Carolyn Eldridge-Alfonzetti : Writer of stories and poems for children and adults
- Cassandra Atherton
- Catherine Bateson
- Catty Reads, Catty Writes, Catty Knits (Catherine Bateson)
- Chloe Wilson
- David Campbell : Award Winning Poet and Writer
- David McCooey
- Denise O'Hagan
- Doc Bland's Bush Poetry
- Don McQueen : The Bush Balladeer
- Eunice Andrada
- Francis Brabazon
- Frank Prem : Poet and Author
- Gary Fogarty
- Gita Mammen - writer, artist
- J V Birch
- Jackie Hosking : Children's Author & Poet
- Jacqui Malins
- Jai Baidell & Cara Bruar : Poems and stories from Australia
- Joel Deane
- Judith Bishop
- Julie Janson
- Kay Gorring : Poet and Writer
- Kelley Swain : poet, novelist, critic
- Kelly Van Nelson : Author, Poet and Speaker
- Kirli Saunders
- Kristin Martin's Poems for Kids
- Kristy Lee - Swift of Pen
- Lang Leav
- Leticia Mooney
- Libby Hathorn
- Lisa Gorton
- Marcel Weyland
- Marco Gliori : Bush Poet & Entertainer
- Maria Takolander
- Melissa Pouliot - Crime Author
- Melissa Watts
- Michael Burrows : Author - Poet - Screenwriter
- Murray Hartin : Poet, Author, Entertainer
- Nikki Teeuw : Storyteller - Songstress - Poet
- Noel Stallard : Bush Poet and Entertainer
- PS Cottier
- Poetry | Paul Magee
- Rashida Murphy
- Robert Gray
- Robyn Sykes Poet
- Ruby Hillsmith - Writer! Editor! Poet!
- Scruffs Aussie Verse
- Susan Skowronski – Australian Author & Poet
- Tim Sinclair
- Tom Stodulka | Author | Poet | Australia
- Wild Whispers Poetry Magazine
- Yvette Henry Holt
- greer taylor | sculpture | installation | ephemeral | poetry
- hergreyside
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