(1187 items)
- Derwent Catchment Project
- Derwent Estate Wines
- Derwent Valley Arts - New Norfolk, Tasmania
- Des Griffin.com [former director of the Australian Museum]
- Desart
- Descendance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dance Theatre
- Description of ecological communities : arid eucalypt woodlands
- Desert Anzacs
- Desert Cave Hotel Coober Pedy
- Desert Distributors
- Desert Ecology Research Group
- Desert Feet
- Desert Feet Tours
- Desert Knowledge Australia
- Desert Knowledge Australia Solar Centre : DKASC
- Desert Pea Media
- Desert Song Festival
- Desi Tea Chai
- Design Canberra
- Design Conversations
- Design History Australia Research Network
- Design Institute of Australia: The voice of professional design
- Design and Art Australia Online (DAAO)
- Design and Technology Teachers Association (Datta Australia)
- Design and Technology Teachers Association of ACT
- Design concept report for Belconnen Town Centre public transport improvements and transit oriented development
- Design federation
- Design philosophy papers
- DesignGov
- DesignMind
- Designer Carrots : market based instruments for NRM change
- Designer ECO Tiny Homes
- Designing and implementing recordkeeping systems : manual for Commonwealth agencies
- Designing landscapes for biodiversity under climate change
- Desktop management - guidelines for managing electronic documents and directories
- Despatches from Gallipoli
- Destination Gold Coast
- Destination Norfolk Island
- Destination Phillip Island Regional Tourism Board
- Destination Tamworth
- Destination Tweed
- Destinations 2000 : school leavers who participated in ECEF-funded programs
- Destroy All Lines
- Destroy The Joint @JointDestroyer (Twitter)
- Destroy the joint
- Detailed analysis of the Native Title Amendment Act 1998
- Detailed report : economic and technical assessment of desalination technologies in Australia : with particular reference to National Action Plan priority regions
- Detect Early (Alzheimer's Australia)
- Detention Logs
- Detention River Christian Community
- Determining the cost of dryland salinity
- Dettol
- Deutsch and Hackett
- Developing Asian Bondmarkets
- Developing East Arnhem
- Developing Northern Australia Conference
- Developing a framework for teaching and learning standards in Australian higher education and the role of TEQSA
- Developing a functions thesaurus : guidelines for commonwealth agencies
- Developing a model for interprofessional education during clinical placements for medical and nursing undergraduate students
- Developing a new regional education, employment & training agenda : early lessons from Whittlesea
- Developing an asia capable workforce - a national strategy
- Developing an effective action plan
- Developing and managing contracts : getting the right outcome, paying the right price
- Developing effective housing management strategies to address problems of anti-social behaviour
- Developing lifelong learners in the middle years of schooling
- Developing local talent : options to maximise existing ACT skills education and training
- Developing schools' capacity to make performance judgements
- Developing, approving and maintaining qualifications: selected international approaches
- Development Assessment Forum
- Development Policy Centre (Crawford School of Public Policy)
- Development Policy blog
- Development of Academics and Higher Education Futures
- Development of HL7 messaging standards for communication between general practitioner, clinical management software and Division register/recall systems
- Development of TAFE in Australia
- Development of a national approach to monitoring, assessment and reporting on the decade of Education for Sustainable Development : summarising documented experiences on the development of ESD indicators and networking with expert groups on ESD indicators
- Development of a quality framework for the medicare benefits schedule
- Development of a strategy to support the universal recognition and recording of employability skills : a skills portfolio approach : final report
- Development of an agreed code of practice and standard operating procedures for the humane capture, handling or destruction of feral animals in Australia
- Development of knowledge and attitudes about career options and Australia's economic future : report of focus groups
- Development of language-specific student proficiency descriptors for Chinese, Indonesian and Korean
- Development of metrics for individual exposure assessment to traffic related air pollution
- Development of nationally consistent subacute and non-acute admitted patient care data definitions and guidelines
- Development of quality online assessment in vocational education and training
- Development of tools for the identification of secondary organic aerosol in Australian cities
- Developmental Neuroscience (Julian Heng Lab)
- Developmental research for national skin cancer campaign
- Developmental research for new Australian health warnings on tobacco products stage 1
- Developmental research for new Australian health warnings on tobacco products stage 2
- Developments in Australian industry policy 2001
- Developments in internet filtering technologies and other measures for promoting online safety
- Developments | Liebke + Co
- Devil Ark
- Devil Country Muster
- Devil's Corner Tasmania
- Devil's in the detail : the diverse art musings of Glenn Smith
- Devils in Danger Foundation
- Devils@Cradle
- Devondale
- Devondale Murray Goulburn
- Devonhouse Recollections