(1129 items)
- Evaluation of co-operative projects for higher education students with disabilities
- Evaluation of incentives for commercialisation of research in Australian universities : a survey of selected Australian universities
- Evaluation of indigenous family reunion link-up services and development of best practice modelsfor service delivery
- Evaluation of positive partnerships - the DEEWR component of helping children with Autism package
- Evaluation of round one of the Market Based Instrument Pilot Program
- Evaluation of skilled migration to the Riverina
- Evaluation of smoking cessation programs for people experiencing specific inequalities
- Evaluation of the Australian Flexible Learning Framework
- Evaluation of the Australian Government Quality Teacher Programme 1999-2004
- Evaluation of the Career and Transition (CAT) Pilots
- Evaluation of the Discovering Democracy Programme 2000-2003
- Evaluation of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000
- Evaluation of the From Milk to More Placemat
- Evaluation of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission National Inquiry into Rural and Remote Education
- Evaluation of the Industry Partnerships Programme
- Evaluation of the Leading Australia's Schools Program
- Evaluation of the National Drug Strategic Framework 1998-99 - 2003-04
- Evaluation of the National Residential Dementia Training Initiative (March 1998)
- Evaluation of the National School Drug Education Strategy (NSDES) and COAG tough on drugs in schools initiative: final report
- Evaluation of the Northern Territory Agreement : final report
- Evaluation of the Palmer and Comrie reform agenda : including related ombudsman reports
- Evaluation of the Rural and Remote Disability Employment Assistance Pilot Projects Report
- Evaluation of the Young Offenders Pilot Program : final report
- Evaluation of the after hours primary medical care program : final evaluation report
- Evaluation of the bringing them home and Indigenous mental health programs final report
- Evaluation of the child health check initiative and expanding health services delivery initiative
- Evaluation of the connectivity between surface water and groundwater in the Murray-Darling Basin
- Evaluation of the cooperative research centres programme.
- Evaluation of the effects of the Tax Reform Package on rural and remote communities in Queensland
- Evaluation of the garden city provisions of the territory plan : discussion paper
- Evaluation of the health warnings and explanatory health messages on tobacco products
- Evaluation of the impact of activity requirements for parenting payment customers on their children aged 13-15 years : the final report to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.
- Evaluation of the indigenous youth mobility program
- Evaluation of the innovative and collaborative youth servicing pilots : final report
- Evaluation of the national "Get Moving" campaign
- Evaluation of the national Asian languages and studies in Australian schools strategy
- Evaluation of the national Go for 2&5 campaign
- Evaluation of the pilot Tutorial Voucher Initiative
- Evaluation of the social & community studies study area specifications
- Evaluation of the subject area syllabuses curriculum development project : final report
- Evaluation of the trial of a new quality assurance system for disability employment services
- Evaluation of the years 1 to 10 English key learning area curriculum development project : final report
- Evaluation of the years 1 to 10 mathematics key learning area curriculum development project : final report
- Evaluation report of a national survey on the impact of the Year of the Official
- Evaluations and Investigations Programme report - Dept. of Education, Training and Youth Affairs
- Evaluative research into the Office of the Board of Studies' Aboriginal Careers Aspiration Program for Aboriginal students in NSW high schools
- Evan Hughes for Wentworth 2016
- Evana De Lune
- Evandale History Society
- Evandale Light Railway & Steam Society
- Evandale Tasmania
- Evandale Village Fair and National Penny Farthing Championships
- Evangelical Alliance 2004 election home page
- Evangelise Australia (NOE)
- Evatt Foundation
- Even in a little thing
- Events Tasmania
- Events on the Murray
- Every Australian Counts
- Every Body is a Treasure
- Every Cloud Productions
- Every Dog Day
- Every Nation Canberra
- Every chance to play
- Everybody's Home
- Everybodysoma
- Everyday Eco in the A.C.T.
- Everymind
- Everything In Between
- Everything Nunnup
- Everything You Need to Know About Australia’s Election (Bloomberg)
- Everything in its Place: Location, Persistence, and Change
- Evetts Drums | Australia's Finest Handcrafted Bespoke Drums
- Evicted! A Modern Romance
- Evidence Centre reports
- Evidence based clinical practice guidelines in palliative care for the multi-disciplinary team
- Evidence based decision making : scholarship and practice : proceedings of the 2008 Australasian higher education evaluation forum
- Evidence of high-skilled VET practitioners and high-performing VET organisations
- Evidence-base : a journal of evidence reviews in key policy areas
- Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the use of recombinant and plasma derived FVIII and FIX products
- Evidence-based management of acute musculoskeletal pain
- Evidence-based practice in a rural and remote setting
- Evie Wyld
- Evocities
- Ewen Jones : Federal Member for Herbert
- Ex Plus Ultra: a postgraduate ejournal of colonial history and post colonial theory
- Ex-Service, Service & Veterans Party
- Examination for SOCOG : review of records of the Sydney Olympics 2000 Bid Ltd by independent examiner
- Examination of resources for writing for performance
- Examining learning partnerships in northern Australia
- Examples of good practice in assisting international students to integrate with Australian students and the wider community
- Exbleative
- Excellence and enterprise : advancing public schools of distinction
- Excellence and equity : foundations for the future of Australia's universities
- Excellence in e-Government Awards
- Excellence in innovation: research impacting our nation's future - assessing the benefits
- Excellence in research for Australia (ERA) initiative : consultation paper
- Excellence in research for Australia 2012 : national report
- Excellence in school leadership : background paper
- Exceptional circumstances : a case study in the application of climate information to decision making