(2719 items)
- State.Sanctioned.Violence (SSV - State Sanctioned Violence)
- Stateline Canberra
- Statement By Dr Monique Ryan MP On Voice Referendum Result
- Statement ahead of the 2022 Federal Election - AAHMS - Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences
- Statement by Belvoir St Theatre on the Voice to Parliament Referendum - Belvoir St Theatre
- Statement by Scitech on the Voice referendum - Scitech
- Statement by the Acting Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia on the death of her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
- Statement by the GiveOUT Board on the Referendum
- Statement from Guide Dogs Victoria - Guide Dogs Victoria
- Statement from Pastor Brian Houston, Senior Pastor, Hillsong Church, Re: Australian same sex marriage postal plebiscite
- Statement from President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference on the death of the Queen - Catholic Voice
- Statement from Soldier On (Soldier On)
- Statement from our hearts: a response from Indigenous Studies [Macquarie University] – Croakey Health Media
- Statement from the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law on the Outcome of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum - Castan Centre for Human Rights Law
- Statement in Support of Marriage Equality (Muslims for Progressive Values)
- Statement in response to the Federal Budget 2021-2022 (Australian Academy of the Humanities)
- Statement in response to the Voice referendum | Kirby Institute
- Statement in support of the Voice - Tandem
- Statement of Support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart and Constitutional Recognition and the Voice to Parliament - Australian Institute of Architects
- Statement of principles for the preservation of and long-term access to Australian digital objects
- Statement of support for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament : University of Melbourne
- Statement on Federal Budget 2017-18 (Regional Capitals Australia)
- Statement on Russia's invasion of Ukraine | Prime Minister of Australia
- Statement on Same Sex Marriage (National Council of Jewish Women of Australia)
- Statement on Voice referendum - Dr Marilyn Clarke - RANZCOG
- Statement on referendum result - Andrew Barr MLA, ACT Chief Minister
- Statement on the 2014-15 Federal Budget (Business Council of Australia)
- Statement on the 2015-16 Federal Budget (Business Council of Australia)
- Statement on the Passing of Queen Elizabeth II — Australian Republic Movement
- Statement on the Voice Referendum: A time to pause and reflect - Diversity Council Australia
- Statement on the Voice to Parliament Referendum - Collaboration on Social Science and Immunisation
- Statement on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II | RSPCA Australia
- Statement on the death of Queen Elizabeth II - Catholic Health Australia
- Statement on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - ECAJ
- Statement on the passing of Her Majesty The Queen | Prime Minister of Australia
- Statement regarding Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix [2020 Cancellation]
- Statement regarding Voice Referendum outcome | City of Ballarat
- Statement: Allies for Uluru welcome wording for constitutional change - ACOSS
- Statement: Passing of Her Majesty The Queen - Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
- Statement: Voice Referendum outcome - RMIT University
- Statements for the Federal Election 2010 (Salvation Army)
- Statements for the Federal Election 2013 (The Salvation Army)
- Statements of learning for civics and citizenship
- Statements on monetary policy
- States of Change
- Stating the obvious? : the case for integrated public policy
- Stationary energy sector greenhouse gas emissions projections 2004
- Statistical Society of Australia Inc.
- Statistical framework for the music sector : for the Statistics Working Group of the Cultural Ministers Council
- Statistics 2000. Students with a disability in vocational education and training : at a glance
- Statment regarding coronvirus (National Museum of Australia)
- Status of Murray Cod in the Murray-Darling Basin
- Stawell Gift
- Stay Kind
- Stay in Bed Day
- Stay smart online (including blog)
- Stay tuned for the RETUNE
- Stay, play or give it away? : students continuing, changing or leaving university study in the first year
- Staying Strong During the Marriage Equality Debate (ACON)
- Staying healthy in child care : preventing infectious diseases in child care
- Staying on course : factors which impact on students' completing their course
- Steam & Engine of Australia
- Steeden
- Steel Thunder (Centurion Main Battle Tanks in Australia)
- Stef Gemmill - children's author
- Stefan A Nicholson (Tasmania)
- Stefan Vogel - Independent Politics
- Steggles
- Steiner Education Australia
- Stelarc
- Stella Maris, Australia (Apostleship of the Sea)
- Stella Prize
- Stella Pulo
- Stella-Rae (includes We Are Not Obscene)
- StellrScope
- Stem Cells Australia
- Step Together
- Step by Step: Reopening Together (National Library of Australia)
- Step by step guide to proceedings in the Family Court
- StepOne : community harmony guide for local government
- Stepfamilies Australia
- Steph Bowe
- Stephanie Ashton : Australian Contemporary romance author
- Stephanie Bendixsen
- Stephanie Dowrick
- Stephanie Lai
- Stephanie Lake
- Stephanie Laurens : romance author
- Stephany Evans Steggall : Australian Author
- Stephen Conroy : Minister for Fascism
- Stephen Dawson writer : Home Entertainment and Technology
- Stephen Dedman
- Stephen Dupont
- Stephen Edgar
- Stephen Grant - United Australia Party candidate for Sturt
- Stephen Hall
- Stephen Koukoulas
- Stephen M Irwin : Screenwriter and Novelist
- Stephen Magnusson
- Stephen Molloy for Bradfield