- Alternative & Complementary Health Care (49)
- Health Research (202)
- Medical & Hospital Care (215)
- Medical Conditions & Diseases (506)
- Mental Health (190)
- Pharmaceuticals (53)
- Public Health (209)
- PainAustralia
- Palliative Care Australia's 2013 election platform: make palliative care your business
- Pandemic Influenza
- PaperWeight
- Paralysis tick of Australia
- Parental Opinions and Behaviour regarding Teenage Alcohol Consumption
- Party drug trends bulletin
- Pathology Australia
- Patient Safety : an overview : a background paper examining the ACT¿¿¿s hospitals and day surgery facilities and national and international developments in patient safety
- Paying the price: The economic and social impact of eating disorders in Australia
- Personal and possible : achieving quality dementia care in residential aged care services
- Personally speaking : single-session email therapy with Dr Bob Rich
- Pfizer Australia Health Report
- Pharmaceutical Reforms Newsletter
- Pharmaceutical industry working papers
- Pharmaceuticals in Australia : access, costs and industry development, 16 September 2002, Victoria University Conference Centre, Melbourne
- Pharmaceuticals in Australia : equity, cost containment and industry development
- Phoenix Australia. Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health
- Physical Activity Australia
- Pink Ribbon Day
- Plant Based Health Australia
- Pneumonia
- Policy on the care and use of non-human primates for scientific purposes
- Population Health Research Network
- Population profile series
- Possible adoption within the public health sector of the globally harmonised system for the classification and labelling of chemicals (GHS) in regard to domestic and consumer chemicals (including pesticides)
- Possible applications of disease minimum data set to future activities relating to occupational disease
- Post-coma unresponsiveness and minimally responsive state : a guide for families and carers of people with profound brain damage
- Potential economic impact of an HIV/AIDS epidemic in Papua New Guinea / prepared for AusAID by the Centre for International Economics
- Pre Budget Submission - Federal Budget 2014-2015 (Kidney Health Australia)
- Pre Budget Submission - Federal Budget 2015-2016 (Kidney Health Australia)
- Pre Budget Submission - Federal Budget 2016-2017 (Kidney Health Australia)
- Pre-Budget Submission 2016-17 (Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists)
- Pregnancy, Birth and Baby
- Preventative Health Taskforce
- Preventing falls and harm from falls in older people : best practice guidelines for Australian hospitals and residential aged care facilities
- Prevention 1st 2016 Election Platform (fare : Foundation for Alcohol Research & Education)
- Priorities for action in cancer control 2001-2003
- Priorities for nursing and midwifery research in Australia
- Private Healthcare Australia
- Proceedings and papers (Australian Institute of Health Law and Ethics)
- Professor Graeme M. Clark (University of Melbourne / Bionic Ear Institute)
- Promoting sexual health amongst resettled youth with refugee backgrounds
- Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia
- Protecting Australia from communicable diseases: everybody¿s business
- Psychoanalysis downunder
- Public Health Association Australia : Response to National Commission of Audit
- Public symposium on Every eight seconds : AIDS revisited : 29-30 November 2000, National Library of Australia, Canberra
- Publications (National Resource Centre for Consumer Participation in Health)
- Put Health First (Health Services Union of Australia)
- Put Labor Last
- Put Yourself in Their Socks
- Quality dementia care series : understanding younger onset dementia
- Quarterly (Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators)
- Quilton (toilet paper)
- Quit : the National Tobacco Campaign
- R.A.N.G.A.
- Racism diminishes all of us (The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)
- Rare Voices Australia
- Re-entry programs for nurses and midwives : a review of legislative requirements and funding support across Australia for re-entry programs
- Reaching for health : The Australian women's health movement and public policy
- Reality bites: rural and remote GP workforce information: a preliminary analysis of the Australian Rural and Remote Workforce Agencies Group minimum data set, October 2003
- Red Dust
- RedFeb
- Reduced-ignition propensity cigarettes : a review of policy relevant information
- Refugee Health Network of Australia
- Refugee Nurses of Australia (RNA)
- Remote Vocational Training Scheme
- Removal of the hospitality exemptions available in the ACT¿¿¿s smoke-free areas (Enclosed Public Places) Act 1994 : regulation impact statement
- Report of adverse experiences
- Report of an inquiry into Dr Julie Copeman¿¿¿s complaint that Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service terminated her employment on the basis of her trade union activity
- Report of the investigation into livestock mortalities aboard the M.V Temburong on Wednesday 27 January 1999
- Report of the organisation wide survey for the ACHS evaluation and quality improvement program : the Canberra Hospital
- Report of the working party on the supply and use of Factor VIII and Factor IX in Australia
- Report on the 2006 ACT Year 6 physical activity and nutrition survey (ACTPANS)
- Report on the use of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIg) for 2009-2010
- Research Australia
- Research bulletin - University of Western Australia. Primary health Care Research Evaluation and Development.
- Research training for nurses and midwives : a report on Commonwealth-funded research training scheme places and Australian postgraduate awards for nurses and midwives in Australia
- Researching Commercial Surrogacy
- Residential Aged Care Coronial Communique
- Responding to health skills shortages : innovative directions from vocational education and training
- Responding to the medical indemnity crisis: an integrated reform package
- Results of research into the residential aged care industry's use of computers and the internet
- Rethinking aggression and dementia
- Return to Work Matters (RTWMatters)
- Review of Aged Day Care Centre Program
- Review of National Safety and Quality Accreditation Standards
- Review of existing models of reporting to consumers on health service quality : summary report and guidelines
- Review of health issues associated with potable reuse of wastewater - final report
- Review of health technology assessment in Australia : a discussion paper
- Review of non-prescription Analgesics
- Review of non-prescription analgesics : an update
- Review of philanthropy in the ACT
- Review of standardised measures used in the National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC)
- Review of the Australian Capital Territory mental health (Treatment and Care) Act 1994
- Review of the Personally Controlled Electornic Health Record
- Review of the current arrangements for the regulation of Approved (Pathology) Collection Centres
- Review of the labelling requirements for medicines : consumer-focused labelling : a way forward?
- Rights of passage : a dialogue with young Australians about human rights