- Architecture (218)
- Dance (144)
- Decorative Arts (62)
- Design & Fashion (160)
- Festivals & Events (Arts) (326)
- Film & Cinema (493)
- Fine Arts (253)
- Literature (1909)
- Multi-Media and Digital Arts (101)
- Music (1422)
- Performing Arts (384)
- Photography (243)
- Poetry (206)
- 2016 Adelaide Fringe Festival (0)
- 2016 Perth Fringe World Festival (1)
- 2018 Adelaide Fringe Festival (0)
- Art groups (0)
- Arts development organisations (5)
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (337)
- Galleries (18)
- Illustrators (61)
- Live Action Role Play (LARP) groups (0)
- Museums (3)
- National Library of Australia online exhibitions (47)
- Society for Creative Anachronism in Australia (59)
- State Library of Queensland exhibitions and online showcases (0)
- State Library of Victoria online exhibitions (0)
- Treasures and curios (State Library of Victoria) (0)
- Riverton Light Gallery
- Robert Clinch
- Rochford Street Review
- Rod Moss Art
- Rolf Harris
- Ronin Films
- Ross Watson Gallery
- Rouge
- Rowany Festival
- Rugs of war
- Ruth Halbert
- S.J Norman
- SCA Lochac Awards - Canon Lore
- SIEVX National Memorial Project
- SOHO ARTS : South Hobart Living Arts Centre
- Safeguarding Australia's web resources : guidelines for creators and publishers
- Saltwater Freshwater Arts Alliance
- Sam Wallman
- Samantha Strauss
- Sand Sculpting Australia
- Sand Sculpting Australia
- Sandford Bush Festival
- Sarah Epstein Creative
- Sauce : hot tips for effective arts promotion
- Scratch! Media
- ScreenACT
- Screening the past : an international electronic journal of visual media and history
- Sculptors' Society Gold Coast Incorporated
- Sculpture at Scenic World
- Sculpture in the Paddock
- Sculpture on Clyde
- Sculpture on the Farm
- Second investigation into cancer related illnesses among National Gallery of Australia employees
- Shakespeare Twenty Score
- Shanahan
- Shape of the Australian curriculum : the arts
- Shaun Micallef's Online World Around Him
- Shire of Adora (Society for Creative Anachronism on the NSW South Coast)
- Shire of Bordescros (Society for Creative Anachronism on the Murray and Lower Riverina)
- Shire of Dismal Fogs (Society for Creative Anachronism in the Blue Mountains)
- Shire of Strathcorbie (Society for Creative Anachronism in Wagga Wagga)
- Shiya Lu
- Significance 2.0 : a guide to assessing the significance of collections
- Simon Kneebone - cartoonist and illustrator
- Simply Australia
- Singing bridges
- Sleepy Brain
- Smith Journal
- Snapshot Journal
- Snapshot of MPA company key trends from 2012 data
- Social Change in the 21st Century
- Social impacts of participation in the arts and cultural activities
- Social research report on Australian studies in Chinese universities
- Society for Creative Anachronism Australia
- Somerset Bean
- Sonder Studio Gallery
- Sotheby's Australia
- Space invaders
- Spike Deane Glass Artist
- Spirit of the Land : Lockhart Festival
- Splinters Theatre Archive
- SpoiltMilk
- Spring Coronation
- Spring Crown Tournament
- Spring War 2024 (Barony of Mordenvale)
- Spycore dot net
- Stand & deliver!
- Statement of principles for the preservation of and long-term access to Australian digital objects
- Stella Pulo
- StellrScope
- Stephen Dawson writer : Home Entertainment and Technology
- Stephen Mushin
- Stilgherrian
- Strategic direction in corporate sponsorships: practical implications for the arts
- Studio LFW
- Such fertile ground
- Summer School in Film Making
- Sydney Arts Guide
- Sydney Arts Management Advisory Group (SAMAG)
- Sydney Centre for Studies in Caodaism
- Sydney Line
- Sydney Opera House
- Symposium on Scholarship, Intellectual Ownership and the Law
- Synapse : art science collaborations
- Tabula rasa (e-zine)
- Tabula rasa (website)
- Talanoa : the home of Pacific storytelling
- Tamil Arts and Culture Association Inc
- Tania Lacy
- Tasmanian Arts Guide
- Teman-teman from the start
- Ten Days on the Island
- Terra Nova : a land of milk and honey
- Textbase
- Tharwa Valley Forge - Australian bladesmithing school
- The Archibull Prize
- The Australian Journal of Virtual Art
- The Australian Society of Authors (including Colin Simpson Memorial Lecture)
- The Bald Archy Prize
- The Bible and critical theory