2016 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites
This collection contains House of Representative candidate web sites.
Other archived collections related to the 2016 federal election can be found at the following links:
Senate election candidate web sites
Media, comment, social media and video web sites
Electoral study and research web sites
Political party web sites
Interest and lobby group web sites
Tasmania maintains its own web archive which can be viewed at LINC
Candidates - Australian Capital Territory
- Andrew Leigh
- Andrew Woodman : Independent Candidate for Fenner
- Carly Anne Saeedi [twitter page] : Greens candidate for Fenner in 2016
- David Smith [twitter page] Federal Member for Canberra
- Gai Brodtman [twitter page] Federal Member for Canberra
- Gai Brodtmann (Labor Party of Australia, Canberra)
- Patricia Cahill for Canberra [twitter page] Senate Candidate
- Tim Bohm (Bullet Train for Australia President)
Candidates - New South Wales
- Alex Hawke MP - Federal member for Mitchell
- Amanda Cohn - Greens [Twitter page]
- Ammar Khan for Chifley
- Andrea Leong @Andrea__Leong [Twitter page]
- Andrew Gee @AndrewGeeMP [Twitter page]
- Andrew Thaler : Independent Candidate for Eden-Monaro
- Angelo Tsirekas @angelotsirekas [Twitter page]
- Angus Taylor - Liberal Candidate for Hume
- Angus Taylor @AngusTaylorMP [Twitter page]
- Ann Sudmalis - Liberal Candidate for Gilmore
- Anthony Albanese - Federal member for Grayndler
- Aoife Champion - Labor for Hume
- Aoife Champion @AoifeChampion [Twitter page]
- Arjay Martin : Hunter Electorate, Upgrade your MP to Arjay Martin, Independent
- Avtar Singh Billu : Independent for Greenway
- Barnaby Joyce - The Nationals Candidate for New England
- Brent Heber - Greens Candidate for Kogarah @GreensKogarah (Twitter Page)
- Carmel McCallum @carmel4gilmore [Twitter page]
- Carol Vernon @Greens4Cowper [Twitter page]
- Chris Bowen - Labor for McMahon
- Chris Bowen @Bowenchris [Twitter page]
- Chris Gambian - Labor Candidate for Banks
- Chris Gambian @chrisgambian [Twitter page]
- Chris Hayes MP - Federal member for Fowler
- Chris Winslow @BlacktownChris [Twitter page]
- Christine Berman : Your Voice in Bradfield
- Clara Williams Roldan for Warringah
- Clara Williams-Roldan @WarringahClara [Twitter page]
- Craig Kelly MP - Federal Member for Hughes
- Craig Kelly [Twitter page]
- Craig Laundy - Liberal Candidate for Reid
- Craig Laundy @LaundyChrisMP [Twitter page]
- Daniel Grosmaire, an independent to represent Eden Monaro
- David Coleman @DavidColemanMP [Twitter page]
- David Gillespie - The Nationals Candidate for Lyne
- David Gillespie @DaveGillespieMP [Twitter page]
- Dawn Walker - Greens Candidate for Richmond
- Dawn Walker @greensdawn [Twitter page]
- Dejay Toborek @DejayToborek [Twitter page]
- Dejay Toborek Greens Candidate for Wentworth
- Ed Husic @edhusicMP [Twitter page]
- Ed Husic MP - Federal Labor fior Chifley
- Eliza james @BlacktownEliza [Twitter page]
- Emma Husar - Labor Candidate for Penrith @emmahusar (Twitter Page)
- Evan Hughes for Wentworth 2016
- Fiona Phillips @fiboydphillips [Twitter Page]
- Fiona Phillips - Labor Candidate for Gilmore
- Fiona Scott @FionaScottMP [Twitter page]
- Geoffrey Winters @WintersGeoffrey [Twitter page]
- Gregory F Stephenson : Independent for Dobell
- Hillary Morris @Hillaryisgreen [Twitter page]
- James Coffey @angryshot [Twitter page]
- James Mathison : an independent voice for Warringah
- James Mathison [Twitter]
- Janelle Saffin. Federal Member for Page
- Jason Clare - Member for Blaxland
- Jason Clare @JasonClareMP [Twitter page]
- Jess Jennings for Calare
- Jill Hall @JillHallMP [Twitter page]
- Jim Casey @JimCaseyGreens [Twitter page]
- Joel Fitgibbon @fitzhunter [Twitter page]
- Joel Fitzgibbon - Federal member for Hunter
- John Alexander MP: Liberal Member for Bennelong
- John Harvey : Vote for an Independent Voice for the Hunter
- Josh Andrews @Josh4Berowra - Labor Candidate for Berowra [Twitter page]
- Julie Lyford @JulieLyford [Twitter page]
- Julie Owens @JulieOwensMP [Twitter page]
- Julie Worsley @JulieWorsleyCDP [Twitter page]
- Justine Elliot @JElliotMP [Twitter page]
- Karen McNamara : Federal Member for Dobell
- Karen McNamara @karenmcnamaramp [Twitter page]
- Katie Gompertz @KatieGomps [Twitter page]
- Kevin Hogan - Nationals Candidate for Page
- Kevin Hogan @KevinHoganMP [Twitter page]
- Kingsley Liu @Liu4Lindsay [Twitter page]
- Kudra Falla-Ricketts @KudraRicketts [Twitter page]
- Laurie Ferguson @LDTFerguson [Twitter page]
- Liam Gavin : Independent Conservative for Mackellar
- Linda Burney MP @LindaBurneyMP [Twitter Page]
- Louise Markus @LouiseMarkusMP [Twitter page]
- Louise Markus, MP - Federal Member for Greenway
- Lucy Wicks @LucyWicksMP [Twitter page]
- Luke Hartsuyker @Luke_Hartsuyker [Twitter page]
- Luke Hartsuyker. Federal member for Cowper
- Lyndal Howison - Labor Candidate for Bennelong
- Mahesh Raj : Independent for Parramatta
- Malcolm Turnbull - Federal Member for Wentworth
- Malcolm Turnbull @TurnbullMalcolm [Twitter page]
- Marc Giordano @GioSentric [Twitter page]
- Marie Rowland - Nick Xenophon Team for Warringah
- Mark Coulton - Federal Member for Parkes
- Mark Coulton @MarkCoultonMP [Twitter page]
- Martin Mulcare Independent Candidate for Bennelong
- Matt Thistlethwaite @MThistlethwaite [Twitter page]
- Matt Thistlethwaite for Kingsford Smith
- Matthew Fraser @_mjfraser [Twitter page]
- Mercurius Goldstein - Northern Tablelands Greens Candidate @greengoldstein (Twitter Page)
- Mercurius Goldstein for New England
- Michael McCormack @M_McCormack [Twitter page]
- Michael McCormack MP: Federal Member for Riverina
- Michelle Blicavs @MichelleBlicavs [Twitter page]
- Michelle Rowland - Labor Member for Greenway
- Michelle Rowland @MRowlandMP [Twitter page]
- Mike Hall - Greens Candidate for Mackellar
- Mike Kelly @MikeKellyofEM [Twitter page]
- Mike Kelly MP - Labor member for Eden-Monaro
- Milton Caine - Candidate for Legislative Council
- Nickolas Varvaris Liberal Candidate for Barton
- Oakshott for Cowper
- Pat Conroy - Labor Candidate for Shortland
- Pat Conroy @PatConroy1 [Twitter page]
- Paul Fletcher @PaulFletcherMP [Twitter page]
- Paul Fletcher MP - Federal member for Bradfield
- Peter Alley for Lyne
- Peter Hayes - Labor Candidate for North Sydney
- Peter Hendy
- Phil Bradley - Greens Candidate for Parramatta @PBradleyGreens (Twitter Page)
- Philip Cox : Independent for New England
- Philip Ruddock @philipruddockmp [Twitter feed]
- Rasmus Torkel - Independent Candidate for Barton
- Russell Matheson @RussellMatheson [Twitter page]
- Russell Matheson MP: Federal member for Macarthur
- Scott Morrison - Liberal Candidate for Cook
- Scott Morrison @ScottMorrisonMP [Twitter page]
- Sharon Bird @SharonBirdMP [Twitter page]
- Sharon Bird, MP - Federal member for Cunningham
- Sharon Claydon - Labor Candidate for Newcastle
- Sharon Claydon @SharonClaydon [Twitter page]
- Signe Westerberg @SigneWesterberg [Twitter page]
- Signe Westerberg for Liverpool
- Stephen Jones - Labor Candidate for Whitlam
- Stephen Jones @StephenJonesMP [Twitter page]
- Stephen RUFF : Independent Candidate for North Sydney
- Susan Templeman - Labor Candidate for Mackellar [Twitter page]
- Susan Templeman - Labor candidate for Macquarie
- Sussan Ley @sussanley [Twitter page]
- Sussan Ley, MP
- Suzan Virago @Greens4Blaxland [Twitter page]
- Tanya Plibersek - Labor Candidate for Sydney
- Tanya Plibersek @tanya_plibersek [Twitter page]
- Tanya is working for Sydney
- The Hon Tony Abbott
- Tim Kurylowicz - Labor Candidate for Riverina
- Tim Kurylowicz @TimKurylowicz [Twitter page]
- Tony Abbott @TonyAbbottMHR [Twitter page]
- Tony Burke (MP)
- Tony Burke @Tony_Burke [Twitter page]
- Tony Windsor : Independent for New England
- Tony Windsor @TonyHWindsor [Twitter page]
- Trent Zimmerman - Liberal Candidate for North Sydney
- Van Davy : Independent
- Vote 1 Richard Foley : Independent Candidate for Riverina
Candidates - Northern Territory
Candidates - Queensland
- Bill Gissane : Fisher
- Bob Katter MP (Federal Member for Kennedy)
- Bridget Clinch
- Bronwyn Herbertson
- Cathy O'Toole (Australian Labor Party - Herbert)
- Daniel McCarthy
- David Wilks
- Des Hardman : Forde
- Des Soares : Nick Xenophon Team
- Dickson Representatives
- Ewen Jones : Federal Member for Herbert
- Frank Gilbert
- George Christensen
- Graham Perrett (Australian Labor Party, Moreton)
- Hon Bob Katter MP (@RealBobKatter) [on Twitter]
- Jane Prentice MP : Federal Member for Ryan
- Jannean Dean
- Karen Andrews MP : Federal Member for McPherson
- Keith Pitt MP : Federal Member for Hinkler
- Ken O'Dowd MP : Federal Member for Flynn
- Kirsten Lovejoy
- Laura Fraser Hardy : Labor candidate for Bonner
- Leisa Neaton : Capricornia
- Lucy Stanton : Wide Bay
- Luke Howarth MP : Federal Member for Petrie
- Michelle Landry MP : Federal Member for Capricornia
- Nathan Fletcher : Independent Candidate for Flynn
- Norm Jacobsen : Make Kennedy Matter
- Pat O'Neill : Brisbane
- Peter Dutton MP (Liberal National Party - Dickson)
- Sharryn Howes : candidate for Leichhardt
- Shayne Neumann (Australian Labor Party, Blair)
- Steven Ciobo MP : Federal Member for Moncrieff
- Stuart Robert MP (Liberal National Party - Fadden)
- Susan Lamb : Longman
- Terri Butler MP
- The Hon. Warren Entsch MP : Federal Member for Leichhardt
- The Whig Party Homepage (Mike Jessop - Independent)
- Wayne Swan MP : Federal Member for Lilley
Candidates - South Australia
- Amanda Rishworth (AmandaRishworth) [on Twitter]
- Amanda Rishworth - Labor for Kingston
- Christopher Pyne - Liberal Federal Member for Sturt
- David Speirs [MP for Black SA]
- Jamie Briggs: Liberal for Mayo 2008 By-election
- John Dawkins
- Kate Ellis Federal Member for Adelaide
- Mark Butler MP: Federal Member for Port Adelaide
- Mark M Aldridge - Independent Candidate and member of the Alliance Australia
- Mark M Aldridge blog
- Matt Williams MP : Federal Member for Hindmarsh
- Nick Champion : Federal member for Wakefield
- Nicole Flint for Boothby
- Rowan Ramsey Liberal Candidate for Grey
- Tony Pasin MP : Federal Member for Barker
Candidates - Tasmania
Candidates - Victoria
- Tim Read (Twitter page)
- Adam Bandt MP : for Melbourne
- AdamBandt [twitter page]
- Alan Griffin MP
- Alan Lappin : independent candidate for Indi 2016
- Alan Lappin @bigal2canberra (Twitter page)
- Alan Tudge (Twitter page)
- Alan Tudge MP : federal member for Aston : real action for Knox
- Alex Bhathal
- Alex Bhathal (Twitter page)
- Alex Breskin @AlexBreskin [Twitter page]
- Andrew Bock @ABock4Murray [Twitter page]
- Andrew Giles : federal member for Scullin
- Andrew Giles @andrewjgiles [Twitter page]
- Anna Crabb @Crabb_Anna [Twitter page]
- Anthony Byrne @AnthonyByrne_MP [Twitter page]
- Anthony Byrne MP : Member for Holt
- Bayside Glen Eira Greens
- Ben Willis @BenjaminMWillis [Twitter page]
- Bill Shorten : Labor for Maribyrnong
- Brendan O'Connor
- Brendan O'Connor MP @BOConnorMP [Twitter page]
- Brian Heath
- Bruce Billson for Dunkley
- Carl Katter
- Carl Katter @CarlKatter [Twitter page]
- Cath Bowtell (Twitter pages)
- Catheine Cumming
- Catherine King : Federal Member for Ballarat
- Catherine King MP @CatherineKingMP (Twitter page)
- Cathy McGowan (Twitter page)
- Cathy McGowan MP for Indi
- Cathy McGowan for Indi
- Chris Buckingham : McMillan
- Chris Buckingham @Labor4McMillan [Twitter page]
- Chris Crewther @chriscrewther [Twitter page]
- Chris Jermyn : Liberal for McEwen
- Clare O'Neil @ClareONeilMP [Twitter page]
- Clare O'Neil MP : Federal Member for Hotham
- Damian Drum : the Nationals candidate for Murray
- Dan Tehan : Liberal for Wannon
- Dan Tehan @DanTehanWannon [Twitter page]
- Dan Tehan MP
- Darren Chester MP : Federal member for Gippsland
- Darren Chester MP @DarrenChesterMP [Twitter page]
- David Feeney MP : federal member for Batman
- David Mulholland : Liberal for Jagajaga
- David Mulholland @Dmulholland_ (Twitter page)
- Donna Lancaster @LancasterDonna5 [Twitter page]
- Donna Petrovich : Liberal for McEwen
- Dr. Joseph Toscano @toscano4dunkley [Twitter page]
- Dr. Michael McCluskey : independent candidate for Wannon
- Eleonora Gullone @EleonoraGullone [Twitter page]
- Eric Kerr @eric_kerr2 (Twitter page)
- Eric Kerr for Indi
- Fern Summer for Murray
- Garry Spencer : Liberal for Isaacs
- George Hua
- George Hua (2020 for Kingston Election)
- Graeme Weber conservative independent for Higgins 2013
- Greg Bickley : your local Liberal candidate
- Greg Hunt @GregHunt [Twitter page]
- Greg Hunt MP: federal member for Flinders
- Helen Kroger : Liberal for Bruce
- Hovig Melkonian
- It is wrong
- Jason Ball @greensjason (Twitter page)
- Jason Ball for Higgins
- Jason Wood MP : Federal Member for La Trobe
- Jenny O'Connor (Twitter page)
- Jim Reiher
- Joanne Ryan (Twitter page)
- Joanne Ryan MP : federal member for Lalor
- Joel Murray @joelamurray (Twitter page)
- Jonathon Marsden @jonathonmarsden [Twitter page]
- Josh Fergeus (Twitter page)
- Josh Frydenberg : Liberal for Kooyong
- Josh Frydenberg @JoshFrydenberg [Twitter page]
- Joshua Briers @Briers_Greens [Twitter page]
- Joshua Sinclair (Twitter page)
- Julia Banks @juliahbanks (Twitter page)
- Julia Banks: Liberal for Chisholm
- Julia Banks: independent for Flinders
- Julian Fidge @JulianFidge (Twitter page)
- Julian Fidge for Indi : Australian Country Party
- Julian Hill MP
- Julian Hill MP @JulianHillMP (Twitter page)
- Kelly O'Dwyer
- Kelly O'Dwyer @kellyodwyer [Twitter page]
- Kevin Andrews MP
- Kevin Ekendahl (Twitter page)
- Lewis Freeman-Harrison : Australian Sex Party candidate for Melbourne
- Libby Coker : Corangamite
- Lisa Chesters MP : federal member for Bendigo
- Lisa Chesters MP @LMChesters [Twitter page]
- Lydia Senior for Mallee
- Marg D'Arcy : Labor for Kooyong
- Marg D'Arcy @darcy4kooyong (Twitter page)
- Maria Vamvakinou : Federal Member for Calwell
- Mark Dreyfus : Labor Candidate for Isaacs
- Mark Dreyfus @markdreyfulQCMP (Twitter page)
- Marty 4 Indi : the Nationals for regional Australia
- Marty Corboy @martycorboynats (Twitter page)
- Matthew Coote @MatthewCoote [Twitter page]
- Megan Purcell : Liberal for Bendigo
- Michael Barling @Wannon_ALP [Twitter page]
- Michael Danby @MichaelDanbyMP (Twitter page)
- Michael Danby MHR
- Michael Sukkar : Liberal for Deakin
- Michael Sukkar MP @MichaelSukkarMP [Twitter page]
- Mike Symon : federal member for Deakin
- Nicholas Wallis (Twitter Page)
- Nigel Hicks Independent Candidate for Murray
- Owen Guest : Liberal for Melbourne Ports
- Peta Murphy
- Peter Gardner : global warming dwarfs all other political issues
- Peter Gardner @peterdgardner [Twitter page]
- Peter Holland for the Palais
- Peter Khalil : Federal Labor Member for Wills
- Peter Khalil MP @PeterKhalilMP [Twitter page]
- Peter Read : Liberal for Corio
- Rebecca O'Brien @rebeccaobrien__ [Twitter page]
- Richard Cranston (Twitter page)
- Richard Marles @RichardMarlesMP [Twitter page]
- Richard Marles: Federal Labor candidate for Corio
- Rob Mitchell @RobMitchellMP [Twitter page]
- Rob Mitchell Federal Member for McEwen
- Robert Danieli @robertdanieli [Twitter page]
- Rod Swift @RodSwiftGreens [Twitter page]
- Rod Swift @rod4gorton [Twitter page]
- Russell Broadbent @BroadbentMP [Twitter page]
- Russell Broadbent MP : federal member for McMillan
- Sally Baillieu @salleebee [Twitter page]
- Samantha Ratnam (Twitter page)
- Samantha Ratnam for Wills : leader of the Victorian Greens
- Sarah Henderson : Liberal senator for Victoria
- Sarah Henderson @SHendersonMP [Twitter page]
- Sarah Wade : Liberal for Ballarat
- Simon Curtis : Labor for La Trobe
- Simon Curtis @simonforlatrobe (Twitter page)
- Sophie Ismail
- Sophie Mirabella (Twitter Page)
- Sophie Mirabella MP
- Stefanie Perri : Chisholm
- Steph Hodgins-May (Twitter page)
- Steph Hodgins-May for Melbourne Ports
- Stephen Mayne @MayneReport [Twitter page]
- Steve Raymond @ste_ray (Twitter page)
- Thomas Campbell @Thomas0Campbell (Twitter page)
- Tim Watts : Federal Member for Gellibrand
- Tim Watts @TimWattsMP (Twitter page)
- Tim Wilson : Liberal MP for Goldstein
- Tim Wilson @timwilsoncomau [Twitter Page]
- Tom Cummings @cyenne40 (Twitter page)
- Tony Clark @clark05tony (Twitter page)
- Tony Clark: Deakin
- Tony Smith MP : federal member for Casey
- Vanessa Browne AJP @NessBrowneAJP [Twitter page]
- Vote 1 Daniel Huppert independent candidate for Aston 2016
- Vote Dr Angelina Zubac : Kooyong
- Vote for Deb Leonard : independent Monash electorate
- billshortenmp Twitter page
Candidates - Western Australia
- Alannah MacTiernan Member for Perth
- Ben Morton Liberal for Tangney
- Bishop, Julie (Liberal Party of Australia, Curtin)
- Craig Buchanan Liberal for Brand
- Daniel Lindley @DanielForMoore (Twitter Page)
- Gary Gray : Australian Labor candidate for Brand
- Jeremy Quinn Liberal for Perth
- Keenan, Michael (Liberal Party of Australia, Stirling)
- Ken Wyatt MP
- Ken Wyatt MP @ KenWyattMP (Twitter Page)
- Kidima Mubarak independent Stirling Western Australia
- Lee-Anne Miles @LeeAnne4Pearce (Twitter Page)
- Madeleine King Federal Member for Brand
- Matt Keogh
- Matt Keogh for Canning
- Matt O'Sullivan Liberal for Burt
- Melissa Parke MP Federal member for Fremantle
- Melissa Price MP Federal Member for Durack
- Nola Marino focused on Forrest
- Pierrette Kelly Liberal for Fremantle
- Sandra Boulter @BoulterSandra (Twitter Page)
- Sarah Nielsen-Harvey @SarahforSwan (Twitter Page)
- Tammy Solonec Swan
- Tim Hammond Labor candidate for Swan
- Viv Glance @VivForCurtin (Twitter Page)
To cite this page use: https://nla.gov.au/nla.arc-c13902 |