2016 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites
This collection contains Senate candidate web sites.
Other archived collections related to the 2016 federal election can be found at the following links:
House of Representatives election candidate web sites
Media, comment, social media and video web sites
Electoral study and research web sites
Political party web sites
Interest and lobby group web sites
Tasmania maintains its own web archive which can be viewed at LINC
Candidates - Australian Capital Territory
Candidates - New South Wales
- Arthur Sinodinos - Liberal Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Bill Heffernan, Senator for New South Wales
- Concetta Fierravanti-Wells - Liberal Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- David Leyonhjelm - Liberal Democratic Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- David Leyonhjelm : Liberal Democrats Senator NSW
- Deborah O'Neill - Labor Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Eve Slavich - Science Party Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Fiona Nash - Nationals Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Fiona Nash - Senator for NSW
- Gary 'Angry' Anderson - Australian Liberty Alliance
- Gary 'Angry' Anderson - Australian Liberty Alliance Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Hollie Hughes - Liberal Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- James Jansson - Science Party Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- James Ryan - Greens Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- James Ryan - from the far end
- Jane Oakley - Greens Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Jenny McAllister - Labor Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Jenny McAllister Senator for New South Wales
- Jim Molan - Liberal Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- John Williams - Nationals Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Kirralie Smith - Australian Liberty Alliance Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Lee Rhiannon (2003 NSW State Election)
- Lee Rhiannon - Greens Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Marise Payne [Twitter page]
- Michael Osborne - Greens Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Rob Bryden - Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party
- Rob Bryden - Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Sam Dastyari - Labor Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Sam Kennard - Liberal Democrats Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Senator Arthur Sinodinos AO
- Senator Doug Cameron : Senator for New South Wales
- Senator John Williams
- Suellen Wrightson - United Party Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Tara Moriarty - Labor Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Vivien Thomson - Labor Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Wes Fang - Nationals Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
Candidates - Northern Territory
Candidates - Queensland
- Andrew Bartlett
- Claire Moore : Labor Senator for Queensland
- Gary Pead
- Glenn Lazarus : Senator for Queensland
- Greg Beattie
- John Gibson
- Julie Boyd, 2016 Qld Senate Candidate
- Michael Kaff
- Pauline Hanson
- Senator Barry O'Sullivan
- Senator Chris Ketter
- Senator Larissa Waters (Australian Greens)
- Senator Matt Canavan
- Tony Moore
Candidates - South Australia
- Bob Day
- Cory Bernardi
- Darryl Bothe
- Fifty Shades of Green [blog by Rob Simms SA Greens candidate]
- Liberal Senator Sean Edwards for South Australia
- Nick Xenophon : Independant Senator of South Australia
- Robert Simms: Area Councillor Adelaide City Council
- Senator Bob Day
- Senator David Fawcett : Liberal Senator for South Australia
- Senator Simon Birmingham: Liberal Senator for South Australia
Candidates - Tasmania
Candidates - Victoria
- Allan Mull
- Allan Mull @Allan_Mull [Twitter page]
- Andrew Broad The Nationals Candidate for Mallee
- Danielle Lehrer @DanielleLehrer1 [Twitter page]
- Darrell S. Morrison : Victorian Candidate for the Australian Senate
- David Knight @DavidKnightAP [Twitter page]
- Derryn Hinch @HumanHeadline [Twitter page]
- Georgia Nicholls @GNicholls_SAus [Twitter page]
- Glenn Floyd @GlennFloyd [Twitter page]
- Glenn Floyd the untouchable 2016 Senate candidate
- Helen Kroger : chief opposition whip in the Senate: Liberal senator for Victoria
- Jacqui Tomlins
- Janet Rice
- Janet Rice - news
- Janet Rice @janet_rice (Twitter page)
- John Madigan @SenJJMadigan [Twitter page]
- Karthik Arasu
- Mark Dickenson @bugwannostra (Twitter page)
- Meredith Doig : Victorian Sex Party candidate for the Senate
- Meredith Urie : independent candidate for Victoria in the Australian Senate
- Naomi Halpern @halpernnaomi1 [Twitter page]
- Peter John Hawks : independent candidate for the Senate
- Ricardo Balancy : Liberal for Holt
- Richard Di Natale
- Ricky Muir @Ricky_Muir [Twitter page]
- Scott Ryan : Liberal senator for Victoria
- Senator Bridget McKenzie
- Senator Bridget McKenzie @senbmckenzie [Twitter page]
- Senator John Madigan
- Senator Kim Carr
- Senator Mitch Fifield : Liberal senator for Victoria
- Senator Ricky Muir
- Stuart Milne @stuart_j_milne [Twitter page]
- Trevor William Nye
- Vickie Janson
- Vickie Janson @VickiePolitics [Twitter page]
Candidates - Western Australia
- David Johnston Liberal Senator for Western Australia
- Dr Chris Back Liberal Senator for Western Australia
- Dr Mark Imisides @DrMarkImisides (Twitter Page)
- Glenn Sterle, Shadow Assistant Minister for Road Safety Labor Senator for WA
- Graeme Klass Senate Western Australia 2016
- Julie Matheson for Western Australia
- Linda Reynolds @lindareynoldswa (Twitter)
- Linda Reynolds Senator for Western Australia
- Mark Reed @markreedwa (Twitter Page)
- Mathias Cormann @MathiasCormann (Twitter Page)
- Ric Thomas @Ausricthomas (Twitter Page)
- Scott Ludlam
- Senator Dean Smith
- Senator Rachel Siewert
- Sue Lines Labor Senator for Western Australia
To cite this page use: https://nla.gov.au/nla.arc-c13903 |