- Alternative & Complementary Health Care (84)
- Health Research (34)
- Medical & Hospital Care (202)
- Medical Conditions & Diseases (143)
- Mental Health (70)
- Pharmaceuticals (8)
- Public Health (1335)
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Anne McDonald Centre
- Annual report (Victoria. Department of Health & Human Services. Office of Professional Practice )
- Annual report - Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture
- Annual report / Victorian Assistive Reproductive Treatment Authority
- Annual report : Standing Review and Advisory Committee on Infertility
- Annual report of the Medical Radiation Technologists Board of Victoria
- Anosmia - loss of smell
- Anpec, anpec SR
- Antenatal care study
- Antenatal checks of your baby
- Antenex
- Anthrax
- Anti-social behaviour initiatives : application and tenancy management framework for pilot offices
- Antibacterial cleaning products
- Antibiotic resistant bacteria
- Antimicrobial resistance strategy
- Antioxidants
- Antipsychotic medications explained
- Anxiety - treatment options
- Anxiety disorders
- Anzemet (R)
- Aortic stenosis
- Appendicectomy
- Appendicitus
- Apprehension of mentally ill persons by member of the police force under the Mental health act 1986
- Apresoline (R) : hydralazine hydrochloride
- Arabloc : leflunomide
- Aranesp (R) : darbepoetin alfa
- Aratac
- Arava : leflunomide
- Aredia (R) : disodium pamidronate
- Aricept (R) : donepezil hydrochloride
- Arima (R)
- Arimidex : anastrozole
- Arixtra (R) solution for injection : fondaparinux sodium
- Aromasin (R) tablets : exemstane
- Aromatherapy
- Aropax (R) tablets : paroxetine (as hydrochloride)
- Arsenic and health
- Arsenic and health : are you living in an area with mine tailings
- Arthoscopy
- Arthrexin
- Arthritis
- Arthritis - juvenile
- Arthritis and diet
- Arthritis and exercise
- Arthritis and water exercise
- Arthrotec (R) 50 : diclofenac sodium / misoprostol
- Artifical cardiac pacemakers
- Artifical sweetners - Q & A
- Asbestos : Brian Healy – Mesothelioma : risk identification (long)
- Asbestos : a handbook for workplaces
- Asbestos Awareness Week 2020
- Asbestos Awareness Week : WorkSafe
- Asbestos and your health
- Asbestos awareness campaign 2021: think you know asbestos? "15
- Asbestos in the home
- Asbestos in the home
- Ask Izzy
- Asperger syndrome
- Asperger syndrome and adults
- Aspergillus
- Aspirations of people with a disability (plain English version)
- Assertiveness
- Assessing capacity for patients with a psychological condition
- Assessing fitness to drive for commercial and private vehicle drivers : March 2012 as amended up to 30 June 2014
- Assessment of current and projected allied health clinical placement activity across Victorian health services : final report
- Asthma
- Asthma - causes and incidence - Q & A
- Asthma and adults
- Asthma and allergens
- Asthma and allergens - Q & A
- Asthma and breastfeeding
- Asthma and complementary therapies
- Asthma and exercise
- Asthma and food
- Asthma and pregnancy
- Asthma and smoking
- Asthma and teenagers
- Asthma and travel
- Asthma and young children
- Asthma and your workplace
- Asthma facts
- Asthma management
- Asthma management can be improved
- Asthma medications and other drugs
- Asthma, children and smoking
- Asthma-friendly home
- Asthma-like symptoms in babies
- Atacand (R) : candesartan cilexetil
- Atgam (R) injection : antithymocyte globulin (equine)
- Atropine
- Attenta
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - adults
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - diagnosis
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - drug therapy
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - non-drug therapies
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder explained
- Augmentin