- Australian Republic Debate (0)
- Centenary of Federation (2)
- Constitution & Referenda (1)
- Family History & Genealogy (74)
- Local History (262)
- Military History (51)
- 1998 Constitutional Convention and Australian Republic Debate (0)
- Area studies associations (1)
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (7)
- Bicentenary of Western Australia, 1829 - 2029 (0)
- Bob Hawke (1929-2019) (0)
- Endeavour 1770 - Encounters 2020 (250 year anniversary of Cook's Endeavour encounters in Australia) (0)
- Heritage trains and railways (0)
- Heritage vehicles and roadways (0)
- Historic gold mining plots (77)
- Historic gold mining sites (33)
- Maritime museums (0)
- Museum Victoria information sheets : Bats (2)
- Museum Victoria information sheets : ships of Station Pier (5)
- Museums (14)
- National Library of Australia online exhibitions (0)
- Papua New Guinea (0)
- Queensland's sesquicentennial celebrations, 2009 (0)
- Society for Creative Anachronism in Australia (0)
- State Library of Queensland exhibitions and online showcases (0)
- State Library of Victoria online exhibitions (8)
- Treasures and curios (State Library of Victoria) (24)
- Princes Bridge
- Prom Country History
- Quartz Reef Mine and shallow alluvial sinkings
- Queen's Park Clunes
- Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
- RSL education
- Raglan - Beaufort goldfields
- Rationale Magazine
- Raywood Reservoir
- Reading Victoria blog
- Red Cliffs & District Historical Society Inc.
- Redcastle Creek cyanide works
- Research sheet : wood borers you should know
- Rewind (Oral history association of Australia (Victorian branch) newsletter
- Richmond & Burnley Historical Society Inc.
- Robert Haldane
- Rock art research (journal)
- Rowville-Lysterfield History Project
- Royal Australian Armoured Corps Association Vic. Branch
- Rushworth / Maranga / north mining division
- Salt attack and rising damp : a guide to salt damp in historic and older buildings
- Save the Cerberus Alliance
- Sebastopol Reef sites
- Shady Creek, Red Hill and Tarwin - historical notes
- Society for Ancient Hellenic Studies
- Somerville, Tyabb and District Heritage Society
- Sovereign Hill, Ballarat, Victoria
- St Andrews - Caledonia goldfield notes
- St Andrews Division : Castlemaine District : mining surveyors reports as historical notes
- St Kilda Historical Society
- Stawell Historical Society Inc.
- Steam Iron & Trades Revival
- Steiglitz mining division
- Sunshine & District Historical Society
- Swift's Creek - Cassilis - Brookville notes
- Tanjil historical notes
- Tappit Hen mine and Tarnagulla railway station
- Tarnagulla : formerly known as Sandy Creek (1852-1858)
- Tarnagulla state battery
- The Johnston Collection : Museum of Fine Art & Decorative Art Melbourne
- The Victoria Police Museum
- The changing face of Victoria
- The hut that jack built
- The resident judge of Port Phillip
- The secret history of Australia
- The wandering Hambones
- Tramway Museum Society of Victoria : preserving Victoria's tramway heritage
- Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner
- Upper Beaconsfield
- Upper Ovens district history
- Upper Yarra goldfield notes
- Veterans Wives Group
- Veterans Wives Group newsletter
- Victoria's framework of historical themes
- Victorian Colonial Infantry Association Inc.
- Victorian High Country Huts Association
- Victorian Koorie Records Taskforce : finding your story
- Victorian Military Club
- Victorian rules football
- Victorians at war
- Wahgunyah mining district : historical notes
- Walhalla goldfield notes
- Wander : State Library Victoria
- War-related heritage in Victoria
- Welcome to big Ben's Victoria
- Welcome to the official website of the Clan McMillan Society of Australia
- Wombat Creek - Glen Wills notes
- Woods Point goldfield
- XNATMAP Australia
- Yackandandah goldfield
- Yanyuwa : land and life
- Yea historical notes
- Your treasures
- Zone 1 : Golden Gully / Fryers Town
- Zone 2: Specimen Hill / Eureka Hill / Eureka / Spring Gully
- Zone 3 : Vaughan / Lower Loddon
- Zone 4 : Mopoke / Strathloddon / Guildford
- Zone 5 : Campbell's Creek
- Zone 6 : Castlemaine & Forest Creek
- Zone 7 : Barker's Creek
- Zone 8 : Moonlight / Pennyweight Flats and environs
- Zone 9 : Golden Point / Chewton gazetteer
- [Castlemaine zone index]