- 16 Days of Activism 2021 Introduction video
- 16 Days of Activism Youth led video
- 2020 Young citizen of the year - Ellie May Maguire
- A guide to engaging business for youth mentoring organisations
- A guide to supporting effective programs for mentoring young people
- Accessible and inclusive Zoom meetings
- Active kids - favorite healthy foods
- Active kids - unhealthy foods
- Adapting youth services online
- Annual report / Try Australia
- Annual report / Youth Affairs Council of Victoria
- Bayside Local and Target exhibitions
- Beachside Youth Festival 2016
- Beacon : the official magazine of Victorian Young Labor
- Boroondara Youth Foundation
- Box Hill Skate Park - repair station
- Boys blokes books and bytes
- COVID-19 and young people's rights at work
- Child safety during COVID-19
- City of Boroondara children & young people's strategy
- City of Whittlesea youth plan 2030 : summary & action plan
- City of Whittlesea youth plan 2030 : what young people are saying 2008 : an overview of consultation with young people 2008
- City of Whittlesea youth plan 2030 : youth summit report : 2006 Youth Summit on the priority issues raised and discussed by young people and the programmatic responses of the City of Whittlesea Youth Services
- Commission for Children and Young People
- Commission for Children and Young People newsletter
- Connecting young people in local communities : a guide for the development of a local government youth charter
- Consulting young people about their ideas and opinions
- Creating change in your community
- Creating conversations : talking about drug issues training manual
- Creating conversations : talking about drug issues training manual (Arabic language)
- Creating conversations : talking about drug issues training manual (Cambodian language)
- Creating conversations : talking about drug issues training manual (Chinese language)
- Creating conversations : talking about drug issues training manual (Macedonian language)
- Creating conversations : talking about drug issues training manual (Somalian language)
- Creating conversations : talking about drug issues training manual (Turkish language)
- Creating conversations : talking about drug issues training manual (Vietnamese language)
- Creating conversations final report.
- Culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) family engagement with schools project : case studies.
- Dardee boorai : Victorian charter of safety and wellbeing for Aboriginal childrewn and young people
- Decibels Indie video
- Developing independence : evaluating an educational initiative for young people f acing homelessness : pilots 1 and 2
- Digital youthwork
- Drug information for parents.
- Engaging with young people : local government in action
- Federal budget 2014-15 : Response from the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria
- Focus on young people in Victoria
- Foundation for Young Australians
- Gannawarra Youth Council
- Government response to the parliamentary inquiry into issues relating to the development of body image among young people and associated effects on their health and wellbeing
- How COVID-19 is affecting young people
- Involve committee : 2012-13 report
- Launch Housing : it's time to end homelessness
- Mental health and wellbeing of young people aged 12 to 25 : 10-year mental health plan technical paper
- Morphing possessions
- National Youth Week (Victoria)
- Nillumbik Youth Vox Pops
- Nominate a mate this Australia Day
- Parent involvement in drug education : guidelines for schools, further information about the guidelines.
- Parent involvement in drug education : guidelines for schools.
- Parent partnerships : parent involvement in the later years of school.
- Parent partnerships : professional development module.
- Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System Update with Orygen
- Schoolies
- Schoolies (Victoria. Dept. of Human Services)
- Sex education : talking to teenagers
- Skate Park Update
- St Kilda Youth Service
- Talking tactics together : an interactive family drug education program for parents and thier primary school aged children.
- Teenagers in emergencies : plan act respond
- The Laneway Art Thing 3.0
- The Paperback Writers performing Train Ride at Civic Drive Outdoor Performance Centre
- The state of Victoria's children 2009 : Aboriginal children and young people in Victoria
- Victorian Young Labor : the voice of youth in the Australian Labor Party
- Walk to School 2019
- We know your name but not your story
- What YOU THink
- What parents should know about ice (crystal methamphetamine)
- What's important to YOUth?
- Whitehorse City Council : Youth Connexions
- Whitehorse news - Rubi @ Youth Connexions
- Winter Street Party 2019
- YHA Apollo Bay : environmentally friendly hostel
- Yarra Youth Policy 2013
- Young Australians' attitudes to violence against woment ; Summary of findings from the 2013 National community attitudes towards violence against women survey for respondents aged 16-24 years
- Young people on boards and committees
- Young people, parents and drugs : some commonly asked questions.
- Youth
- Youth Connexions
- Youth Projects
- Youth at the Zoo
- Youth central
- Youth engagement and leadership
- Youth focus in Victoria
- Youth policy : building stronger youth engagement in Victoria
- Youth strategy
- Youth strategy 2014-2017 (City of Melton)
- [Race or reason? Police encounters with young people in the Flemington region and surrounding areas]