Industry & Technology
- Agriculture (1871)
- Aquaculture & Fisheries (285)
- Computers & Internet (43)
- Construction (197)
- Energy (201)
- Industrial & Manufacturing (23)
- Mining (194)
- Telecommunications (10)
- Transportation (1768)
- Adult services industry, 2003 (0)
- Australia's early 21st century resources boom (1)
- Australian Research Council (0)
- Australian space industry (0)
- Crikey and Crikey blogs (3)
- Notable Australian Companies (0)
- Port of Melbourne Corporation Community fact sheets (0)
- Victoria. Dept. of Primary Industries factsheets (2)
- Review of Victorian industry participation policy DEDJTR discussion paper using government procurement to generate local jobs and boost economic activity
- 2015-16 Interface Growth Fund application guidelines
- 5 year plan 2011-2016 [EPA Victoria]
- Accounting for infrastructure assets
- Air pollution in Victoria - a summary of the state of knowledge
- Air quality around the West Footscray industrial fire
- Alpine MDF Industries Pty Ltd Wangaratta Plant: Simple changes lead to big savings
- Alzheimer's Australia Vic EIDE Showcase
- Amendments to the puppy farm legislation
- Annual report (Victoria. Dept. of Business and Innovation)
- Appendix 2 : E. coli detection process map : drinking water - Safe Drinking Water Regulations 2015 - schedule 2
- Appendix 2 : quantify microbial hazards : drinking water - Safe Drinking Water Regulations 2015 - regulation 8(2)
- Apprentices kicking goals at Moorabbin Reserve
- Asia market profile for Victoria summary results
- Australian Music Vault opened @ Arts Centre Melbourne
- Auto worker gets a lift at Bell Environmental
- BNI chooses Melbourne for its Australian HQ
- Baking Industry Association of Victoria
- Bayside Sporting Pavilion lock system overview
- Benchmarking HR
- Bendigo Invention + Innovation Festival
- Bluescope Steel Western Port : Energy team find significant savings at Western Port plant
- Building our industries for the future : action plans for the future Victorian industry and manufacturing
- CIP eNewsletter
- Campfire safety : know what you can and can't do
- Canada market profile for Victoria summary results
- Carter Hold Harvey Woodproducts Australia Pty Ltd Myrtleford: Continuous improvement provides savings
- Case study : savings in the bag
- China market profile for Victoria summary results
- Classing using in-shed testing: why do fine lines measure coarser than expected? (Australian Wool Testing Authority fact sheet)
- Coliban Water
- Combining mean fibre diameter and CVDs (Australian Wool Testing Authority fact sheet)
- Committee of Management responsibilities and good practice guidelines
- Committee of management responsibilities & good practice guidelines
- Community Choice Award
- Consumer Affairs Victoria
- Consumer stuff for kids! : a teaching & learning resource
- Coordinated Imagery Program newsletter
- Coordinated imagery program : information sheet
- Corporate plan 2008-11 (Victoria. Dept. of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development)
- Cultural tourism market profile : year ending December 2004
- DEPI science strategy 2014-2019
- Dairy Industry Association of Australia
- Dark & medullated fibres in merrino wool: how does the test work? (Australian Wool Testing Authority fact sheet)
- Dark & medullated fibres in merrino wool: the facts about testing (Australian Wool Testing Authority fact sheet)
- Data publishing service : managing our spatial data assets : frequently asked questions
- DataVic access policy standards and guidelines for the Victorian public sector
- Delivering business benefits from energy efficiency: the achievements of EPA Victoria Industry Greenhouse Program
- Digital Innovation Festival
- Digital Innovation Festival 2019
- Discover Victoria's new tech schools
- Draft guidelines : environment and resource efficiency plans
- Draft landfill gas fugitive emissions monitoring guidelines
- EnSym's site assessment tool : data lists
- EnSym's site assessment tool : questionnaire guide
- EnSym: environmental systems modelling platform : EnSym climate change impact modelling functionality
- EnSym: environmental systems modelling platform : EnSym tools : BioSim
- EnSym: environmental systems modelling platform : EnSym tools : landscape preference tool
- EnSym: environmental systems modelling platform : EnSym tools : site assessment tool
- EnSym: environmental systems modelling platform : EnSym's site assessment tool for conservation tenders : client questionnaire
- Energy reduction pack a punch
- Environmental audit : timber production on public land 2006 : findings and recommendations
- Evaluating investment impact on natural resource management incomes for the projects : 'targeted biolinks in the north east' and 'north east mega Murray flagship' in north east Victoria
- Evaluation of the Victorian 5 star building standard
- Exotic sheep breeds in Australia: a status report (Australian Wool Testing Authority fact sheet)
- Fact sheet: After a fire : cleaning up a smoke-affected home
- Factors influencing the accuracy of airflow instruments (Australian Wool Testing Authority fact sheet)
- Fishermans Bend planning controls and permits
- Food and fibre sector strategy
- Footwear news Australia
- Ford Australia (Broadmeadows): Optimising energy efficiency since the 1990s
- From the ground up : developing a 30-year infrastructure strategy for Victoria
- Future Industries Fund manufacturing program : program guidelines
- GTS Freight Management Mildura: rolling towards a cleaner future
- Gendered violence in the workplace
- Geoscience : beneath the Australian Alps
- Germany market profile for Victoria summary results
- Get handy news and tips with the More to explore app
- Getting on with the job in Ballarat
- Getting on with the job in Bendigo and Central Victoria
- Getting on with the job in Melbourne's North
- Getting on with the job in Melbourne's South East
- Getting on with the job in Melbourne's West
- Getting on with the job in South West Victoria
- Getting on with the job in the Wimmera
- Global Victoria : take on the world
- Go bushwalking with the More to explore app
- Go driving with the More to explore app
- Godfrey Hirst (South Geelong) : Rewarded by commitment and technical sophistication
- Government response to the recommendations of the industry sustainability working committee
- Governments working together : national innovation agenda : driving a stronger future for Australia through a new national approach to innovation
- Governor of Victoria export award : Deakin University
- Governor of Victoria export award : Hipster Whale
- Governor of Victoria export awards : Raygen Resources
- Growing Victoria's priority industry sectors to create jobs
- Guidelines for preparing reducing red tape statements of expectations for regulators
- High capacity Metro Trains Depot : 201 build progress
- High capacity metro trains project : Ambulance Victoria evaluates Melbourne's new train
- Holden : GM Holden driving energy efficiency improvements