- Long-term private rental in a changing Australian private rental sector
- MADCOW : make a difference
- Make renting fair
- Making a planning application for one or more dwellings in a residential zone : planning practice note 16
- Making connections : housing, productivity and economic development
- Management report to Council: supported housing options feasibility study: 20 December 2016
- Management report to Council: supported housing options feasibility study: 30 August 2016
- Managing consultants and contractors
- Master Builders Victoria
- Melbourne's unoccupied houses
- MelbourneZero @MelbourneZero (Twitter page)
- Menarock Life
- Modelling crowding in Aboriginal Australia
- Mountainview cottage (Whitehorse City Council)
- Moving to my home : housing aspirations, transitions and outcomes of people with disability
- NDIS, housing assistance and choice and control for people with disability
- Need to know : homeless zine created by local homeless
- Neighbourhood Houses Victoria
- Neighbourhood renewal programs produce substantial non-housing benefits
- New directions for social housing : a framework for a strong and sustainable future : fact sheet
- New directions for social housing : a framework for a strong and sustainable future : information for public housing tenants
- New housing for women and children fleeing family violence
- New residential zones for Victoria : a discussion paper
- New residential zones for Victoria : consultation draft
- Next Steps for Unions in Australia
- Occupying the Uniting Church in Western Australia
- Older people in public housing: policy and management issues
- Opening Doors
- Outlook Gardens Aged Care
- Partnership working in the design and delivery of housing policy and programs
- Pathways to state property tax reform
- Paying for affordable housing in different market contexts
- Planning for all of Melbourne
- Planning reform, land release and the supply of housing
- Prahran Housing Estate renewal plan : supplementary community engagement : feedback report
- Prahran estate renewal consultation materials
- Prahran master plan : phase two : community engagement report
- Prahran masterplan : FAQ frequently asked questions
- Prahran masterplan : fact sheet
- Prahran renewal plan : help shape renewal of Prahran's housing estates
- Prahran renewal plan consultaion materials 2015
- Preventing homelessness for women and children who have experienced domestic and family violence
- Processes for developing affordable and sustainable medium-density housing models for greyfield precincts
- Profiling Australia's affordable housing industry
- Public housing transfers : past, present and prospective
- Public housing waiting list area by suburb
- Public housing waiting list areas
- Quantum Support Services
- Recreational maritime safety
- Regional Victoria : trends and prospects
- Regional cities (Ballarat, Greater Bendigo, Greater Geelong and Latrobe)
- Regional cities (Ballarat, Greater Bendigo, Greater Geelong and Latrobe) : residential zones state of play
- Regulation of property conditions in the rental market : issues paper : residential tenancies act review
- Rent Fair : Madeleine
- Rent Fair Victoria
- Rent Fair: Grace
- Rent Fair: overview
- Rental arrears
- Rental experiences of tenants, landlords, property managers, and park residents in Victoria [poster]
- Rental experiences of tenants, landlords, property managers, and parks residents in Victoria : final report
- Rental report / Dept. of Planning and Housing, Victoria.
- Reviewing changes to housing management on remote Indigenous communities
- Risk assessment practices in the private rental sector : implications for low-income earners
- Rooming house futures : governing for growth, transparency and fairness : Victorian discussion paper
- Rooming house standards taskforce : chairperson's report
- Rural residential development : planning practice note 37
- SMHOW @StMarysHOW St Mary's House of Welcome (Twitter page)
- Safe & sound : a housing profile of Victoria's older population
- Safe and sound? How funding mix affects homelessness support for Indigenous Australians
- Samaritan House Geelong
- Save public housing
- Secure occupancy in rental housing: conceptual foundations and comparative perspectives
- Security of tenure issues paper : Residential Tenancies Act Review
- Shared ownership by people with a disability
- Shelter and support for homeless in Melbourne : Premier of Victoria
- Shepparton Interfaith Network : serving the faith communities of the Goulburn Valley
- Shire of Cardinia : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- Shire of Yarra Ranges : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- Short Stay Accomodation panel
- Social housing : a discussion paper on the options to inmprove the supply of quality housing
- Social housing exits: incidence, motivations and consequences
- Spatial disadvantage : why is Australia different?
- St Basil's Homes for the Aged in Victoria
- St Mary's House of Welcome : Melbourne Homeless Charity
- Stakeholder views of the regulation of affordable housing providers in Australia
- Strategies of Australias leading not-for-profit housing providers: a national study and international comparison
- Streetcount
- Summary of housing assistance programs
- Supply shortages and affordability outcomes in the private rental sector: short and longer term trends
- Supporting affordable housing supply : inclusionary planning in new and renewing communities
- Supporting vulnerable households to achieve their housing goals : the role of impact investment
- Supportive housing to address homelessness
- Sustainability decisions in Australian households
- Tax expenditures and housing
- Tenant property damage
- The Homeless Project
- The benefits and risks of home ownership: disaggregating the effects of household income
- The capacity of indigenous community housing organisations
- The cost effectiveness of Australian tenancy support programs for formerly homeless people
- The cost of homelessness and the net benefit of homelessness programs: a national study