- Public dental care and the Teeth First trial : a history of decay
- Public housing and social inclusion : submission to family and community development committee inquiry into the adequacy and future directions of public housing in Victoria
- Public sector reform
- Public transport not traffic
- Quantum Support Services
- RISEMELBOURNE @risemelbourne (Twitter page)
- RSPCA Victoria
- Racism stops with me - extended film (City of Whittlesea)
- Racism stops with us (City of Whittlesea)
- Raise The Age
- Raise The Age : Dr Tim Read : Greens MP for Brunswick
- Raise The Age : Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
- Raise the age, Victoria : Change the Record
- Raise the minimum age for criminal responsibility : Kinship Carers Victoria
- Raising young children in Greater Dandenong : an initial needs study for the communities for children program
- Rally to stop Napthine's silencing act
- Reassurance
- Rebuilding connections : creating opportunities for socially isolated older Australians
- Reconnecting the customer : response to the Australian communications and media authority's draft public inquiry report
- Reducing the risks : improving access to home contents and vehicle insurance for low-income Australians
- Refugees and regional settlement : balancing priorities
- Refugees in the labour market : looking for cost effective models of assistance
- Regional Victorial jobs in crisis
- Report on the use of restrictive interventions, behaviour support plans and supervised treatment orders
- Report racism : racism is not ok
- Resilient Community Facilities Project - ComBAT
- Resources for quality practice : no to violence
- Respect Victoria
- Respect Victoria launches strategic plan March 2019
- Response to "Grey areas : age barriers to work in Commonwealth laws" discussion paper
- Response to Australian energy regulator (AER) issues paper on retail energy pricing information guidelines
- Response to Supporting customers avoiding labels the ESC Energy Hardship Inquiry Draft Report
- Response to grey areas: age barriers to work in Commonwealth laws (Australian Law Reform Commission inquiry)
- Response to the "Stronger futures for all young Victorians" discussion paper on the youth transitions system
- Response to the Department of Justice discussion paper "Practical lessons, fair consequences: improving diversion for young people in Victoria"
- Response to the productivity commission draft report : caring for older adults
- Response to the productivity commission's early childhood development workforce issues paper
- Response to treasury options paper on unfair terms in insurance contracts
- Responsible Gambling Ministerial Advisory Council Annual Report
- Responsible gambling register
- Review of bystander approaches in support in preventing violence against women : preventing violence against women by increasing participation in respectful relationships
- Risk and reality : access to general insurance for people on low incomes
- Roadmap for reform : safe children will achieve the best possible outcomes for children and their families, now and in the future
- Rod tells Denis, "Naptimes Over1"
- Ron's story : asbestos
- Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System
- Ruby Fire Brigades aids in East Gippsland firefight
- Run for Freedom
- SDA Victoria
- SMHOW @StMarysHOW St Mary's House of Welcome (Twitter page)
- STEP into residential care : a training program evaluation
- Safe kids now : a workplace, a home and a playground : farm safety
- Safe kids now : and the family car
- Safe kids now : and the family home
- Safety on site : stand up to the Liberal's attacks on unions
- Samaritan House Geelong
- Save Preston Market : the market of the people
- Save South Stone Lodge
- School engagement and life chances : 15 year olds in transition : life chances study stage 7
- Seasonal focus - Chief Officer's expectations for safety
- Seasonal labour mobility : responsible business conduct, decent work and regional engagement
- Seasonal outlook - November 2019
- Senior practitioner grants initiative summary report
- Sexual abuse : an overview
- Sexual abuse : how parents can help their child
- Sexual assault
- Shelter and support for homeless in Melbourne : Premier of Victoria
- Shepparton Interfaith Network : serving the faith communities of the Goulburn Valley
- Sidelined : workforce participation and non-participation among baby boomers in Australia
- Sign the open letter : raise the age in Victoria
- Sign up to help on Victoria's state election day : November 29
- Slutwalk Melbourne
- Social Traders
- Social exclusion among older people : a preliminary study from inner city Melbourne
- Social exclusion in Boroondara : stage two: identifying the issues for children who experience social exclusion in Boroondara
- Social exclusion monitor bulletin
- Socio-economic impacts of access to electronic gaming machines in Victoria : effects on demand and communities
- Soft words
- Spiritual care and spiritual poverty in aged care : an investigation into current models of spiritual care in high and low care residential aged care facilities and implications
- St Mary's House of Welcome : Melbourne Homeless Charity
- Standards for recording Victorian Aboriginal heritage places and objects
- Stop VIC Suffering @gogentleaus (Twitter page)
- Stories of early school leaving : pointers for policy and practice
- Streat
- Streetcount
- Strong foundations : building on Victoria's work to end family violence
- Study of gambling and health in Victoria : findings from the Victorian prevalence study 2014
- Submission to ACMA's reconnecting the customer consultation
- Submission to caring for older Australians productivity commission
- Submission to inquiry into liveability options in outer suburban melbourne : outer suburban interface services and development committee (OSISDC)
- Submission to review of funding for schooling
- Submission to senate economics committee inquiry into competition within the Australian banking sector
- Submission to senate economics committee inquiry into the banking amendment bill 2010
- Submission to the Australian energy market commission on the consolidated rule request : national electricity amendment (economic regulation of network service providers) rule 2011
- Submission to the DEECD "Safe and Caring Schools" student support service consultation
- Submission to the Department of Treasury and Finance : review of the advanced metering infrastructure program
- Submission to the Victorian competition and efficiency commission inquiry into a state-based reform agenda
- Submission to the Victorian government consultation : pathways to a fair and sustainable social housing system
- Submission to the essential services commission : vocational education and training fee and funding review
- Submission to the expert panel on asylum seekers