- Aboriginal family preservation and restoration
- About the TAC
- Access to services for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers
- Accessibility of mainstream services for Aboriginal Victorians
- Annual client survey reports
- Approach checklist - polices, processes and other documents
- Australian Muslim Social Services Agency
- Baptcare
- Best Interests Case Practice Model
- Building a New Green Deal : Adam Bandt and the Greens
- Caring for carers : evaluation of a support program for carers of people with dementia
- Centre for Work and Learning : Yarra evaluation report
- Child FIRST
- Child protection operating model demonstration project : trialling new ways of working in child protection in the Eastern Metropolitan Region
- Children in need of therapeutic treatment : therapeutic treatment orders
- Children, Youth and Families Act 2005: A guide to information sharing for Child Protection, Child FIRST and family service workers
- Court orders - ongoing and new
- Cumulative harm : specialist practice guide
- DHHS Community Inclusion Forum (20/3/20).
- Day services guidelines
- Department of Human Services : a new strategic framework for family services - 2006
- Department of Human Services tender for : evaluation of child and family service
- Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria
- Do training programs equip teachers with skills to teach disengaged students? A preliminary scan
- Drummond Street Services : supporting all families since 1887
- Early years outcomes framework for Victoria : 0 - 8 years
- Early years strategic plan : improving outcomes for all Victorian children 2014-2020
- Effective responses to chronic neglect : critical thinking and creative action
- Electricity transfer fee waiver fact sheet
- End the decay : the cost of poor dental health and what should be done about it
- Evaluation framework - child and family services reforms
- Evidence guide for registered community service organisations
- Excess electricity concession fact sheet
- Excess gas concession fact sheet
- Family support program : service standards and quality improvement program
- Financial life in a new setting : experiences of Afghan and Burmese (Chin and Karen) communities in Melbourne, Australia Victoria
- Fire services property levy concession fact sheet
- Front yard
- Funding of the Home and Community Care program
- Guidance on promoting children's stability
- Guidelines for the TAC and hospitals: Independence clients only
- Home Stretch – Alkira’s story
- Home Stretch – Tobias’ story
- Implementation plan - strategic framework for Family Services
- Independence : an overview for providers
- Investing in our future : an evaluation of the national rollout of the Home Interaction for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY) : final report to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, August 2011
- Issues paper : developing a hardship related guaranteed service level measure
- Leading practice : a resource guid for Child Protection frontline and middle managers
- Leading practice : a resource guide for child protection leaders
- Life support concession fact sheet
- Medical cooling concession fact sheet
- Municipal rates concession
- Municipal rates concession fact sheet
- Non-Mains energy concession 2015 : applications for the non-mains energy concession for 2015 are now open
- Non-Mains energy concession 2015 : what does the non-mains energy concession provide?
- Non-Mains energy concession fact sheet
- Non-Mains water concession fact sheet
- Protecting Victoria's children : child protection practice manual
- Providing support to vulnerable children and their families : a guide for Parenting Assessment and Skills Development Service (PASDS) managers and workers in Victoria
- Quality of care guidelines
- Re-engagement, training and beyond : evaluating the second year of a Community VCAL education program for young people
- Registration of community service organisations : client record review tool for family services
- Registration of community service organisations : client record review tool for out-of-home care
- Registration of community service organisations : family services staff record checklist
- Registration of community service organisations : staff and carer record checklists for out-of-home care
- Robin Clark Memorial Awards 2014
- Role of consultation at intake
- Second Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community and Health Sector COVID-19 Digital Forum
- Service to property charge concession fact sheet
- Specialist practice guide : cumulative harm
- Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre
- Stability guide: a conceptual overview
- State concessions and hardships programs annual reports
- Substantiation and risk assignment
- TAC dependency benefits
- The Children,Youth and Families Act 2005, The Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 : a framework to promote children's safety, wellbeing and development
- The TAC and the Victorian Freedom of Information Act 1982 : a guide for people seeking access to documents from the TAC current from
- The power to save : An equity assessment of the Victorian Energy Saver Incentive in metropolitan Melbourne
- Turning 21 Life chances and uncertain transitions Life Chances Study stage 10
- Unborn child referrals
- Unborn child reports
- Unlocking the potential : a digital learning strategy for Victorian learning and development settings 2014-2017
- Utility relief grant scheme (mains) fact sheet
- Utility relief grant scheme (non-mains) fact sheet
- VASS : Victorian Arabic Social Services
- VCOSS DHHS COVID-19 Community Sector Forum 13 March 2020
- VCOSS-DHHS COVID-19 Community Sector Digital Forum #2 [28 April 2020]
- VCOSS-DHHS COVID-19 Community Sector Digital Forum #3 [4 June 2020]
- VCOSS-DHHS COVID-19 Community Sector forum #4 [1 July 2020]
- Valuing capabilities in later life : the capability approach and the Brotherhood of St Laurence aged services
- Veteran's sector study report 2015
- Victoria's vulnerable children: strategy 2013-2022
- Victorian Charter of Human rights and responsibilities : information for child protection workers
- Vulnerable children action plan : an overview of the Department's response to Victoria's Vulnerable Children: Our Shared Responsibility Strategy 2013-22
- Vulnerable children action plan : the Department's plan to implement Victoria's Vulnerable Children Strategy 2013-2022
- Water & sewerage concession [poster]
- Water and sewerage concession fact sheet
- Winter gas concession fact sheet
- Yarra Ranges Equity, Access, and Inclusion Strategy (Disability Action Plan) 2013–2023