- 2010 Victorian State Election Campaign (118)
- 2011 NSW State Election (0)
- 2013 Western Australia State Election Campaign (0)
- 2017 Western Australia State Election Campaign (0)
- 2018 Victorian state election campaign (396)
- 2020 Northern Territory Election (0)
- 2020 Queensland State Election Campaign (0)
- 2022 NSW State Government By-Elections (0)
- 2023 Mulgrave By-Election (25)
- 2023 Warrandyte by-election (20)
- 2024 Inala (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2024 Ipswich West (Qld) by-election (0)
- Environment and resource efficiency plans (EREP) (8)
- Fact sheets (Victoria. Dept. of Justice) (16)
- Factsheets (Victoria. Commissioner Environmental Sustainability) (24)
- Great Barrier Reef (0)
- Level Crossing Removal Project (Victoria) (272)
- Port of Melbourne Corporation Community fact sheets (0)
- Practice notes (Victoria. Dept. of Planning and Community Development) (6)
- Privacy Victoria info sheet (40)
- South Australian First Nations Voice to Parliament (0)
- South Australian budget papers (0)
- State budget papers 2008-2009 (Victoria) (2)
- State district maps (17)
- Trail bike initiative publications (9)
- Vicroads technical Notes (4)
- Victoria. Dept. of Planning and Community Development advisory and practice notes (5)
- Victoria. Dept. of Primary Industries : geological survey reports (36)
- Victoria. Dept. of Primary Industries factsheets (2)
- Victoria. Dept. of Sustainability : [Sustainable precinct case studies ] (6)
- Victorian Auditor-General's Office publications (7)
- Victorian Essential Services Commission publications (130)
- Victorian budget papers (10)
- Victorian government videos (3559)
- Delivering for all Victorians in the Central Highlands region : budget 19/20
- Delivering for all Victorians in the Gippsland region : budget 19/20
- Delivering for all Victorians in the Loddon Campaspe region : budget 19/20
- Delivering for diversity : cultural diversity plan 2016 - 2019
- Delivering new pocket parks across Melbourne : Claire Anderson : DELWP : FFR
- Delivering the Murray Basin Rail Project
- Denise West : Scope (video)
- Department (of) Health 2011-12 bushfire response: clients and services policy
- Department of Health & Human Services policy and funding guidelines 2015
- Department of Health : policy for maintenance pharmacotherapy for opioid dependence
- Department of Health: a brief guide to prescribing buprenorphine/naloxone
- Department of Human Services standards
- Department of Human Services standards : evidence guide
- Department of Justice
- Department of Justice and Community Safety : family violence response to coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Department of Justice and Regulation graduate program : Koori pathway
- Department of Justice and Regulation graduate program : Overview
- Department of Justice and Regulation graduate program : community corrections stream
- Department of Justice and Regulation graduate program : professional services stream
- Department of Premier and Cabinet Aboriginal inclusion action plan 2014
- Department of Primary Industries IHD inclusion into ESI scheme
- Derrimut : electoral district : 2000-2001 revision
- Desalination: keystone of Victoria's water plan
- Design guide for Victorian Children's Services
- Design process for the Caulfield to Dandenong level crossing removal project (Designing the Caulfield to Dandenong level crossing removals)
- Designing around iconic Melbourne landmarks
- Despatch (Public Record Office of Victoria)
- Determination of odour concentration by dynamic olfactometry
- Determination of the enivronmental flow requirements for the Yea River
- Determination of the minimum enivronmental water requirement for the Yarra River
- Determine environmental flow requirements at key locations
- Determining effective area of shade in orchards and vineyards to estimate crop water requirement
- Developing bushfire management strategy for Barwon south west
- Developing transport infrastructure and services for population growth areas
- Development Victoria
- Dianella Community Centre provides meeting hub for growing Tarneit West
- Differential rates : discussion paper and draft ministerial guidelines
- Differential rates discussion paper and draft ministerial guidelines
- Differential rates in Victoria : background paper
- Digital Innovation Festival
- Direct and secondary beneficial use
- Directions from Chief Health Officer (Communicable Disease) in accordance with emergency powers arising from declared state of emergency : restricted activity directions
- Directions from Chief Health Officer (Communicable Disease) in accordance with emergency powers arising from declared state of emergency : stay at home directions (No 2) (Victoria)
- Directions issued by the Chief Health Officer (Victoria. Dept. of Health and Human Services)
- Directions, initiative and actions from Plan Melbourne
- Disability (Victoria. Dept. of Health and Human Services)
- Disability Act 2006 : policy and information manual
- Disability Inclusion Profile : Surf Coast Secondary College
- Disability Services Commissioner : information sheet no.1 : making a complaint
- Disability Services Commissioner : information sheet no.2 : dealing with your complaint
- Disability Services Commissioner : information sheet no.3 : the role of the Disability Services Commissioner
- Disability Services Commissioner : information sheet no.4 : dealing with complaints about your service
- Disability Services Commissioner : information sheet no.5 : participating in an assessment conference
- Disability Services Commissioner : information sheet no.6 : conciliating a complaint
- Disability Services Commissioner : information sheet no.7 : participating in assessment or conciliation conferences
- Disability Services Commissioner : information sheet no.8 : investigating a complaint
- Disability action plan (Victoria. Dept. of Premier and Cabinet)
- Disability action plan 2009-2012 (Victoria. Dept. of Industry, Innovation and Regional Development))
- Disability action plan 2012-2016 (Victoria, Dept. of Justice)
- Disability careers: Work that matters
- Disability estimates for local government areas (LGAs) and regions in Victoria
- Disability services access policy
- Disability services adverse events policy
- Disability services community building program : introduction to the program
- Disability services community building program : operational guidelines
- Disability services community building program : planning and reporting framework
- Disability services community building program : practice guide
- Disability services policy statement : registration of disability service providers
- Disablity services : cultural and linguistic diversity strategy : planning and delivering culturally appropriate supports for people with a disability, their families and carers
- Disaster recovery toolkit for local government
- Disclosing disability in employment
- Discover Museums Victoria
- Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria
- Diverse Learners Hub : supporting students with learning difficulties : Bentleigh West Primary School
- Diversity (inclusion) action plan 2009-2012 : department of sustainability and environment
- Djandak Wi : traditional burning returns
- Do not disturb while driving
- Do you have what it takes
- Do you! #genderequality #girlpower #girlsintech
- Documents referred to in the revised SPPF
- Does my child need their tonsils removed?
- Dogs, cats and their owners'privacy.
- Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria
- Don't run me over!
- Doncaster : electoral district : 2000-2001 revision
- Doncaster bus route upgrades
- Donor Heroes' Night
- Dr Brett Sutton : Unregistered beauty therapist
- Dr Glenn Harrison : vaccine side effects
- Dr Mark Schipp : Australian veterinarians and global challenges (2017 AVA annual Conference)
- Dr Ngaree Blow : vaccine safety
- Dr Sally Norton at Sheepvention
- Dr Sally Norton speaks about Get into Grains
- Dr Sally Norton speaks about the Seedbank
- Draft Surf Coast statement of planning policy
- Draft Victorian community and business waste education strategy 2015-2020
- Draft statewide waste and resource recovery infrastructure plan 2013-2014
- Draft statewide waste and resource recovery infrastructure plan 2013-2043
- Draft sustainable water strategy central region : independent panel's findings
- Drafting and reviewing a privacy policy.