- International Year of Freshwater, 2003 (0)
- Murray-Darling River and its Basin (1)
- Our Water Our Future factsheets and reports (95)
- Performance reports of Victorian water utilities (15)
- Pricing Framework Review (Victoria. Essential Services Commission) (9)
- Water Security Outlook (16)
- Water conservation and ecology (Victoria) (5)
- Water for Victoria information sheets (9)
- Imagine the Yarra
- Impact of future water availability scenarios on reliability of supply in regulated systems : draft Northern region sustainable water strategy : background report 2
- Impact of future water availability scenarios on rivers and wetlands in regulated systems : Northern region sustainable water strategy : background report 3A
- Improving management of Victoria's groundwater resources : policy paper
- Improving our understanding of waterbirds in Western Port
- Index of stream condition : user's manual
- Index of stream of condition : the second benchmark of Victorian river condition : ISC scoring
- Information on water planning and management charges levied and determined by Lower Murray Water
- Infrastructure investment
- Integration of stormwater into innovative sewerage scheme at Smythesdale project
- Interpreting river health data
- Lake Eildon recreational boating facilities improvement plan
- Land development manual
- Landlife
- Latrobe aquifer impact investigations : information on assistance measures
- Living Victoria
- Living links : Dandenong Creek
- Lower Murray Water
- Lower Murray Water : fact sheet
- Macquarie Perch Fingerling release : Ovens River, Feb 19 2014
- Maintaining the policy balance for successful water reform
- Managing Groundwater from Bendigo's mines
- Managing adverse water resource impacts of land use changes : policy paper
- Managing riparian land
- Managing the river channel
- Managing water quality
- Mansfield Shire Council : report for Mansfield Basin groundwater resource appraisal : catchment conceptualisation
- Melbourne Water
- Melbourne Water 2013 water plan
- Melbourne Water 2016 price review : guidance paper
- Melbourne Water draft 2013 water plan
- Melbourne Water education
- Melbourne Waterway Research-Practice Partnership
- Melbourne's freshwater systems : community natural history
- Metro framework : discussion paper : key questions and answers
- Monitoring Victoria's groundwater : state observation bore network
- Monitoring the return of the unrequired desalination payments
- Murray Darling basin salinity management strategy
- NRM institutional change : establishment of the non-metropolitan natural resource and catchment authorities : principles paper
- NVIRP factsheet
- Native Fish in the Diamond Creek
- Native fish surveys - Ovens River Gapsted
- New customer contributions : Coliban Water : supplementary information : 2013-2018
- New customer contributions : review capital and operating expenditure : expenditure assessment report : regional urban water businesses
- News (Smart Water Fund)
- Newsletter : Vision for Werribee Plains
- North Central Catchment Management Authority
- North East Catchment Management Authority
- North East Victorian firewood strategy
- North East Water : fact sheet
- North East Water : submission to potential water pricing approach : water plan 4
- North East Water annual water quality report
- North East Water corporate plan
- North East landcare support strategy 2004-2009
- North East native vegetation plan 2005
- North East regional river health strategy
- North East regional river health strategy : summary document
- North East waterwatch newsletter
- North east Victoria regional aquifer systems
- North east Victoria water table aquifers
- Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project : frequently asked questions
- Northern Victoria aquifer conceptualisation
- Northern region fact sheets
- Opinion report : return of additional desalination payments
- Otway coast basin
- Otway system water security outlook
- Our Water, Our Future - Target 155
- Our water our future : the next stage of the government's water plan
- Our water our future desalination project community information newsletter
- Ovens Basin water quality strategy
- Ovens Basin water quality strategy : summary document
- Ovens River demonstration reach fish motels - introducing fish habitat : project implementation
- Ovens basin
- Overview of final decision on water prices
- Permanent water supply rules always apply
- Platypus in the Diamond Creek
- Port Phillip & Western Port Catchment Management Authority
- Port Phillip Bay environmental management plan : Bay actions report
- Port Phillip Bay environmental management plan : monitoring bay nutrient cycling (2011-2012)
- Portland Coast basin
- Portland groundwater system water security outlook
- Pre-site tour information for visitors touring North East Water sites
- Price review 2013 : regional urban water businesses : draft decision : appendicies
- Price review 2013 : regional urban water businesses : draft decision : volume II : Goulburn-Murray Water
- Price review 2013 : regional urban water businesses : draft decision : volume II : Southern Rural Water
- Price review 2013 : regional urban water businesses : draft decision :executive summary
- Principles for provision of waterway and drainage services for urban growth
- Progress towards securing our water future
- Promoting behavioural change in household water consumption : literature review
- Protecting rivers and streams of high community value
- Rapid appraisal method (RAM) for floodplain management
- Rapid test methods for E.coli and enterococci
- Re snagging, Ovens River Macquarie Perch Project
- Reflections : environmental watering in Victoria
- Regional water price review : new customer contributions
- Regional water price review : what impact will the price increases have on my household bill
- Regional water price review draft decision : expenditure
- Regulatory asset values : Advice to the minister for water : regulatory asset values for the Victorian water businesses : March 2005
- Regulatory audits of energy businesses : energy industries
- Report of the Broken River Scientific Panel of the environmental condition and flows of the Broken River and Broken Creek