(34598 items)
- Parliamentarians' Entitlements
- Parliamentary Budget Office
- Parliamentary Education Office
- Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission ¿ Cybercrime inquiry : submission by the Australian Broadcasting Committee
- Parliamentary Prayer Network
- Parliamentary group on population and development - speeches
- Parliamentary information - documents and related guidelines
- Parlour : women, equity, architecture
- Parma for a Farmer
- Parmalat
- Parrhesia: a journal of critical philosophy
- Parrtjima
- Participation and equity : A review of the participation in higher education of people from low socioeconomic backgrounds and Indigenous people
- Participation in information technology & telecommunications in education and training : final report on the project
- Participation support for a more equitable society : the interim report of the Reference Group on Welfare Reform
- Participatory Sensing : enabling interactive local governance through citizen engagement
- Particles, ozone and air toxic levels in rural communities during prescribed burning seasons
- Parties' responses to 2012 ACT election questions put by the North Canberra Community Council
- Partisans Australia
- Partners in a learning culture : blueprint for implementation mid-term review : final report
- Partners in a learning culture : blueprint for implementation mid-term review : phase one report
- Partnerships : National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality
- Partnerships for Infrastructure
- Partnerships for Recovery: Australia's COVID-19 Development Response
- Partnerships in ICT learning study : case studies
- Partnerships in assessment : auspicing in action
- Partnerships in crime prevention : 25th, 26th, 27th February 1998, Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart
- Partnerships in ict study : full report
- Partnerships, pathways and policies : improving indigenous education outcomes : conference report of the Second Annual Indigenous Higher Education Conference, 18-19 September 2006
- Parton Me (Mark Parton)
- Parton words : the musings of Mark Parton
- Partridge String Quartet
- Party 4 Pastafarians
- Party drug trends bulletin
- Party for Freedom
- Paspaley Pearls
- Pass It On : the networking e-zine for children's writers & illustrators
- Passages from the life of a 'lifer' : Jack Bushman
- Passenger ships arriving in Australasian ports
- Passfield Games
- Passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II | Royal Australian Mint
- Passing on prosperity : raising the high bar of reform
- Passion to profit (Online)
- Passive House
- Past Books
- Past Law, Present Histories
- Past, present and future landscapes: understanding alternative futures for climate change adaptation of coastal settlements and communities : final report
- Pastel Artists of South Australia (PASA)
- Pastlinks
- Pastor Danny Nalliah @PastorNalliah (Twitter page)
- Pastoral Letter - Same-sex Marriage (Catholic Archdiocese of Perth)
- Pasture seeds research reports
- Pat Drummond
- Pat Farmer run around Australia for the centenary of federation
- Pat Grant Art Dot Com
- Pat Turner, on “the most important vote of our collective lifetimes” – Croakey Health Media
- Patagonia
- Patentology
- Path of Titans
- Path-finder : mapping adult community education in South Australia
- Pathology Australia
- Pathology Australia 2016 Budget Submission
- Pathology ordering by general practitioners in Australia 1998
- Pathways and policies for the development of a national emissions trading system for Australia
- Pathways and transitions : post-compulsory education, work and refugee young people
- Pathways to a profession : education and training in early childhood education and care, Australia
- Pathways to work : preventing and reducing long-term unemployment
- Pathways to work : preventing and reducing long-term unemployment : pre-budget briefing 2002
- Patient Safety : an overview : a background paper examining the ACT¿¿¿s hospitals and day surgery facilities and national and international developments in patient safety
- PatientSafe Network
- Patricia Ansell Dodds – Undoolya Artist
- Patricia Cahill for Canberra [twitter page] Senate Candidate
- Patricia Clarke OAM
- Patricia Giles Centre
- Patricia Leslie
- Patricia Piccinini
- Patrick Dodson (@SenatorDodson) [Twitter page]
- Patrick Gorman MP (@patrickgormanmp) on Threads
- Patrick Lindsay
- Patrick Mullins – author and academic
- Patrick Togher Artists' Management
- Patrick White Reader's Group
- Patrick the Australian stevedore
- Patriot Realm
- Patriots three : a six part series by Jill Kitson
- Patsy's Paddocks
- Patties Foods
- Paul Arthur
- Paul Ashton Delprat
- Paul Barbera
- Paul Borthwick - Citizens Party Candidate for Robertson (NSW) | Australian Citizens Party
- Paul Collins
- Paul Costa
- Paul Dalgarno
- Paul Geronimos Art
- Paul Grabowsky AO
- Paul Hagon
- Paul Jarman | Sing the Journey
- Paul Jennings
- Paul Kelly : Stories of Me