(34689 items)
- The demand for tertiary education in Australia
- The demog blog
- The development of a pre-registration nursing competencies assessment tool for use across Australian universities : final report
- The difference we are making for our Indigenous students
- The difficulties of my position: the diaries of Prison Governor John Buckley Castieau, 1855-1884
- The digest (NSW Institute of Teachers)
- The diversity and performance of the student population at Victoria university : a preliminary analysis
- The economic and social contribution of the NSW taxi industry
- The economic and social impacts of water trading
- The economic contribution of private equity in Australia
- The economic contribution of the cruise sector to Australia
- The economic impact of diabetic macular oedema in Australia
- The economic implications of fewer international higher education students in Australia : final report
- The education revolution budget: federal budget report 2008
- The effectiveness of chaplaincy
- The effectiveness of cross-cultural training in the Australian context
- The employability of international student graduates in Australia
- The era of universal participation in higher education: Australian policy problems in relation to cost, equity and quality
- The establishment of a competency based assessment system for emergency management
- The everyday sexism project
- The exceptional January-February 2009 heatwave in south-eastern Australia
- The expendable project : the political sacrifice of Schapelle Corby
- The experiences and effects of family homelessness for children : a literature review
- The export potential of Australian funds management services
- The exposure and transition study: exposure to injecting and hepatitis C among young people at risk
- The facts on debt
- The feasibility of a prohibition on charging fees for an unlisted number service
- The feasibility of forest free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) Experimentation in Australia
- The female tradie : challenging employment perceptions in non-traditional trades for women
- The fifth continent
- The fight is not over - Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria
- The first year experience in Australian universities : findings from 1994 to 2009
- The future of the multilateral trading system
- The gay marriage blog
- The gift of the gab (Gabrielle Reilly)
- The good news in the Budget for engineers (Engineers Australia)
- The good, the bad and everything in-between : the quality and relevance of Working Nation training
- The good, the bad and the ugly : design and construction for access
- The great barrier myth : an investigation of promotions policy and practice in Australian universities
- The great school fraud : Howard government school education policy 1996-2006
- The great walk to Beijing 2008
- The gun plot - Royal Australian Navy
- The hardest thing we have ever done : the social impact of caring for terminally ill people in Australia, 2004
- The health effects of using solaria and potential cost-effectiveness of enforcing solaria regulations in Australia
- The health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the ACT 2000 to 2005
- The higher education base funding review: background paper
- The history and achievements of the Australian vocational education and training research association (AVETRA) : 1997-2007
- The history of footwear
- The housing and support needs of ex-prisoners : the role of the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program
- The human elements
- The identification of mental disorders in the criminal justice system : report to the Criminology Research Council
- The immediate future of the childcare sector in Australia
- The impact of Great Barrier Reef pilotage work on wives and families
- The impact of additional educational qualifications for early school leavers
- The impact of banning interactive Gambling Services: a survey of Australian residents
- The impact of fee-paying International students on Australian secondary schools, teachers and students : research report
- The impact of lifelong learning on vocational education and training in Sweden
- The impact of racism upon the health and wellbeing of young Australians
- The impact of voluntary student unionism on services, amenities and representation for Australian University students : discussion paper
- The impacts and management implications of climate change for the Australian government's protected areas
- The impacts of marriage equality and marriage denial on the health of lesbian, gay and bisexual people : evidence review and annotated bibliography
- The influence of the tricorder
- The intergenerational health effects of service in the military : research protocol
- The internet won the election - Captured States
- The judges pension scheme: a report on the long term costs, carried out by the Australian government actuary using data to 30 June 2005
- The lab
- The labour force outlook in the minerals resources sector : 2005 to 2015 : report prepared for the minerals industry National Skills Shortage Strategy
- The landscape of support for youth in transition
- The last Australian Open
- The learnings from CATs and POEMs : what can policy makers draw from both? : Final report
- The life and work of Vince Vozzo
- The life and works of the Australian painter James Alfred Turner
- The light-trap
- The link between primary health care and health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians
- The little big book of Labor waste
- The living archive : extinction stories from Oceania
- The living rock: the origins of climbing in Australia
- The morning after : performing arts in Australia : drama, dance, opera and music - reviews and comment
- The music of Sally Sloane – Australian traditional musician
- The mypower team : cycling 16,000 km around Australia encouraging environmental action
- The naked novelist
- The national public toilet map
- The national research project into good practice in community crime prevention
- The nature of international education in Australian universities and its benefits
- The no carbon tax climate sceptics party : the world's first up-front political party representing climate sceptics
- The obligation is mutual : discussion paper on mutual obligation
- The official web site of James Houston Turner
- The opportunity and imperative for Queensland's international education and training sector
- The outcome of the Referendum is known - Life Without Barriers
- The overlooked consumers : 20% of the Australian population with disabilities and older people
- The panel
- The passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth¿II | Australian Academy of Science
- The passing of Her Majesty The Queen | Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia
- The people's treasures
- The performance management and development of teachers in Australian schools
- The performance of students in the Australian Capital Territory on PISA
- The performance of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission
- The place of languages other than English in primary schools : perspectives of Australian primary principals
- The playground
- The polarisation of housing affordability : National Research Venture 3 : housing affordability for lower income Australians