- Alternative & Complementary Health Care (49)
- Health Research (202)
- Medical & Hospital Care (215)
- Medical Conditions & Diseases (506)
- Mental Health (190)
- Pharmaceuticals (53)
- Public Health (209)
- Influenza Specialist Group
- Vision Australia's response to COVID-19
- $6.9m to fund lung cancer screening nurses: 2021-22 Budget response (Lung Foundation Australia)
- 2009 biennial assessment of implementation of the National Water Initiative : submissions
- 2015 Federal Budget (Breast Cancer Network Australia)
- 2015-16 Federal Budget Submission (Austrailan College of Nursing)
- 2015-16 Federal Budget Submission (Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health)
- 2015-16 Federal Pre-Budget Submission (Palliative Care Australia)
- 2016 Federal Election Submission (Breast Cancer Network Australia)
- 2019 Australian Federal Election (AHHA : Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association)
- 2019 Federal Election Statement (Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences)
- 2020 ACT Election (Meridian)
- 2021 AMA Tasmania state election advocacy platform
- 2022 Australian Federal Election | Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association (AHHA)
- 28 by Sam Wood
- A Bright Future for Rural Health
- A Text book of Australian Rural Health
- A Win for Nurse Practitioners in Federal Budget (Australian College of Nurse Practitioners)
- A final report of the investigation into adverse patient outcomes of neurosurgical services
- A healthier future for all Australians : final report June 2009
- A living history: celebrating 25 years of the rural doctors movement
- A national health and hospitals network : further investments in Australia's health
- A new strategy for community care : consultation paper
- A pre-election health budget that is fiscally conservative (Australian College of Nursing 2016 Federal Budget response)
- A project to improve the learning outcomes of students with disabilities in the early, middle and post compulsory years of schooling
- A review of joint replacement surgery and its outcomes : appropriateness of prostheses and patient selection
- A review of private sector outreach services legislation
- A review of the literature on active ageing
- A review of the potential occupational health and safety implications of nanotechnology
- A review of the regulation of head lice preparations in Australia
- A survey of the work and sleep patterns of Great Barrier Reef pilots
- A system under strain: Commonwealth Budget 2018-19 (Victorian Healthcare Association)
- ACERH research report
- ACON: community, health and action
- ACRRM Federal Election Statement 2016 (Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine)
- ACT Asbestos Health Study
- ACT Chief Health Officer's report
- ACT Health (@ACTHealth)/ Twitter [Coronavirus reporting]
- ACT Health public services performance quarterly report
- ACT Nutrition Support Service
- ACT Vegetarian Society
- ACT Walkers
- ACT action plan for mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention : 2006-2008
- ACT government response : sustaining caring relationships : final report of the met and unmet needs in respite care project
- ACT government response to the recommendations of the report of the Board of Inquiry into Disability Services
- ADF, Australian Drug Foundation
- ADI list : acceptable daily intakes for agricultural and veterinary chemicals
- AFS : the food safety journal
- AFSS [Aboriginal Family Support Service]
- AGPA Federal Election Statement 2022 (Australian GP Alliance)
- AHMS working paper series
- AHWAC Reports
- AIDS Action Council of the ACT
- AIDS in Asia and the Pacific status and trends : strategies for prevention and control
- AIDS in Melanesia
- AIS Support Group Australia
- AMA Equips GPs with Election Campaigning Kit (Australian Medical Association)
- AMA’s 2022 Federal Election Statement | Australian Medical Association
- ANCD report : Cape York indigenous issues
- ANMF welcomes Opposition’s pledge to restore funding for public hospitals (Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation)
- ANZATA : The Professional Association for Arts Therapy in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore
- APA response to the federal budget (Australian Physiotherapy Association)
- ARCSHS publications
- ARPANSA activities in response to COVID-19
- ARRWAG National Conference proceedings
- ARfD list (Acute reference doses for agricultural and vetinary chemicals)
- ASCIA COVID-19 information (Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy)
- ATHRA : Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association
- Aboriginal Drug & Alcohol Council (SA) Inc
- Access to unapproved therapeutic goods - personal importation
- Access to unapproved therapeutic goods : authorised prescribers
- Access to unapproved therapeutic goods : clinical trials in Australia
- Access to unapproved therapeutic goods via the Special Access Scheme
- Activ8 Health Club
- Activate My Day
- Active Healthy Kids Australia
- Activities of the Special Committee Investigating Deaths Under Anaesthesia
- Activity Implementation Report : National Palliative Care Strategy
- Administrator National Health Funding Pool
- Aerogard
- Affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Services Australia)
- Aged Care Association Australia News Monthly Bulletin
- Aged Care Enrolled Nurses Working Party : a report to the Minister for Ageing
- Aged and Community Services Australia National Conference
- Aged care assessment and approval guidelines
- Ageing in Australian society
- Ageing in place : a guide for providers of residential aged care
- Air quality in and around traffic tunnels : final report
- Alcohol and licensed premises : best practice in policing : a monograph for police and policy makers
- Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia
- Alcohol consumption patterns among Australian 15-17 year olds from 2000 to 2004
- Alcohol marketing and young people
- Alcohol treatment guidelines for Indigenous Australians
- Alcohol, tobacco and other drug strategy 2004-2008
- Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia
- Allergy and Immunology Foundation of Australasia (AIFA)
- AllergyNet Australia
- Allied Health Assistants
- Ambient air quality standards setting : an approach to health based hazard assessment