Government & Law
- Commonwealth Government (1126)
- Foreign Affairs & Trade (274)
- Law & Regulation (263)
- Local Government (116)
- State & Territory Government (216)
- Crimes against business : a review of victimisation, predictors and prevention
- Crown copyright report
- Culturally competent police organisations
- Current Issues in Regulation : enforcement and compliance, Carlton Crest Hotel, Melbourne, 2-3 September 2002
- Current commercial law eZine
- Current speeches (Australian Federal Police)
- DCNS Australia
- Decisions of the nineteenth century Tasmanian superior courts
- Delivering crime prevention : making the evidence work
- Department of Industry Consultations
- Department of Social Services, Australian Government
- Developing an effective action plan
- Development Policy blog
- Dhimurru Land Management Aboriginal Corporation Yirrkala
- Digital Government Transformation
- Digital technology law journal
- Discussion paper (Australia. Law Reform Commission)
- Discussion paper : identity crime
- Don't judge what I can do by what you think I can't : ten years of achievements using Australia's Disability Discrimination Act
- Drawing board : an Australian review of public affairs
- Drone Flyer
- Duke of Edinburg's international award : Australia
- Dynamics of sediment and nutrient fluxes from burnt forest catchments
- E law : Murdoch University electronic journal of law
- EPBC Act referral guidelines for the Outstanding Universal Value of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area
- Economic & Public Sector Program
- Education Council
- Effect of land use and peri-urban development on aquatic weeds
- Efficient and modern payments: benefits of government prepaid cards
- Elder Abuse Forum, 26-27 February 2000
- Elder law review
- Election 2007 (A Just Australia)
- Electoral systems in divided societies: the Fiji constitution review
- Elucidating relationships between disturbance and invasion in riparian zones
- Employment and the Disability Discrimination Act
- Endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the Australian environment : background and current research in Australia
- Energy efficiency in government operations (EEGO) policy
- Enews : the AGD e-news on copyright
- Engaging in Biosecurity : Literature review of Community Engagement Approaches
- Enhancing Noogoora Burr Biocontrol in Northern Australia
- Enrol for Gold
- Equality Rights Alliance
- Ethical guidelines on the use of assisted reproductive technology in clinical practice and research : 2004 (as revised in 2007 to take into account the changes in legislation)
- Ethnicity and crime : an Australian research study
- Evaluation in crime and justice : trends and methods, ABS House, Canberra 24-25 March 2003
- Evaluation of indigenous family reunion link-up services and development of best practice modelsfor service delivery
- Evaluation of the Northern Territory Agreement : final report
- Evidence-base : a journal of evidence reviews in key policy areas
- Exploiting emerging technology corruptly in the NSW public sector
- Facilitator or advisor? : a discussion of conciliator intervention in the resolution of disputes under Australian human rights and anti-discrimination law : alternative dispute resolution in the context of anti-discrimination and human rights law
- Factors that influence remand in custody : final report to the Criminology Research Council
- Fair go for David
- Fair use and other copyright exceptions: and examination of fair use, fair dealing and other exceptions in the digital age.
- False economies : decoding efficiency
- Family Court of Australia conference papers and reports
- Family violence prevention legal services: operational framework
- Federal Budget 2014 (The Conversation)
- Federal Budget 2014-15 (Deloitte)
- Federal Budget 2017 (ABC News)
- Federal Budget 2017 (Sydney Morning Herald)
- Federal Budget 2017 (The Guardian)
- Federal Budget 2018 (Sydney Morning Herald)
- Federal Budget Analysis (Australian Council for International Development)
- Federal Election (Sporting Shooters Association of Australia)
- Federal ICAC Now
- Federal election 2016: The folly of the NBN continues (Institute of Public Affairs)
- Federal law review
- Fight against child labour and exploitation
- Fiji before the storm: Elections and the politics of development
- Final report : drink and food spiking
- Findlaw Australia
- Fireside chats : John Carmichael & competition law
- FlagPost: Information and research from Australia's Commonwealth Parliamentary Library
- Flexible dealing and cultural institutions : statement of principles regarding the use of section 200AB of the Copyright ACT (1968): an industry standard and user guide for the cultural sector
- Flight path to the future
- FounDDAtions : reflections on the first five years of the Disability Discrimination Act in Australia
- Framed : quarterly magazine of Justice Action
- Freedoms Inquiry
- Friends of the Commonwealth
- Future Australia
- Future Fund - Year in Review 2023-24
- Gambling and clients of ACT corrections : final report
- Gambling and criminal behaviour
- Gareth Evans
- Gazette of law and journalism
- General Elections (Parliament of Australia)
- GovNet eJournal
- GovTech: Microsoft Australia news and views
- Government News
- Graffiti and disorder : local government, law enforcement and community responses, Royal on the Park, Brisbane 18-19 August 2003
- Guide to Australia's National Security Capability
- Guide to FSR and legal practice
- Guide to digital rights management
- Guide to information security
- Guide to social security law (Social security guide)
- Guide to the workers' compensation jurisdiction
- Guidelines for referrals to childrens contact centres
- Gun Policy
- Gutnick vs. Dow Jones : the Internet on trial
- Hazard Man