Government & Law
- Commonwealth Government (1125)
- Foreign Affairs & Trade (274)
- Law & Regulation (263)
- Local Government (116)
- State & Territory Government (216)
- Res judicata
- Research Reports (Centre for Independent Studies)
- Research into community, business and government attitudes towards privacy in Australia
- Research note (Australia. Dept. of the Parliamentary Library. Information and Research Services)
- Research reports and research papers (University of Melbourne. Centre for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation)
- Responding to COVID-19: your questions answered (Allens Linklaters)
- Response to the COVID-19 Virus (ACT Courts)
- Rethink Australia
- Review of Australia's Counter-Terrorism Machinery
- Review of access to telecommunication services by people with disability, older Australians and people experiencing illness
- Review of advertising of unclassified material under the National Classification Scheme
- Review of changes to the administration of federal anti-discrimination law : reflections on the initial period of operation of the Human Rights Legislation Amendment Act (No.1) 1999 (Cth)
- Review of child protection system
- Review of expenditure, demand forecasts and cost attribution for ActewAGL gas distribution network in the ACT, Queanbeyan and Yarrowlumla
- Review of one per cent cap on licence fees paid to copyright owners for playing sound recordings on the radio
- Review of the Cooperative Research Centres Program
- Review of the Bureau of Meteorology's capacity to respond to future extreme weather and natural disaster events and to provide seasonal forecasting services
- Review of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 Final Report
- Review of the Insurance Arrangements of State and Territory Governments under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements Determination 2011
- Review of the Law of Negligence report
- Review of the Navigation Act 1912
- Review of the Operational Activities and Structure of the Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO)
- Review of the Personally Controlled Electornic Health Record
- Review of the extension of legal deposit
- Right Now
- Right to know
- Rights Australia
- Rivers of knowledge : 9th Specials, Health and Law Librarians Conference, 26-29 August 2001
- Road deaths Australia. Statistical summary
- Role of Schools in Crime Prevention : Carlton Crest Hotel, Melbourne, 30 September - 1 October 2002
- Royal Australian Mint (2016 Australian Olympic Team Coin Program)
- Royal Australian Mint (2018 Australian Olympic Team)
- Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
- Royal Commissions and Commissions of Inquiry, 1902-2004
- Ruddock v Roxon : the great legal debate
- SSC/ANZSOG occasional paper
- Safety, crime and justice : from data to policy, ABS House, Canberra, 6-7 June 2005
- Salinger Privacy
- Save Our Census - Census on the Census 2015
- Scoping study to investigate measures for improving the environmental sustainability of building materials
- Scoping study to investigate measures for improving the water efficiency of buildings
- Screenrights
- Security Legislation Review Committee
- Self-isolation (self-quarantine) for coronavirus (COVID-19) - (Department of Health)
- Sentence and release options for high-risk sexual offenders
- Simplifying the classification of DVD's: a discussion paper
- Soil organic matter and soil function: Review of the literature and underlying data
- Solid work you mob are doing : case studies in indigenous dispute resolution & conflict management in Australia
- Spam Act 2003 review issues paper : a legislative review of the operation of the Spam Act 2003 and related parts of the Telecommunications Act 1997
- Speeches (Centre for Independent Studies)
- Speeches and papers (Australia. Adminstrative Appeals Tribunal)
- Sporting Shooters Association of Australia
- Standards and guidelines for records management
- Step Together
- Step by step guide to proceedings in the Family Court
- Stolen property market in the Australian Capital Territory
- Strategic Review of Geoscience Australia
- Strategic Review of Small and Medium Agencies in the Attorney-Generals Portfolio
- Study of the participation of private legal practioner in the provision of legal aid services in Australia
- Submission to the 2015-16 Budget (Australian Local Government Association)
- Submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee into the needs of urban dwelling Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- Submission to the National Commission of Audit (Palliative Care Australia)
- Submissions (Centre for Independent Studies)
- Suicidal behaviour in prisons : a literature review
- Summary of observations following the inspection of mainland immigration detention facilities
- Super Guide
- Supreme Court of Tasmania - COVID-19 Information for Court Users
- Survey of the nature and extent of gambling and problem gambling in the ACT
- Sustainable Australia - sustainable communities: sustainable population strategy for Australia
- Sustainable design strategy : "beyond compliance"
- Sydney law review
- TU Royal Commission [Twitter page]
- Target 30: reducing the burden for future generations
- Tax relief for landlords and businesses (State Revenue Office Victoria)
- Terri Janke & Co
- Territory Administrative Records Disposal Schedule : TARDiS
- The Australian Institute of Judicial Administration
- The Canberra Firestorm : Inquests and Inquiry into Four Deaths and Four Fires between 8 and 18 January 2003
- The Child Responsive Program operating within the Less Adversarial Trial : a follow up study of parent and child outcomes
- The Coalition's policy to improve the fair work laws
- The Governance of Common Property in the Pacific Region
- The Review of the Australian Government Rebate on Private Health Insurance for Natural Therapies
- The author's interest
- The identification of mental disorders in the criminal justice system : report to the Criminology Research Council
- The use of ATMs in ACT gaming venues : an empirical study
- The young adult outcomes of childhood and adolescent antisocial behaviour : an Australian cohort study
- There's a little bit of aggression in all of us : aggressive behaviour by taxi passengers
- This is complicated
- Towards better Indigenous health data
- Towards quality standards for family dispute practioners research report 2004
- Transforming the criminal courts : politics, managerialism, consumerism, therapeutic jurisprudence and change
- Transnational crime : 9 & 10 March 2000, Rydges Lakeside, Canberra
- Treaty - Advancing Reconciliation : a national conference on racism, land and reconciliation in a global context
- Trends and issues in crime and criminal justice
- Unfit for Publication
- Unravelling corruption II : exploring changes in the public sector perspective 1993-1999
- Violence against Women in Melanesia and East Timor : a review of international lessons
- Violence against women - Australia says no
- Vocational educational and training and rehabilitative programs in the Alexander Maconochie Centre
- Wall to Wall