(8735 items)
- John Graham - Legislative Council Labor [Twitter page]
- John Howard
- John Kaye - Greens NSW MP @johnkgreens (Twitter Page)
- John Kaye - Greens MP
- John Koukoulis - United Australia Party for Watson
- John Koukoulis - United Australia Party for Watson [Twitter Page]
- John Larter - Liberal Democrats Candidate Legislative Council [Twitter page]
- John Larter - Liberal Democrats Senate Candidate for New South Wales
- John Lozano Independent
- John Mackenzie - Greens Candidate for Newcastle [Twitter page]
- John Robertson @jrobertsonmp (Twitter Page)
- John Robertson MP [New South Wales]
- John Rooney Independent for Snowy Monaro
- John Ruddick - Liberal Democrats Senate Candidate for New South Wales
- John Ruddick - Liberal Democrats Senate Candidate for New South Wales [Twitter page]
- John Sidoti - Liberal Candidate for Drummoyne
- John Sidoti MP @John_Sidoti (Twitter Page)
- John Tingle - The Shooters Party (NSW State Election)
- John Williams - Nationals Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- John-Paul Baladi - Liberal Party candidate for Strathfield (Twitter)
- Johnny Yap - United Australia Party Senate Candidate NSW
- Jon Doig - Greens Candidate for Cook
- Jon Doig - Greens Candidate for Cook [Twitter page]
- Jonathan Cassell - Greens Candidate for Coffs Harbour
- Jonathan Doig - Greens Candidate for Cook and Cronulla [Twitter page]
- Jonathan O'Dea Member for Davidson [New South Wales]
- Jordan Maloney - United Australia Party for Gilmore
- Joseph O'Connor - United Australia Party for Lindsay
- Josephine Cashman - Pauline Hanson's One Nation Candidate for Lyne
- Josh Andrews @Josh4Berowra - Labor Candidate for Berowra [Twitter page]
- Josh Angus - Nationals Candidate for Hunter
- Joshua Shoebridge Independent for Bega Valley Shire
- Joy Angel - Sustainable Australia Party Candidate for Eden-Monaro
- Judith Hannan - Independent 4 Wollondilly
- Judy Hannan Independent - Wollondilly & the Southern Highlands
- Julia Finn - ALP Harris Park Branch (2012 NSW Local Government Election)
- Julia Finn - Labor Candidate for Granville
- Julia Finn, Labor Candidate for Granville @juliafinnMP (Twitter Page)
- Julia Irwin, MP. Federal member for Fowler
- Julian Fayad - United Australia Party for Parramatta
- Julian Fayad - United Australia Party for Parramatta [Twitter Page]
- Julian Leeser - Liberal Candidate for Berowra
- Julian Leeser - Liberal Candidate for Berowra [Twitter page]
- Julie Boyd - Independent for Richmond 2010
- Julie Collins - Independent Senate Candidate NSW
- Julie Lyford @JulieLyford [Twitter page]
- Julie Owens @JulieOwensMP [Twitter page]
- Julie Owens for Parramatta
- Julie Ramos - United Australia Party for Farrer
- Julie Sutton for Mayor of Warringah
- Julie Worsley @JulieWorsleyCDP [Twitter page]
- Jumbunna Research Unit Briefing Papers
- Junee: one year out
- Just Reinvest NSW
- Just because it's old : museums and galleries in heritage buildings
- Justice now open to whom?
- Justin Alick - Greens Candidate for Bennelong
- Justin Alick - Greens Candidate for Ryde @justinalick (Twitter Page)
- Justin Clancy MP - Member for Albury
- Justin Field - MLC
- Justin Field - MLC (Twitter Page)
- Justine Elliot - Labor Candidate for Richmond
- Justine Elliot @JElliotMP [Twitter page]
- Juveniles in detention : issues of over-representation
- Juveniles in detention special needs groups : young women, Aboriginal and Indo-Chinese detainees
- Juveniles in detention: a model for diversion
- Kaldor Public Art Projects
- Kalpesh : make sure your vote bring changes
- Kane Stewart for Snowy Valleys
- Kangaloon Borefield project
- Kangaroo River Water Sharing Plan : socio-economic impact assessment of changes to the flow rules
- Karen Chijoff
- Karen Freyer - Independent Candidate for Vaucluse (Twitter)
- Karen Freyer - Your Independent Voice for Vaucluse
- Karen Howard - Liberal Candidate for Newcastle @karenh99 (Twitter Page)
- Karen McNamara : Federal Member for Dobell
- Karen McNamara @karenmcnamaramp [Twitter page]
- Karen Renkema-Lang & Team for Kiama
- Karen Stewart - Greens Candidate [Twitter page]
- Karen Stewart - Greens Candidate for Camden
- Karen Stewart - Greens Candidate for Hume
- Karin Geiselhart - Sustainable Australia party Candidate for Bega [Twitter page]
- Karin Geiselhart for Bega - Sustainable Australia Party
- Karin Kolbe - Independent for Ballina [2011 NSW State Election]
- Karyn Edelstein - Labor for Davidson (Twitter)
- Kate Hoang - A Voice for Our Community
- Kate Hook- Independent Candidate for Calare [Twitter Page]
- Kate Mason - Informed Medical Options Party for Robertson
- Kate McCulloch for NSW Senate - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
- Kate McGrath - Labor for Tamworth (Twitter)
- Kate Washington - Labor Candidate for Port Stephens
- Kate Washington - Labor Candidate for Port Stephens @KateRWashington (Twitter Page)
- Kate da Costa, Central Coast Greens @KatedaCosta1 (Twitter Page)
- Katherine Deves - Liberal for Hatred
- Katherine Deves - Liberal for Warringah
- Katie Gompertz - Labor Candidate for Hornsby
- Katie Gompertz @KatieGomps [Twitter page]
- Katoomba to Lithgow: Great Western Highway upgrade: Hartley Valley safety upgrade: community feedback report
- Katoomba to Lithgow: Great Western Highway upgrade: Mount Victoria safety upgrade: community feedback report
- Katrina Hodgkinson @KatrinaHoddy (Twitter Page)