(282 items)
- LGSA positions on the recommendations of the Local Government Inquiry, 5 July 2007
- LGSA submission : ICAC discussion paper Corruption risks in NSW development approval processes (February 2006)
- LGov NSW (2003 NSW State Election)
- LIberal Choices Hurts
- LU Guitang Independent for Multicultural Fairness and Harmony in Australia
- La Perouse Headland : Botany Bay National Park Conservation Management Plan
- Labor for Ballina
- Labor for Bega
- Labor for Granville
- Labor for Wagga
- Labor in Action [New South Wales]
- Labor's Fresh Start Plan
- Labor4Lithgow @Labor4Lithgow
- Laboratory test results and site inspection report from the composite wood composting trial
- Labour Hire Task Force. Final report
- Lachlan Catchment Management Authority
- Lachlan Valley Railway [website]
- Lachlan/Murrumbidgee cotton gross margins
- Lake Ainsworth Management Plan
- Lake Burrendong State Park
- Lake Glenbawn State Park
- Lake Illawarra Authority
- Lake Keepit State Park
- Lake Macquarie City Council's application for a special variation 2012/13 - Determination
- Lake Macquarie City Council. Investigation report.
- Lake Macquarie Estuary Management Study
- Lake Macquarie Floodplain Management Plan
- Lake Macquarie State Conservation Area, Pulbah Island Nature Reserve and Moon Island Nature Reserve : plan of management
- Lake Macquarie mooring management plan
- Lambton Park Strategic Plan and Plans of Management (Newcastle City Council)
- Land Tax information booklet
- Land and Environment eCourt : user's manual
- Land and environment court reporter
- Land rights and the Western Region
- Landmark Report (Centre for Policy Development)
- Landscape guideline : landscape design and maintenance guidelines to improve the quality, safety and cost effectiveness of road corridor planting and seeding
- Landscape management in NSW schools
- Landscape management using lot averaging subdivision
- Landscape of Blue Mountains rock-art : Wollemi National Park : phase 1
- Lane Cove Labor
- Lane Cove Local Liberals
- Lane Cove Tunnel
- Lane Cove Tunnel : air quality and respiratory health study
- Lane Cove Tunnel Project
- Lane Cove Tunnel collapse and subsidence : report - 2 November 2005
- Language background and release from indeterminate sentences
- Language background of prisoners
- Language background other than English
- Larissa Penn - Independent Candidate for Willoughby
- Larissa Penn - Independent candidate for Willoughby (Twitter)
- Larry Anthony, MP. Federal member for Richmond, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs
- Latest Updates and Store Information our responses to COVID-19 - IGA Supermarkets
- Laura Cowell Shire Sports Independents
- Laura Hughes - Labor for New England
- Laurie Ferguson @LDTFerguson [Twitter page]
- Laurie Ferguson MP - Labor for Werriwa
- Law Enforcement Conduct Commission NSW
- Law Society of New South Wales - NSW Elections
- Lawrence - Sportsmans Creek - Bridges for the bush
- Lawrence Hargrave Drive
- Leading economic indicators for Australia's contract coal prices in the Japanese market
- Leading our way in community care : policy position
- Leadlight of Inner Western Sydney
- Leanne Atkinson @Leanne_Atkinson (Twitter Page)
- Learning Assistance Program: a reflective study
- Learning about floods: a State Emergency Service perspective
- Learning curve (Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation)
- Learning for sustainability : NSW Environmental Education Plan
- Lease expiry policy
- Leaving school in Australia. Year 12 state by state.
- Lee Evans Member for Heathcote
- Lee Evans Member for Heathcote @HeathcoteLee (Twitter Page)
- Lee Howe - Vote 1 Homes First
- Lee Rhiannon (2003 NSW State Election)
- Lee Rhiannon - Greens Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Lee Watts - For people, Not parties [New South Wales]
- Lee Watts - Independent Candidate for the seat of Upper Hunter @LeeAWatts
- Legal Aid New South Wales
- Legal capacity buidling for conservation in the Pacific
- Legal environment following Re Kevin : new perceptions and strategies for effective law reform in respect of the legal rights of people who experience variation in human sexual formation and expression
- Legalise Cannabis - NSW Candidates
- Legalise Cannabis - NSW [Twitter page]
- Legislative Council Select Committee on off-protocol prescribing of chemotherapy in NSW
- Legs on the Wall
- Leichhardt 2020+ Strategic Plan (Leichhardt Municipal Council)
- Leichhardt Community and Cultural Plan : stage A discussion paper : issues, challenges + opportunities
- Leichhardt Council : development control plan no. 22 : 461-465 Glebe Point Road (formerly Hardy's timber yard)
- Leichhardt Council Asset Management Strategy and Policy
- Leichhardt Council Community Wellbeing 2010 : final report
- Leichhardt Council development control plan no. 23 : Orphan School Creek
- Leichhardt Council development control plan no. 33 : Bidura 357 Glebe Point Road, Glebe
- Leichhardt Council development control plan no. 38 : waste, avoid, reuse, recycle
- Leichhardt Council development control plan no. 39 : John Fletcher & Glebe Depot site : 29-47 Forsyth Street, Glebe
- Leichhardt development control plan no. 35 : exempt and complying development
- Leichhardts key demographic features 2006 and on
- Leisure for life : manual
- Lela Panich - United Australia Party for Fowler
- Len Roberts Group - Midcoast Council
- Lennox Head Aboriginal Area : plan of management
- Lenore Kulakauskas - Labor Candidate for Vaucluse