- 1996 Australian federal election campaign (0)
- 1998 Australian federal election campaign (0)
- 1999 New South Wales State Election campaign (42)
- 1999 Victorian state election campaign (0)
- 2001 Aston (Vic.) by-election campaign (0)
- 2001 Australian Capital Territory election campaign (0)
- 2001 Australian federal election campaign (7)
- 2001 Northern Territory election campaign (0)
- 2001 Queensland state election campaign (0)
- 2001 Western Australian state election campaign (0)
- 2002 South Australian state election campaign (0)
- 2002 Victorian state election campaign (0)
- 2003 New South Wales State Election Campaign (50)
- 2004 Australian Capital Territory election campaign (0)
- 2004 Australian federal election campaign - interest and lobby group web sites (5)
- 2004 Australian federal election campaign - media, comment and analysis (0)
- 2004 Australian federal election campaign - political party and candidate web sites (56)
- 2004 NSW Local Government Elections (10)
- 2004 Queensland State Election Campaign (0)
- 2004 Victorian municipal elections (0)
- 2005 Northern Territory Election (0)
- 2005 Western Australian state election campaign (0)
- 2006 Queensland state election campaign (0)
- 2006 South Australian state election campaign (0)
- 2006 Victorian State Election (0)
- 2007 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (51)
- 2007 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (5)
- 2007 Australian federal election campaign - electoral study and research web sites (0)
- 2007 Australian federal election campaign - interest and lobby group web sites (4)
- 2007 Australian federal election campaign - media, comment and video web sites (0)
- 2007 Australian federal election campaign - political party web sites (4)
- 2007 New South Wales State Election Campaign (31)
- 2007 Victorian by-elections (0)
- 2008 Australian Capital Territory election campaign (0)
- 2008 Mayo By-Election (South Australia) (0)
- 2008 New South Wales Local Government election (46)
- 2008 Victorian Local Council and Community Elections (0)
- 2008 Western Australia state election campaign (0)
- 2009 Bradfield (NSW) and Higgins (Vic.) by-elections (10)
- 2009 Fremantle By-Election (Western Australia) (0)
- 2009 Queensland State Election Campaign (0)
- 2010 Altona (Vic.) by-election campaign (0)
- 2010 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (61)
- 2010 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (2)
- 2010 Australian federal election campaign - electoral study and research web sites (0)
- 2010 Australian federal election campaign - interest and lobby group web sites (5)
- 2010 Australian federal election campaign - media, comment, social network and video web sites (1)
- 2010 Australian federal election campaign - political party web sites (8)
- 2010 Penrith By- Election (4)
- 2010 South Australian state election campaign (0)
- 2010 Victorian State Election Campaign (0)
- 2011 NSW State Election (108)
- 2012 Australian Capital Territory election campaign (0)
- 2012 Melbourne by-election campaign (0)
- 2012 NSW Local Government Election (16)
- 2012 Niddrie (Vic.) by-election (0)
- 2012 Northern Territory Local Government Elections (0)
- 2012 Queensland Local Government Elections (0)
- 2012 Queensland State Election Campaign (0)
- 2012 South Brisbane By-Election (0)
- 2012 Victoria Local Government Elections (0)
- 2013 Australian Federal Election campaign - WA Senate election 2014 (0)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (62)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (10)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - electoral study and research web sites (0)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - interest and lobby group web sites (2)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - media, comment, social network and video sites (0)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - political party web sites (9)
- 2013 Western Australia State Election Campaign (0)
- 2013 Western Australia State Election Campaign - Media and Comment (0)
- 2014 Fisher (SA) by-election (0)
- 2014 Griffith (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2014 Redcliffe (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2014 South Australian state election campaign (0)
- 2014 Stafford (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2014 Tasmanian state election (0)
- 2014 Victorian state election campaign (0)
- 2015 Canning (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2015 Gippsland South by election (0)
- 2015 New South Wales State Election Campaign (299)
- 2015 Queensland State Election Campaign (1)
- 2016 Australian Capital Territory election campaign (0)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (126)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (35)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - electoral study and research web sites (0)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - interest and lobby group web sites (11)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - media, comment and video web sites (1)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - political party web sites (27)
- 2016 NSW Local Government Election (16)
- 2016 Northern Territory Election campaign (0)
- 2016 Queensland Local Government Elections (0)
- 2016 Victorian Council Elections (0)
- 2017 Bennelong by-election (2)
- 2017 NSW Local Government Election (39)
- 2017 New England by-election (1)
- 2017 Northcote byelection campaign (0)
- 2017 Queensland State Election Campaign (0)
- 2017 Western Australia State Election Campaign (0)
- 2018 Batman by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Braddon by-election (Tasmania) (0)
- 2018 Cottesloe (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Darling Ranges (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Fremantle (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Longman by-election (0)
- 2018 Perth (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 South Australian state election campaign (0)
- 2018 Tasmanian state election (0)
- 2018 Victorian state election campaign (0)
- 2018 Wentworth (NSW) by-election (12)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (148)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (25)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - electoral study and research web sites (0)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - interest and lobby group websites (5)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - media, comment and video web sites (0)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - political party websites (19)
- 2019 New South Wales State Election Campaign (281)
- 2020 Australian Capital Territory election campaign (0)
- 2020 Bundamba (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2020 Currumbin (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2020 Eden-Monaro (NSW) by-election (17)
- 2020 Groom (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2020 Queensland Local Government Elections (0)
- 2020 Queensland State Election Campaign (0)
- 2020 Victorian Local Council elections (0)
- 2020 Western Australia City of Perth Local Government Election (0)
- 2021 NSW Local Government Election (223)
- 2021 Rockhampton Regional Council (Qld) Mayoral by-election (0)
- 2021 Tasmanian state election campaign (0)
- 2021 Upper Hunter (NSW) by-election (17)
- 2021 Western Australia State Election Campaign (0)
- 2022 Australian federal election campaign (6)
- 2022 Callide (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2022 NSW State Government By-Elections (22)
- 2022 North West Central (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2022 State Election South Australia (0)
- 2022 Victorian State Election (0)
- 2023 Aston By-election (0)
- 2023 Fadden (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2023 New South Wales State Election Campaign (320)
- 2023 Rockingham (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2024 Australian Capital Territory election campaign (0)
- 2024 Dunkley by-election (0)
- 2024 Inala (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2024 Ipswich West (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2024 Northern Territory Election (0)
- 2024 Queensland Local Government Elections (0)
- 2024 Queensland State Election Campaign (0)
- 2024 Tasmanian State Election (0)
- 2024 Victorian Local Council Elections (0)
- 2025 Federal Election campaign (0)
- 2025 Prahran by-election (0)
- 2025 Werribee by-election (0)
- 2025 Western Australia Election Campaign (0)
- Victorian Electoral Commission publications (0)
- Debrah Novak - Community Independent
- Defending Sydney - Edwina Lloyd Labor Candidate for Sydney
- Dejay Toborek @DejayToborek [Twitter page]
- Dejay Toborek Greens Candidate for Wentworth
- Democracy 4 sale
- Democratic Labor Party (2009 Bradfield By-Election)
- Democratic Labor Party [2011 NSW State Election- Special Interest and Lobby sites]
- Democratic socialists (NSW State Election)
- Desiree Gregory - Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party Candidate for the NSW Senate
- Di Smith - Candidate for Wentworth
- Diane Colman for Greystanes [Twitter page]
- Domenic Martino - United Australia Party Senate Candidate
- Dominic King - Greens Party candidate for Oxley (Twitter)
- Dominic Perrottet - Liberal Candidate for Hawkesbury [New South Wales]
- Dominic Perrottet @Dom_Perrottet (Twitter Page)
- Don McKinnon (NSW State Election)
- Don Murchison for Lane Cove
- Don Page, MP - Member for Ballina [New South Wales]
- Dorlene Haidar - Animal Justice Party Candidate for Canterbury Bankstown
- Doug Cameron - Labor Senator for NSW [Twitter page]
- Douglas St.Quintin @DougStQuintin (Twitter Page)
- Dr Andrea Leong
- Dr Arthur Chesterfield-Evans - Australian Democrats [2011 NSW State Election]
- Dr Bentley Logan - Liberal Democrats for Robertson [Twitter Page]
- Dr Fiona Martin MP - Liberal Candidate for Reid
- Dr Hanabeth Luke (@HanabethLuke) [Twitter Page]
- Dr Jason Bendall - Independent for Myall Lakes
- Dr Jason Bendall for Myall Lakes (Twitter)
- Dr Jennifer Jary Labor Candidate for Manly @JenniferJary (Twitter Page)
- Dr Joe McGirr MP - Independent Member for Wagga Wagga (Twitter)
- Dr Johnathan King - Northern Beaches Greens
- Dr Mike Freelander - Labor Candidate for Macarthur
- Dr Peter Kim Independent for Ryde
- Dr Sophie Scamps - Independent for Mackellar [Twitter Page]
- Dugald Saunders - Nationals Candidate for Dubbo [Twitter page]
- Dugald Saunders MP - Member for Dubbo Electorate
- Duncan Spender - Senate Candidate for the Liberal Democrats in NSW
- Durga Owen - Labor Candidate for Seven Hills [Twitter page]
- Dylan Parker Labor for Randwick [Twitter page]
- EarthSave Australia (NSW State Election)
- Ed Husic @edhusicMP [Twitter page]
- Ed Husic MP - Federal Labor fior Chifley
- Eddie Dogramachi - Independent Candidate for Hawkesbury
- Eden-Monaro By-Election - Bega Valley Shire Council
- Eden-Monaro By-Election - The Poll Bludger
- Eden-Monaro By-election - Australian Electoral Commission
- Eden-Monaro By-election - The Tally Room
- Edmond Atalla - Labor for Mt Druitt @EAtallaCR (Twitter Page)
- Edwina Lloyd - Labor Candidate for Sydney @Urban_Eddie (Twitter Page)
- Election Funding Authority (New South Wales)
- Election Platform 2022 - Volunteering Australia
- Election funding handbook
- Electoral Commission NSW (2007 NSW State Election)
- Electoral Commission NSW - Virtual Tally Room [2011 NSW State Election]
- Electoral Commission of New South Wales : Local Government Elections
- Eli Davern - Greens for Farrer [Twitter Page]
- Eliza james @BlacktownEliza [Twitter page]
- Elizabeth Farrelly Independents
- Elizabeth Farrelly Independents [Twitter page]
- Elizabeth Flaherty Candidate for Upper Hunter Shire Council
- Elizabeth Thompson - Greens candidate for the Legislative Council (Twitter)
- Elle for North Sydney
- Ellie Robertson Independent for Liverpool
- Elly Howse - NSW Labor Candidate for Balmain [Twitter page]
- Emily Rivera - Greens NSW state candidate for Camden (Twitter)
- Emma Husar - Labor Candidate for Penrith @emmahusar (Twitter Page)
- Emma Mcbride - Labor Candidate for Dobell
- Emmet de Bhaldraithe - Greens Candidate for Watson
- Empower Gilmore
- Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy (2009 Bradfield By- Election)
- Erica Hockley - Greens Candidate for Baulkham Hills [Twitter page]
- Ernest Wong - Labor Mp Legislative Council [Twitter page]
- Eurobodalla 2021 - Country Labor
- Eurobodalla Greens
- Eva Pears - Liberal Democrats Candidate for Upper Hunter
- Eve Slavich - Science Party Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Eve-Lyn Kennedy - Greens Candidate for Barwon [Twitter page]
- Every Decision, Every time - Mid Western Council
- Fairfield-Liverpool Greens
- Fairfield/Liverpool Greens (2007 NSW State Election)
- Fairness for families [2011 NSW State Election- Special Interest and Lobby sites]
- Family First Party [2011 NSW State Election- Parties]
- Fardin Pelarek - Animal Justice Party candidate for The Entrance
- Farrelly Independent for Strathfield
- Farrelly Independent for Strathfield [Twitter page]
- Federal election 2022 - Bicycle Network
- Federation of Parents and Citizens Association of NSW (2013 Federal Election)
- Felicity Wilson - Liberal Candidate for North Shore
- Fi Ziff Independent for Wagga
- Fighters For Our Region
- Fiona Byrne - Turn Marrickville Green in March 2011 [2011 NSW State Election]
- Fiona Kotvojs - Liberal Candidate for Bega
- Fiona Kotvojs - Liberal Candidate for Eden Monaro
- Fiona Nash - Nationals Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Fiona Nash - Senator for NSW
- Fiona Phillips @fiboydphillips [Twitter Page]
- Fiona Phillips - Labor Candidate for Gilmore
- Fiona Phillips - Labor Candidate for South Coast [New South Wales]
- Fiona Scott @FionaScottMP [Twitter page]
- Flegg, Jonathon (Lib.) (2007 NSW State Election)