(416 items)
- J-AIR : bringing your community to you
- JETAA Victoria/Tasmania
- Jaala Pulford : state Labor member for western Victoria
- Jaala Pulford MP @JaalaPulford (Twitter page)
- Jacinta Allan MP : Member for Bendigo East
- Jacinta Allan MP : delivering for Bendigo East
- Jacinta Allan MP : member for Bendigo east
- Jacinta Allan MP @JacintaAllanMP (Twitter page)
- Jacinta Allan on PFAS contamined soil in Bacchus Marsh
- Jacinta Allan opens Ballarat Regional Rail Revival, Ballan
- Jack Boddeke : Candidate for Wyndham Council : Heathdale Ward : Australian Greens Victoria
- Jack Boddeke @Two_legs_Jack (Twitter page)
- Jack Butler for Kingston
- Jack Herry for our future
- Jack Rabbit : the Bellarine
- Jack Ward : a youth journalist and producer
- Jack's blog : my Warrandyte by-election candidate experience
- Jackie Carter : candidate for Boroondara City Council : Maranoa Ward
- Jackson Snep : candidate for Ballarat City Council South Ward
- Jackson Taylor : state member for Bayswater
- Jackson Taylor MP : Labor delivers for Knox
- Jacky Sun @Vote1JackySun
- Jaclyn Symes : State Labor Member for Northern Victoria
- Jaclyn Symes @JaclynSymes (Twitter page)
- Jacqui Hawkins @JHawk4Benambra (Twitter page)
- Jacqui Hawkins for Benambra
- Jacqui Pierce : candidate for Borough of Queenscliffe
- Jade Benham @Jade_Benham (Twitter page)
- Jade Benham for Mildura
- Jadon Atkinson : Liberal for Cooper
- Jadon Mintern
- Jagdeep Singh : Liberal for Cranbourne
- Jago, John (Independent, Gippsland)
- Jaithmathang
- Jake Howman : young farmers upskill and invest in scholarship recipient
- Jamal Hakim @thejamalhakim (Twitter page)
- Jambo Foods
- James : machine operator [veterans in construction]
- James Bae : Candidate for Schramm Ward, Manningham Council 2024
- James Bae : For Schramm Ward of Manningham
- James Bathe community rooms walk-through
- James Bennet-Hullin : Liberal for Geelong
- James Bond for the Senate : part 7 of 7
- James Bond vs the Senate (candidates go head to head)
- James Bond's mission to destroy the senate
- James Damches : Liberal for Melbourne
- James Gaffey @JGLaborforKew (Twitter page)
- James Gallagher @melbsocialist (Twitter page)
- James Griffiths - Victorian Disability Advisory Council Member
- James Harrison - Greens Candidate for Higgins (Twitter)
- James Laurie : independent for Bendigo East
- James Merlino MP
- James Merlino MP shares his vision for tech schools
- James Molesworth on the benefits of electronic tagging
- James Moody : Liberal for Bruce
- James Newbury : Member for Brighton
- James Newbury @newbury3186 (Twitter page)
- James Purcell (Independent Candidate for Wannon)
- James Trenery : get things done
- James Williams : Greens @JamesWGreens [Twitter page]
- James Wright : Vitality Brands worldwide (video)
- Jameson River tree planting
- Jamie A Scicluna @JamieScicluna (Twitter page)
- Jamie Scicluna for Iramoo, Wyndham City Council
- Jamieson
- Jamieson & District Historical Society
- Jamieson - Ten Mile goldfield
- Jamieson Way Jamieson Way Community Centre
- Jan Juc Surf Life Saving Club
- Jan Juc and Bellbrae
- Jan Kronberg MLC : State Member for Eastern Metropolitan Region
- Jana Sarantis For Swan Hill Rural City Council
- Jana Stewart : a new voice for Kooyong
- Jane Agirtan Independent
- Jane Garrett : Labor candidate for Brunswick
- Jane Garrett @Jane_GarrettMP (Twitter page)
- Jane Hume : Liberal Senator for Victoria
- Jane Hume @SenatorHume (Twitter page)
- JaneDogs : exploring the wonderful world of dogs
- Janet Rice
- Janet Rice - news
- Janet Rice @janet_rice (Twitter page)
- Janice Munt MP
- Janine Hendry
- Janssen Spirituality Centre : for inter-religious and cross-cultural relations
- January 2023 : Cowes Cultural & Community Centre update
- January 2024 : The Poll Bludger
- January 26 in Yarra
- Japan market profile for Victoria summary results
- Japara Neighbourhood House
- Jared Tipping
- Jarrod 'SnakeWrangler' Bingham @IndMelton (Twitter page)
- Jarrod Bell : candidate for Jacksons Hill Ward
- Jarrod Bingham : Independent
- Jarrod Gunn
- Jarryd Bartle for Albert Park
- Jasmine Hill @wyndhamjas (Twitter page)
- Jason Ball : Young Australian of the Year for Victoria
- Jason Ball @greensjason (Twitter page)
- Jason Ball @jasonballau (Twitter page)