(1047 items)
- Lucas Maddock : candidate for Mount Alexander Shire Council : Moonlight Creek Ward
- Lucas Moon : Liberal for Richmond
- Lucas Moon @Moon4Richmond (Twitter page)
- Lucas Moon for Richmond
- Lucas Plapp : Vic School Sports Award winner
- Lucy Lumen
- Lucy Nguyen : Candidate for Brimbank City Council : Kororoit Creek Ward
- Lucy Saaroni - International Women's Day 2022
- Lucy Skelton : Labor 4 Kew
- Luke Creasey, Labor for Melbourne
- Luke Donnellan MP : State member for Narre Warren North
- Luke Martin : Liberal for Cranbourne
- Luke O'Sullivan : Member for Northern Victoria
- Luke O'Sullivan @LukeOSullivanMP (Twitter page)
- Lum Reserve Tennis Club
- Lumin: contains active ingredient Mainserin (hydrochloride)
- Lunch box tips
- Lunchbox learning [Yarra City Council]
- Lung cancer
- Lung conditions - obstructive pulmonary disease
- Lupus and infections
- Lupus and medications
- Lupus and pregnancy
- Lupus explained
- Lupus in men
- Lupus issues - discoid lupus
- Luvox (TM) tablets: Fluvoxamine maleate
- Luzio GROSSI @LuzioGrossi (Twitter page)
- Lydia Bevage for Boroondara
- Lydia Senior
- Lydia Senior for Mallee
- Lydia's journey : Port Phillip
- Lymphatic system
- Lymphoedema
- Lymphoma
- Lyn, Viv and Jasmine extended conversation
- Lynbrook monitoring report
- Lyndhust : electoral district : 2000-2001 revision
- Lynne Kosky, MP : Member for Altona
- Lynnette Saloumi : authentic and dedicated : independent candidate for Ashwood
- Lynnette Saloumi : candidate for Glen Waverley Ward
- Lynnette Saloumi : independent Ashwood candidate
- Lyonville Track
- Lyrebird Community Centre
- Lyrica (R): Pregabalin
- Lyssavirus
- Lysterfield Park : mountain bike trails & state mountain bike course