- Agricultural field days and expos (6)
- Agricultural shows and show societies (83)
- Australian plague locusts (Victoria. Dept. of Primary Industries) (3)
- Farmers' markets (0)
- Victoria. Dept. of Primary Industries factsheets (2)
- Victoria. Dept. of Primary Industries: information bulletins (1)
- Wine and vineyards (58)
- Landcare notes : foxes and their impact
- Landcare notes : funding options for community groups
- Landcare notes : grants guide for community groups
- Landcare notes : hand direct seeding
- Landcare notes : how long will my dam water last?
- Landcare notes : how much water do I need?
- Landcare notes : how to avoid dam construction failures
- Landcare notes : how to collect seed from native trees and shrubs
- Landcare notes : how to market your group successfully
- Landcare notes : incorporation for Landcare groups
- Landcare notes : insurance for Landcare groups
- Landcare notes : integrated fox control
- Landcare notes : keeping financial records
- Landcare notes : keeping records
- Landcare notes : key principles for effective communication
- Landcare notes : lets plant trees
- Landcare notes : local fundraising
- Landcare notes : machine hygiene
- Landcare notes : managing remnant vegetation
- Landcare notes : managing volunteers
- Landcare notes : meeting types
- Landcare notes : minimising algal growth in farm dams
- Landcare notes : monitoring and evaluating group activities
- Landcare notes : natural regeneration
- Landcare notes : partnerships and collaboration
- Landcare notes : permits and permissions in Victoria
- Landcare notes : personal safety
- Landcare notes : planning
- Landcare notes : planning and running events
- Landcare notes : planting Native Vegetation in the Shepparton Irrigation Region
- Landcare notes : planting stock specifications in the Shepparton Irrigation Region
- Landcare notes : project management
- Landcare notes : project planning
- Landcare notes : project site planning and management
- Landcare notes : propagation of selected understorey species - Otway Region
- Landcare notes : protecting the land in dry times
- Landcare notes : raising plants from seeds
- Landcare notes : raising the group profile
- Landcare notes : recruiting and retaining members
- Landcare notes : reducing cockatoo damage to crops
- Landcare notes : reducing cockatoo damage to fruit, nuts, grapes and flowers
- Landcare notes : reducing cockatoo damage to stored fodder, ripening crops and feedlots
- Landcare notes : reducing cockatoo damage to trees, fixtures, houses, sports grounds and the environment
- Landcare notes : revegetation of former pine plantation
- Landcare notes : risk management : why worry?
- Landcare notes : selecting a method of employment
- Landcare notes : sharing the load - delegation
- Landcare notes : shelterbelt design
- Landcare notes : shelterbelt management
- Landcare notes : shelterbelts and wildlife
- Landcare notes : shelterbelts for control of wind erosion
- Landcare notes : shelterbelts for livestock protection
- Landcare notes : soil materials for farm dam construction
- Landcare notes : sponsorship
- Landcare notes : state prohibited weeds
- Landcare notes : strategic planning
- Landcare notes : succession planning
- Landcare notes : using a prospectus to gain funding
- Landcare notes : using indigenous plants
- Landcare notes : using technology
- Landcare notes : values of native vegetation, biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Landcare notes : water conservation on rural properties
- Landcare notes : water quality for farm water supplies
- Landcare notes : water supply for stock containment areas
- Landcare notes : watercourse revegetation using indigenous plants
- Landcare notes : what permit do you need to collect local seed?
- Landcare notes : what skills and knowledge does the group have?
- Landcare notes : willow identification guide
- Landcare notes : willows along watercourses: an introduction
- Landcare notes : willows along watercourses: managing, removing and replacing
- Landcare notes : willows along watercourses: their impact compared to natives
- Landcare notes : working with the media
- Lang Lang Show
- Let's take on the big Victorian harvest
- Levantine Hill Estate
- Lilydale Yarra Valley Show
- Lindsay Humphry : a lifetime of healthy farming
- Lindsay Humphry : the importance of pasture plant diversity
- Lindsay Humphry : vermicast production from dairy waste
- Little Yarra (B347) : FRI growth plots and eucalypt group : growth and yield : Dandenong FMA
- Livestock Farm Monitor Project
- Livestock decision making in dry seasonal conditions
- Livestock management in cropping systems
- Livestock producers
- Livestock transporter Russell Borchard
- Livingston (B437) FRI growth plots and eucalypt group : growth and yield : Central Gippsland FMA
- Loch (B462) FRI growth plots and eucalypt group : growth and yield : Central Gippsland FMA
- Locust management on public land
- Long term nitrous oxide and N fertiliser use efficiency research findings
- Maffra Show
- Maintain machinery as part of your fire plan
- Make a difference in biosecurity
- Making EID add value to a sheep enterprise (Hannah Marriot EID)
- Malaysia summerfruit market overview
- Maldon and Baringhup Agricultural Show : The 3rd Sunday in October annually
- Mallacoota bushifre flora surveys : Mindwaves ft. ARI ecologist Annette Muir : 3MBG
- Mallee Machinery Field Days
- Management of plantation nutrition and productivity
- Management standards and procedures for timber harvesting operations in Victoria's State forests 2014
- Managing dairy effluent