- Agricultural field days and expos (6)
- Agricultural shows and show societies (83)
- Australian plague locusts (Victoria. Dept. of Primary Industries) (3)
- Farmers' markets (0)
- Victoria. Dept. of Primary Industries factsheets (2)
- Victoria. Dept. of Primary Industries: information bulletins (1)
- Wine and vineyards (58)
- Agriculture notes : radiata pine : planning and establishment
- Agriculture notes : raising queen honey bees
- Agriculture notes : raising queen honey bees
- Agriculture notes : raspberries : cane management of maincrop cultivars
- Agriculture notes : raspberries : management of autumn fruiting cultivars
- Agriculture notes : raspberries and blackberries : establishment and management
- Agriculture notes : raspberries and cultivated blackberries : harvesting
- Agriculture notes : raspberry
- Agriculture notes : raspberry rootrots in Victoria
- Agriculture notes : raspberry rootrots in Victoria
- Agriculture notes : reclaimed water : use in cattle production
- Agriculture notes : recognising foot and mouth disease
- Agriculture notes : recommended varieties of lupins and how to grow them
- Agriculture notes : recovery from fire damage in fruit orchards
- Agriculture notes : recovery from fire damage in rubus crops
- Agriculture notes : recovery of olive groves after fire
- Agriculture notes : recovery of pastures after spring floods
- Agriculture notes : red ironbark
- Agriculture notes : red root rot of bean
- Agriculture notes : red root rot of bean
- Agriculture notes : references and further reading for farm forestry
- Agriculture notes : refrigerated road transport of fresh horticultural produce
- Agriculture notes : resolving a 'suspect' status for ovine Johne's disease
- Agriculture notes : resolving a 'suspect' status for ovine Johne's disease
- Agriculture notes : responsible use and handling of farm chemicals
- Agriculture notes : retail handling of fresh potatoes
- Agriculture notes : rhizoctonia or black scurf disease of potatoes
- Agriculture notes : rice flower
- Agriculture notes : rice straw as a feed for ruminants
- Agriculture notes : root knot nematode of potatoes
- Agriculture notes : root lesion nematode
- Agriculture notes : rootstocks for pears
- Agriculture notes : round bale storage of silage: group storage
- Agriculture notes : round bale storage of silage: individual bales
- Agriculture notes : running dairy discussion groups
- Agriculture notes : rust of faba beans
- Agriculture notes : rusts in ryegrass
- Agriculture notes : rusts of barley
- Agriculture notes : rusts of wheat
- Agriculture notes : safe beekeeping practices
- Agriculture notes : saltbush
- Agriculture notes : samples for laboratory diagnosis of bee diseases
- Agriculture notes : sawlog silviculture for eucalypts
- Agriculture notes : scab or freckle of stone fruit
- Agriculture notes : scabby mouth (orf) : a disease of sheep and goats
- Agriculture notes : scald of barley
- Agriculture notes : scelerotinia of chickpeas
- Agriculture notes : sclerotinia white rot of French bean
- Agriculture notes : sclerotinia white rot of French bean
- Agriculture notes : scouting pear orchards for longtailed mealybugs
- Agriculture notes : seed health testing in pulse crops
- Agriculture notes : seedling production using cell trays
- Agriculture notes : selection of training dogs
- Agriculture notes : self feeding silage
- Agriculture notes : septoria blotch of field peas
- Agriculture notes : serradella - a pasture legume for deep acid soils
- Agriculture notes : serrated tussock control
- Agriculture notes : share-cropping agreements
- Agriculture notes : sheep & drought
- Agriculture notes : sheep body lice
- Agriculture notes : sheep body lice : control and eradication
- Agriculture notes : sheep dairying
- Agriculture notes : shining gum for farm forestry
- Agriculture notes : short-lived ryegrasses
- Agriculture notes : silage quality
- Agriculture notes : silvergrass control in permanent pasture
- Agriculture notes : simple performance records for beef cattle
- Agriculture notes : simultaneous grafting and rooting of roses
- Agriculture notes : simultaneous grafting and rooting of roses
- Agriculture notes : site preparation for farm forestry
- Agriculture notes : slender cypress-pine
- Agriculture notes : slender cypress-pine
- Agriculture notes : small farm: drought planning - horses
- Agriculture notes : small farm: legal aspects of farming
- Agriculture notes : small farm: pastures
- Agriculture notes : small farm: time management tips for small farmers
- Agriculture notes : small farms: getting to know your pastures
- Agriculture notes : small farms: grazing management for horses
- Agriculture notes : small farms: pasture establishment
- Agriculture notes : small farms: pastures for horses
- Agriculture notes : small farms: soil physical properties : texture and structure
- Agriculture notes : small farms: the living soil
- Agriculture notes : small farms: water infiltration and drainage of soils
- Agriculture notes : small farms: what is healthy soil?
- Agriculture notes : small hive beetle : a beekeeping pest
- Agriculture notes : smut diseases of cereal crops
- Agriculture notes : snails
- Agriculture notes : softness attributes of Australian cashmere
- Agriculture notes : sorghum: minimising the risk of cyanide and nitrate poisoning
- Agriculture notes : soundness of testicles in beef bulls
- Agriculture notes : sowing onions in Victoria
- Agriculture notes : specialty carpet wool sheep
- Agriculture notes : species for irrigated farm forestry in the southern Murray-Darling Basin
- Agriculture notes : spotted gum for farm forestry
- Agriculture notes : sprays for setting currants
- Agriculture notes : squab
- Agriculture notes : stacking sheaf hay
- Agriculture notes : stem and bulb nematode, an important pest of vegetables and other crops
- Agriculture notes : stem rust of wheat
- Agriculture notes : stem rust: in crop management