- Australian Republic Debate (0)
- Centenary of Federation (2)
- Constitution & Referenda (1)
- Family History & Genealogy (74)
- Local History (262)
- Military History (51)
- 1998 Constitutional Convention and Australian Republic Debate (0)
- Area studies associations (1)
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (7)
- Bicentenary of Western Australia, 1829 - 2029 (0)
- Bob Hawke (1929-2019) (0)
- Endeavour 1770 - Encounters 2020 (250 year anniversary of Cook's Endeavour encounters in Australia) (0)
- Heritage trains and railways (0)
- Heritage vehicles and roadways (0)
- Historic gold mining plots (77)
- Historic gold mining sites (33)
- Maritime museums (0)
- Museum Victoria information sheets : Bats (2)
- Museum Victoria information sheets : ships of Station Pier (5)
- Museums (14)
- National Library of Australia online exhibitions (0)
- Papua New Guinea (0)
- Queensland's sesquicentennial celebrations, 2009 (0)
- Society for Creative Anachronism in Australia (0)
- State Library of Queensland exhibitions and online showcases (0)
- State Library of Victoria online exhibitions (8)
- Treasures and curios (State Library of Victoria) (24)
- 150 years of public education in Victoria
- 1935 Australian Jamboree, Frankston Victoria
- 1939 Buick Special 8/40
- 1956 Melbourne Olympics
- 21e Regiment D'infantrie de Lligne
- 9 Tyers Street, Portland, Victoria, Australia
- 95th (Rifle) Regiment : 2nd battalion
- A place of sensuous resort : buildings of St. Kilda and their people
- A stone upon a stone
- Access for all to heritage places
- Achieving high quality building conservation outcomes : a basic guide for local government and heritage building owners
- Activity sheet : Children's Museum take home activity : beautiful butterfly blots
- Activity sheet : Children's Museum take home activity : body-bits jigsaw puzzle
- Activity sheet : Children's Museum take home activity : family jigsaw
- Activity sheet : Children's Museum take home activity : hand casting
- Activity sheet : Children's Museum take home activity : some learning theories relevant to the Children's Museum
- Activity sheet : Children's Museum take home activity : stages of development for the 3 to 8 year old
- Adelaide New Moon Mine site
- Alexandra goldfield
- Amherst division : general
- Andrew Ross Museum
- Armstrong Gully alluvial sinkings
- Assistance for Victorians affected by the Indian Ocean tsunamis
- Association of Tourist Railways Inc.
- Astor Theatre
- Australian Association for Byzantine Studies
- Australian Early Medieval Association
- Australian Racing Museum
- Australian Sports Museum : expect the unexpected, just like sport itself
- Ballarat Municipal Observatory and Museum
- Battleship to breakwater : historic iron monitor warship of Victorian Navy
- Beechworth goldfield
- Bellarine Historical Society
- Benalla Costume and Kelly Museum
- Benalla goldfield
- Bendigo general history
- Bendigo goldfields petition
- Bendigo historical notes
- Bethanga goldfield
- Big River goldfield
- Birds of America
- Black Thursday, February 6th, 1851
- Blackwood - Blakeville goldfield
- Brighton Bathing Box Association Inc.
- Brighton Historical Society
- Broadmeadows Historical Society Inc.
- Brunswick Community History Group
- Buchan - Snowy River historical sites
- Bulumwaal and Boggy Creek goldfield notes
- Cambrian Reef
- Carman's tunnel : great international mine
- Casey Cardinia remembers
- Casselden Place Archeology Project
- Charles Evans' diary
- Charles Joseph La Trobe : landscapes and sketches
- Charlton Museum
- Chelsea & District Historical Society
- Chiltern - Rutherglen goldfield
- Cinema and Theatre Historical Society Victoria Inc.
- Clunes Museum
- Clunes goldfield
- Collingwood Historical Society Inc.
- Community guide (Flemington Association)
- Community map North East fires 13 Dec 2006, 2315 hours
- Connies
- Conserving a 19th century charcoal portrait
- Conserving a historic theatrical poster
- Cornish Association of Bendigo and District
- Cornish Association of Victoria
- Coryong goldfield
- Courtly Arts : performing arts from the European courts from the 13th to the 17th centuries
- Creswick goldfield
- Cyclorama of early Melbourne
- DSE fires update
- Dandenong Ranges goldfields
- Darebin historical encyclopedia
- Dargo - Crooked River goldfield historical notes
- Dart River goldfield
- Daylesford & district : a short history
- Daylesford mining division historical notes
- De musica
- Deep Lead Progress Association Inc.
- Defending Victoria Australia
- Deptford goldfield notes
- Description de l'Egypte
- Despatch (Public Record Office of Victoria)
- Diary of a Welsh swagman
- Dig : the Burke and Wills gateway
- Dig : the Burke and Wills research gateway
- Dimboola & District Historical Society Inc.
- Displaced persons camps : Austria and Trieste 1948 - 1951 : the Clare MacMurray-Wositzky collection
- Dome centenery 2013
- Dromana and District Historical Society Inc.
- Dry Creek - Maindample - Merton goldfields
- Duldig Studio
- Dunolly : general history
- Eaglehawk Union Co.
- Early Arts Guild of Victoria
- East Gippsland (Croajingalong) historical notes
- Edi - Chestnut turquoise field