- 2013 Federal Election Campaign (CHP - council to homeless persons)
- A new design framework for remote indigenous housing
- AHURI essay : housing loneliness and health
- Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and the planning permit process : planning practice note 45
- Access to public housing
- Accessing and sustaining private rental tenancies : critical life events, housing shocks and insurances
- Addressing concentrations of disadvantage Russell Island case study report
- Addressing homelessness : partnerships and plans
- Addressing the housing needs of participants is critical to NDIS success
- Afforadble Housing Symposium August 2018 : policy context
- Affordable Housing Symposium August 2018 : keynote speech
- Affordable Housing Symposium August 2018 : operational focus
- Affordable Housing Symposium August 2018 : thank you and keynote highlights
- Affordable Housing Symposium August 2018 : welcome and address from the Minister [ministerial is written] of Planning
- Allocations manual
- Alternate forms of tenure : parks, rooming houses and other shared living rental arrangements : issues paper : residential tenancies act review
- An efficient and responsive housing market for sustainable urban growth and social inclusion
- An evaulation on the nature and effectiveness of models of supportive housing
- Anglicare : housing + homelessness support
- Annual household survey [City of Whittlesea, Victoria]
- Annual report Homeground Services
- Annual report Launch housing
- Applying the rural zones : planning practice note 42
- Assessing management costs and tenant outcomes in social housing : recommended methods and future directions
- Asset poverty and older Australians' transitions into housing assistance programs
- Australia's private rental market : the supply of, and demand for, affordable dwellings
- Australia's private rental market: changes (2001-2006) in the supply of, and demand for, low rent dwellings
- Australian suburban house building: industry organisation, practices and constraints
- BSWHN Barwon South West Homelessness Network
- Background paper for Investigative Panel meeting on New and emerging models of tenancy management in remote Indigenous communities
- Ballarat Residents And Ratepayers Association Inc : BRRA
- Bendigo Winter Night Shelter
- Better apartment design for a more liveable city
- Better assets : securing a strong and sustainable future : fact sheet
- Better communities : making public housing a better place to live : fact sheet
- Better opportunities : helping people to live independently : fact sheet
- Better understanding entries and exits from homelessness
- Beyond Housing
- Birth certificates for people experiencing homelessness : Births Deaths and Marriages Victoria
- Bond loan scheme policy and procedures
- Building Victoria's Recovery Taskforce
- Business practice manual
- COVID 19 : updates for the homelessness sector
- COVID-19 : updates for the homelessness sector (Council to Homeless Persons)
- Case study rationale and location scoping study
- Castlemaine's housing crisis
- Changes to Victorian rental legislation
- Charter for children Questions and answers in out-of-home care
- City of Banyule : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Bayside : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Boroondara : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Brimbank : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Casey : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Dandenong : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Darebin : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Frankston : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Glen Eira : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Hobsons Bay : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Hume : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Kingston : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Knox : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Manningham : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Maribyrnong : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Maroondah : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Melbourne : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Melton : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Monash : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Moonee Valley : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Moreland : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Mornington : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Nillumbik : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Port Phillip : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Stonnington: dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Whitehorse : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Whittlesea : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Wyndham : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- City of Yarra : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- Coalition for Housing Diversity
- Community land trusts and Indigenous communities : from strategies to outcomes
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) : Guide for renters (Tenants Victoria)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your rights
- Council to Homeless Persons
- Creating liveable open space : case studies
- Darebin housing strategy
- Disadvantaged places in urban Australia : residential mobility, place attachment and social exclusion
- Do current measures of housing affordability reflect wellbeing
- Does higher housing wealth increase consumer spending?
- Downsizing amongst older Australians
- Dwelling, land and neighbourhood use by older home owners
- Empty Homes Crime Scene Campaign
- Energy efficient house
- Engage : tenant participation newsletter
- Enhancing affordable rental housing investment via an intermediary and guarantee
- Enhancing the effectiveness of Australian social housing integration initiatives
- Entries and exits from homelessness : a dynamic analysis of the relationship between structural conditions and individual characteristics
- Environmental sustainability in residential housing: understanding attitudes and behaviour towards waste, water, and energy consumption and conservation among Australian households
- Evidence for improving access to homelessness services
- Fairer safer housing
- Fairer safer housing : alternate forms of tenure