(27935 items)
- Agriculture notes : guidelines for sampling soils, fruits, vegetables and grains for chemical residue testing
- Agriculture notes : handling drought on a small farm
- Agriculture notes : handling seed potatoes for export
- Agriculture notes : handling seed potatoes for planting
- Agriculture notes : harvesting lupins
- Agriculture notes : harvesting of onions
- Agriculture notes : harvesting silage
- Agriculture notes : hay preservatives
- Agriculture notes : health and mating management of heifers from weaning to first calving
- Agriculture notes : heifer nutrition from weaning to first calving
- Agriculture notes : heliotrope toxicity in sheep and cattle
- Agriculture notes : hemp
- Agriculture notes : herd sampling for EBL screening
- Agriculture notes : herd testing programs to control bovine Johne's disease
- Agriculture notes : highland cattle
- Agriculture notes : hints on feeding grain to cattle
- Agriculture notes : hobby beekeeping
- Agriculture notes : hobby beekeeping
- Agriculture notes : horses and bushfires
- Agriculture notes : horses and floods
- Agriculture notes : horses, drought and winter - things to consider
- Agriculture notes : hot to use tensiometers
- Agriculture notes : how do selective herbicides work?
- Agriculture notes : how to recognize sick calves
- Agriculture notes : how to sample soils for flower, fruit, grape and vegetable production
- Agriculture notes : how to sample soils used for flower, fruit, grape and vegetable production
- Agriculture notes : how to stomach tube a calf
- Agriculture notes : humane destruction of non-viable calves less than 24 hours old
- Agriculture notes : hydatids : a disease of dogs that affects people
- Agriculture notes : hydroponics
- Agriculture notes : identification for ovine Johne's disease vaccinated or affected flocks
- Agriculture notes : identification of cereal seedlings
- Agriculture notes : identification of sheep and goats in Victoria
- Agriculture notes : ingtroduction to commercial farm trees
- Agriculture notes : insect pests : control
- Agriculture notes : insect pests : control
- Agriculture notes : insect pests of young eucalypt plantations
- Agriculture notes : insects of potato crops : Southern Victoria
- Agriculture notes : integrated control of pests of ornamentals
- Agriculture notes : integrated control of twospotted mite in orchards
- Agriculture notes : integrated weed management of bedstraw
- Agriculture notes : introducing timberbelts
- Agriculture notes : irrigated summer fodder crops 1: crops for Northern Victoria
- Agriculture notes : irrigated summer fodder crops 2: Shirohie millet
- Agriculture notes : irrigated summer fodder crops 3: fodder sorghum
- Agriculture notes : irrigated summer fodder crops 4: maize
- Agriculture notes : irrigation scheduling for vegetable crops
- Agriculture notes : jojoba
- Agriculture notes : keep Vicgtoria bumblebee free
- Agriculture notes : keep Vicgtoria bumblebee free
- Agriculture notes : keeping bovine Johne's disease out of a herd
- Agriculture notes : keeping chemical use records (give me one good reason!)
- Agriculture notes : keeping ovine Johne's disease out of a flock
- Agriculture notes : kikuyu grass
- Agriculture notes : killing potato tops
- Agriculture notes : lambing difficulty
- Agriculture notes : lameness in store weaner cattle
- Agriculture notes : lavender growing for oil production
- Agriculture notes : lavender oil
- Agriculture notes : lavender plants
- Agriculture notes : leasing dairy cows
- Agriculture notes : legal requirements for ovine Johne's disease
- Agriculture notes : leptospirosis in cattle, sheep, horses and humans
- Agriculture notes : liens for agistment of horses under the Impounding of livestock act 1994
- Agriculture notes : light brown apple moth in orchards
- Agriculture notes : light brown apple moth in orchards
- Agriculture notes : livestock and your bushfire preparation plan
- Agriculture notes : livestock cancers
- Agriculture notes : liveweight of beef heifers at first mating
- Agriculture notes : llamas
- Agriculture notes : loquat
- Agriculture notes : lotus
- Agriculture notes : lowline cattle
- Agriculture notes : lucerne Flea
- Agriculture notes : lucerne for high rainfall areas (550mm )
- Agriculture notes : lucerne for recharge areas
- Agriculture notes : lumpy jaw
- Agriculture notes : lupinosis
- Agriculture notes : maintenance of trickle irrigation systems
- Agriculture notes : management of beef breeding cows
- Agriculture notes : management of bulls at mating
- Agriculture notes : managing chemical residues in crops and produce
- Agriculture notes : managing coppice in Eucalypt plantations
- Agriculture notes : managing cypress for clearwood production
- Agriculture notes : managing risk when controlling vermin
- Agriculture notes : managing the spread of tall wheat grass from saline areas in a grazing enterprise
- Agriculture notes : managing the spread of tall wheat grass from saline areas in a grazing enterprise
- Agriculture notes : managing water stress in grape vines in Greater Victoria
- Agriculture notes : managing wet soils: case study in feetpad use
- Agriculture notes : managing wet soils: case study in stand-off areas
- Agriculture notes : managing wet soils: case study in subsurface drainage (2)
- Agriculture notes : managing wet soils: feetpads and stand-off areas
- Agriculture notes : managing wet soils: grazing techniques
- Agriculture notes : managing wet soils: on-off grazing
- Agriculture notes : managing wet soils: renovation of damaged pastures and soils
- Agriculture notes : managing wet soils: surface drainage
- Agriculture notes : manganese toxicity in lucerne
- Agriculture notes : maritime pine
- Agriculture notes : marketing options for beef cattle
- Agriculture notes : marketing strategies for farm forestry