(27935 items)
- David Davis MP @DavidDavisMLC (Twitter page)
- David Dawson
- David Dillon : independent Victorian candidate for the Senate
- David Eastham : Chandler Ward candidate : Yarra Ranges
- David Eden : independent for South Ward : action not words
- David Ellis [1] now : more than ever
- David Farrelly : Liberal for Pakenham
- David Feeney MP : federal member for Batman
- David Gill, Coolart Ward Candidate, Responds to STPL Survey
- David Gillespie for North Ward
- David Hawker : federal member for Wannon
- David Hodgett MP : member for Croydon
- David Hodgett MP @DavidHodgettMP (Twitter page)
- David Hookes - Cricket Australia
- David J Scanlon : your voice our community
- David James Connolly
- David Jeffery @davidleejeffery (Twitter page)
- David Knight @DavidKnightAP [Twitter page]
- David Knoff : City of Port Phillip
- David Koch MLC : member for Western Victoria
- David Koch, MLC : member for Western Victoria region
- David Limbrick @_davidlimbrick (Twitter page)
- David Limbrick @_davidlimbrick (Twitter page)
- David Massey for Knox City Council 2020
- David Milner @DaveMilbo (Twitter page)
- David Morris MP
- David Morris MP @DavidMorrisMP (Twitter page)
- David Morris on reflection
- David Mulholland : Liberal for Jagajaga
- David Mulholland @Dmulholland_ (Twitter page)
- David Mulholland for Wingrove Ward
- David O'Brien @davidobrienmp (Twitter page)
- David O'Brien MLC : member for Western Victoria region
- David Risstrom
- David Rooks Q&A : Bass Coast Post
- David Segal Goldstein
- David Sinclair @GreenMornington (Twitter page)
- David Solly @DavidSolly4Eley (Twitter page)
- David Southwick : better together
- David Southwick @SouthwickMP (Twitter page)
- David Southwick MP : member for Caulfield
- David Stratton, Ros Hart and the Trailrider
- David Tenni
- David Vincent for Streeton
- David Wood : Liberal for Fraser
- Davydd Griffiths @davyddgriffiths (Twitter page)
- Dax Centre
- Day 3 ISO: Jan 8 2022
- Day in the life of an MLO
- Day one for the VCCC
- Day services guidelines
- Day surgery
- Daylesford
- Daylesford & district : a short history
- Daylesford Men's Shed
- Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre
- Daylesford Show
- Daylesford mining division historical notes
- De musica
- Dead Hare Melbourne Art Review
- Dead Person's Society
- Dead and buried
- Deadline looms for council candidates : Bayside News
- Deadly & proud : Victoria, on the path to treaty
- Deadly & proud : Victoria, on the path to treaty [videos]
- Deadly Western Connections
- Deaf Children Australia
- Deaf Skiing and Snowboard Australia
- Deaf Skiing and Snowboard Australia newsletter
- Deaf Victoria
- Deaf community and police : getting help from police
- Deaf community and police : if you've been arrested
- Deaf community and police : who are police
- Deafblind Victoria
- Deafhood team makes Youth Parliament history in Victoria
- Deakin Oration 2017
- Deakin University Museum of Art (formerly Stonnington Stables Museum of Art)
- Deans Marsh
- Deans Marsh Community Cottage
- Death adder antivenom
- Death at Blue Hills
- Deb & Greg : parents of Catherine : nurse at the Royal Children's Hospital
- Deb Chumbley : candidate for Campaspe Shire : your local independent candidate for Campaspe Shire in the October 2024 local council elections.
- Deb Leonard : Independent Candidate for Monash @debleonard [Twitter page]
- Debbie Taylor-Haynes : Liberal for Bentleigh
- Debra Mar : candidate for Seawinds
- Debra Mar @DebraMar2020 (Twitter page)
- Debra Thorpe
- Decal time lapse of a Victoria Police patrol car
- Decent sustainable work for all in a global economy : submission to the independent inquiry into insecure work in Australia
- Decentralised energy : costs & opportunities for Victoria
- Decibels Indie video
- Deciding when to burn
- Deciding where to burn
- Decision paper : performance reporting framework : metropolitan and regional businesses : July 2004
- Decisions (Film Victoria)
- Deck the houses (video)
- Declan Martin @declanmartin75 (Twitter page)
- Declan McGinness : candidate for Moonee Valley City Council : Fairbairn Ward
- Declared noxious aquatic species : marron and red claw crayfish