- Election Campaigns (2787)
- Political Action (70)
- Political Humour & Satire (72)
- Political Parties and Politicians (2188)
- 2022 State Election South Australia (0)
- 2023 Mulgrave By-Election (25)
- 2023 Warrandyte by-election (20)
- Albert Park (3)
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (7)
- Australian Federal Government Ministers (0)
- Australian Prime Ministers (1)
- G20, Australia (2014) (0)
- New South Wales Local Government Councils (0)
- The National Apology (0)
- Victorian Greens videos (48)
- Williamstown (3)
- Chemmart pravastatin tablets
- Chemmart sertraline
- Chemmart simvastatin
- Chemmart soltalol
- Chief expenditure recording system (CERS) policy and procedures manual
- Children's Protection Society
- China market profile for Victoria summary results
- Chlorhexidine and cetrimide irrigation solution
- Chloromycetin(R) ear drops : chloramphenicol
- Cholstat
- Chris Nixon : your Nationals candidate for Gippsland East
- Chris Wilson : candidate for Maribyrnong City Council : Braybrook Ward
- Christine Couzens MP
- Christine Couzens MP @CCouzensMP (Twitter page)
- Cipramil (R) : citalopram oxalate
- Cisplatin injection
- Citalopram : Citalopram (as Citalopram hydrobromide)
- Citalopram-RL (TM) tablets : citalopram
- Citanest injection (R) : prilocaine hydrochloride
- Citizen's Dividend Organisation
- City of Ballarat
- City of Casey
- City of Darebin
- City of Glen Eira
- City of Greater Bendigo
- City of Greater Bendigo map of recommended option : nine councillors, nine wards
- City of Greater Geelong
- City of Greater Shepparton : beyond the drought
- City of Hobsons Bay map of recommended option : seven councillors, seven wards
- City of Kingston
- City of Melbourne elections: where things are at
- City of Moreland map of recommended option : three wards, eleven councillors
- City of Port Phillip
- City of Stonnington
- City of Stonnington map of recommended option : three wards, nine councillors
- City of Warrnambool map of recommended option : unsubdivided, seven councillors
- City of Whitehorse
- City of Whittlesea
- City of Yarra
- City of Yarra map of recommended option : three wards, nine councillors
- Clamoxyl 125/31.25 syrup
- Class handout : school ecological footprint calculator : guide to answering questions in the calculator
- Classification for large containers contaminated with prescribed industrial waste
- Clavulin : amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid
- Clay Esler for Gippsland South
- Clean-up of buildings burnt in bushfires
- Cleaner woodfires : help your chimney quit smoking
- Cleocin (R) capsules : cindamycin hydrochloride
- Clexane (R) and clexane forte : enoxaparin sodium
- Clinical risk management : improving patient safety in Victoria's public hospitals
- Clofen
- Clomid (R) : clomiphene citrate
- Clopixol (R) clopixol (R) tablets 10 mg clopixol (R) acuphase injection 50 mg/mL clopixol (R) depot injection 200 mg/mL : zuclopenthixol hydrochloride; zuclopenthixol acetate; zuclopenthixol decanoate
- Clowes, Ros (Liberal Party of Australia, Chisholm)
- Clozaril (R) : clozapine
- Coast action strategy 2004-2010
- Coastal spaces : recommendations
- Coastal weeds : a guide to identification & control of environmental weeds of coastal Victoria : introduction
- Coastal weeds : a guide to identification and control of environmental weeds of coastal Victoria : Italian buckthorn
- Coastal weeds : a guide to identification and control of environmental weeds of coastal Victoria : Spanish heath
- Coastal weeds : a guide to identification and control of environmental weeds of coastal Victoria : angled onion
- Coastal weeds : a guide to identification and control of environmental weeds of coastal Victoria : bluebell creeper
- Coastal weeds : a guide to identification and control of environmental weeds of coastal Victoria : boneseed
- Coastal weeds : a guide to identification and control of environmental weeds of coastal Victoria : boxthorn
- Coastal weeds : a guide to identification and control of environmental weeds of coastal Victoria : bridal creeper
- Coastal weeds : a guide to identification and control of environmental weeds of coastal Victoria : cape ivy
- Coastal weeds : a guide to identification and control of environmental weeds of coastal Victoria : dolichos pea
- Coastal weeds : a guide to identification and control of environmental weeds of coastal Victoria : myrtle-leaf milkwort
- Coastline : the coast action/coastcare newsletter
- Cobungra 1:150 000 geological map
- Codapane
- Code of practice for the operation of breeding and rearing businesses 2014 : large business cat breeder
- Codral (R) forte
- Colac Otway Shire Council
- Colese
- Colestid (R) granules for oral suspension : colestipol hydrochloride
- Colin Brooks MP : state member for Bundoora
- Colin Brooks MP @ColinBrooksMP (Twitter page)
- Collaboration and alliances : a review for VicHealth
- Colofac (R) mebeverine hydrochloride tablets
- Colquhoun (Block 801) series-plot sites and eucgroup : growth and yield - East Gippsland FMA
- Combivir (R) tablets : lamivudine and zidovudine
- Commonwealth Games Athletes Villages
- Community connect
- Community health
- Community inclusion : enhancing friendship networks among people with a cognitive impairment
- Community information : 1-3 High Street Yarraville and surrounds
- Community information : EPA review of Shell benzene monitoring
- Community information : community update on filling land at Sanctuary Lakes - EPA investigations
- Community information : contamination of land and groundwater at former 7-Eleven service station, 476-482 Nepean Highway, Chelsea
- Community information : environmental audit of Unimin Lime (Victoria) Pty Ltd
- Community information : environmental audit on Lyndhurst landfill
- Community information : gold mine tailings around Bull Street, Castlemaine
- Community information : industrial noise in Ivanhoe, Heidelberg West and Thornbury
- Community information bulletin : Forest Hill drainage scheme fact sheet
- Community survey [Bayside]
- Community, place and buildings : the role of community facilities in developing community spirit : themes and issues emerging from the Better facilities, stronger communities conference, 15th - 16th August 2005, Melbourne, Victoria
- Comparative guide to HAAC software products in Victoria - April 2004
- Comtan (R) : entacapone
- Comvax (R) : haemophilus b conjugate and hepatitis B vaccine